1 Million Attack Power Rogue Causes Confusion in Diablo 4 Community

“The community was left astonished when a player in Diablo 4 revealed a Rogue build with an impressive Attack Power of over 1,000,000.”

The introduction of Infernal Hordes in Diablo 4 Season 5 has significantly increased the power of players and opened up opportunities for more intricate buildcrafting. These new enemies also provide valuable loot, vast amounts of Gold, and crafting materials, facilitating the use of the endgame crafting mechanics that were first introduced in Season 4.

One player solidified this fact with an enigmatic build.

Despite attempts to downplay it, players are struggling to wrap their heads around the insane 1,064,667 Attack Power of noobeeehunter’s Rogue on Reddit. The impressive stat cannot be denied.

Attack power doesn’t matter but… byu/noobeeehunter indiablo4

Despite the author’s statement that “Attack Power doesn’t matter,”it is important to consider that there are numerous factors that contribute to damage output in Diablo 4. While Attack Power may not account for all of these factors, it can still reach staggering figures in the millions.

For those curious about their Rogue’s build, they are utilizing Andariel’s Visage which grants significant additive damage with each use of the Dark Shroud ability. In Diablo 4, Attack Power calculations prioritize additive damage, resulting in potentially astonishing numbers when viewed in the appropriate scenario.

“The player clarified that when not in use, the Attack Power remains at around 20k. However, during their recent encounter with the Burning Butcher in an Infernal Horde, Andariel had procced multiple times.”

It is a known fact that Attack Power does not accurately reflect the strength of a build in Diablo 4. However, having the capability to reach a value of over 1,000,000 would indicate an incredibly high potential for causing damage. As a point of reference, in previous seasons, players of Diablo 4 were amazed when a Bonespear Necromancer achieved an Attack Power of 30,000.

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