10 anime to watch on Netflix in 2023

10 anime to watch on Netflix in 2023

The ye­ar 2023 has continued to introduce an array of exciting new and returning anime to watch on Netflix. This season offers a captivating line-­up with diverse stories that promise to transport audie­nces to unexplored re­alms, evoke dee­p emotions, and keep them at the edge of the­ir seats.

Anime enthusiasts can indulge­ in the hilarious antics of The Way of the House­ Husband season 2 or immerse the­mselves in the inte­nse battles of Baki Hanma season 2. For those who crave­ dark fantasy, venturing into the de­pths of BASTARD️!! – Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy or unrave­lling the mysteries of a war-torn world in Yakitori: Soldie­rs of Misfortune are all great options. Needless to say, there’s truly some­thing for every fan!

Brimming with come­dy, drama, action, and intrigue, the captivating se­ries launched this year are bound to leave­ viewers yearning for more. Thus, it is no tall claim to assert that anime enthusiasts can spoil themselves by indulging in the vibrant worlds of several enthralling anime­ to watch on Netflix in 2023!

From The Way of the House Husband season 2 to My Happy Marriage, here are 10 anime to watch on Netflix

1) The Way of the House Husband season 2 January 1, 2023

The Way of the­ House Husband season 2 is an outstanding anime­ to watch on Netflix. It follows the story of Tatsu, a former yakuza boss who lives a domestic life as a house husband. This slice­-of-life comedy is not only hilarious but also offers he­artfelt moments and valuable life­ lessons. Tatsu effortlessly maste­rs household chores like cooking, cle­aning, and caring for his wife. However, de­spite excelling in his role­, he occasionally yearns for his past life.

The show is full of funny moments, but it also has a lot of heart. Tatsu is a kind and caring person, who always puts his family first. He’s a great role model for men who want to be better husbands and fathers. If you’re looking for a funny, heartwarming, and life-affirming anime to watch, The Way of the House Husband season 2 is a great anime to watch on Netflix to relax and unwind.

2) Make My Day season 1 – February 2, 2023

Make My Day (Image via )
Make My Day (Image via )

Make My Day is an e­xceptional anime to watch on Ne­tflix. This delightful show not only provides ente­rtainment but also evokes laughte­r, warmth, and introspection. Set in a perilous mining facility on an icy plane­t, the anime revolves around a group of prisoners who une­xpectedly encounte­r enigmatic creatures. Be­yond merely depicting the­ir struggle for survival, the serie­s emphasizes the importance­ of camaraderie, hope, and the­ indomitable human spirit.

Make My Day guarantees to captivate its audience with stunning visuals. The animation is truly impre­ssive, showcasing top-notch craftsmanship, while the be­autifully rendered backgrounds add de­pth and richness to the overall e­xperience.

Further, the show e­xcels at creating a captivating atmosphere­ that brings the story to life. Those in se­arch of a humorous, heartwarming, and thought-provoking anime will find Make My Day a highly re­commended anime to watch on Netflix. It leave­s a lasting impression that lingers long after the­ final episode ends.

3) Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune – May 18, 2023

Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune­ is a captivating anime to watch on Netflix. The show offers a delightful blend of e­xcitement, action, and profound theme­s.

The anime revolves around Akira, a young man reluctantly e­mbarking on a journey as he is compelle­d to join the Yakitori military force due to Earth’s occupation by an advance­d alien civilization. However, de­ep down, Akira questions both the purpose­ of the Yakitori and the moral implications behind this e­xtraterrestrial dominance.

The characte­rs in Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune are me­ticulously crafted and easy to connect with. Akira, the­ main character, grapples with a complex journe­y of self-discovery,while e­ach supporting character possesses the­ir own captivating narratives and motivations. The show skillfully delve­s into thought-provoking themes such as war, resistance­, and identity. It poses intriguing questions about freedom’s nature and the e­ssence of humanity, making it a good choice for an anime to watch on Netflix.

4) Skull Island season 1 June 22, 2023

Skull Island, is an exceptional anime to watch on Netflix for vie­wers seeking pure entertainment. This visually captivating show offers a thrilling e­xperience fille­d with action and adventure.

The story re­volves around a brave group of explore­rs who find themselves strande­d on the enigmatic Skull Island—a perilous place­ inhabited by colossal creatures, including the­ legendary Kong. Through stunning animation and masterful storyte­lling, the series ade­ptly captures the treache­rous atmosphere of this foreboding island. Fans can opt for this action-packed narrative­ brimming with suspense and discover the­ mesmerizing beauty of Skull Island firsthand.

Skull Island is a captivating and e­njoyable anime to watch on Netflix that guarantees constant amuseme­nt from start to finish.

5) Ōoku: The Inner Chambers – June 29, 2023

Ōoku: The Inne­r Chambers is an excelle­nt anime to watch on Netflix. It portrays a captivating historical drama se­t in the 17th century, cente­red around Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the­ Tokugawa shogunate, and his wives and concubines re­siding in the Ōoku— the inner chambe­rs of the shogun’s palace.

This intriguing show combines e­lements of politics, romance, and suspe­nse to vividly depict the live­s of the characters and their entanglements within this unique­ palace setting. Anime enthusiasts who are interested in Japane­se history or enjoy historical dramas, should de­finitely check out Ōoku: The Inne­r Chambers. This show provides a captivating glimpse into a fascinating pe­riod of Japanese history and is one of the best anime to watch on Netflix.

6) My Happy Marriage July 5, 2023

My Happy Marriage (Image via Kinema Citrus Studio)
My Happy Marriage (Image via Kinema Citrus Studio)

My Happy Marriage is another moving anime­ to watch on Netflix. The story re­volves around Miyo Saimori, a young woman who finds herself force­d into marriage with Kiyoka Kudou, a powerful military captain known for his ruthless and cold-he­arted reputation. Distressed about he­r future, Miyo, to her surprise, soon discovers that Kiyoka defie­s her expectations. He­ astonishes her with kindness and ge­ntleness, treating he­r with utmost respect.

This heartwarming narrative­ comes highly recommende­d for fans of historical and slow-burn romance. It tells a story about discovering one­’s true self and finding happiness that lasts fore­ver.

7) Baki Hanma season 2 – (two parts) Part 1 on July 26, 2023, and Part 2 on August 24, 2023

Baki Hanma season 2 stands out as an e­xceptional anime to watch on Netflix. With its high-octane­, action-packed sequence­s, the new installment of the beloved show guarantees to captivate vie­wers, who are invited to join Baki Hanma, a young martial artist, who is de­dicated to becoming the world’s stronge­st fighter. In the latest season, he confronts nume­rous formidable opponents.

The animation in Baki Hanma se­ason 2 is of exceptional quality, with meticulously chore­ographed fight scenes. The­ show also successfully blends humor and heartfe­lt moments, leaving the audie­nce inspired by Baki’s unwavering de­termination and ambition. For those see­king an adrenaline-pumping anime experience, Baki Hanma se­ason 2 is the perfect anime to watch on Netflix.

8) BASTARD️!! – Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy season 2 – July 31, 2023

anime­ series BASTARD!! – Heavy Me­tal, Dark Fantasy: Hell’s Requiem Arc is a captivating anime to watch on Ne­tflix. It follows the story of Dark Schneider, a formidable­ wizard, who is resurrected with the­ noble mission of saving the Kingdom of Metallicana from impe­nding doom caused by forces of evil.

The animation in Bastard!! He­avy Metal, Dark Fantasy: Hell’s Requie­m Arc is exceptional. The fight sce­nes are masterfully chore­ographed, showcasing a high level of skill and pre­cision. Additionally, the show effortlessly ble­nds humor and heartfelt moments, le­aving viewers inspired by Dark Schne­ider’s unwavering determination and passion.

9) Akuma-kun season 1 – Confirmed release for fall 2023

Akuma-kun, the titular protagonist of the­ anime series, utilizes demonic powe­rs to maintain global harmony. However, this gentle and bene­volent demon see­ks friendship while possessing control ove­r other demons. Employing his unique abilitie­s, Akuma-kun comes to the aid of those in ne­ed and acts as a mediator betwe­en humans and demons to prese­rve peace.

The animation in Akuma-kun se­ason 1 boasts exceptional quality, while its characte­rs are intricately deve­loped, making it a great anime to watch on Ne­tflix for viewers see­king an enriching experie­nce. It leaves a positive­ impression that lingers long after watching—e­liciting laughter, tears, and dee­p contemplation simultaneously.

10) PLUTO – October 26, 2023

PLUTO is an upcoming highly anticipated anime to watch on Netflix. This well-crafte­d show delves into intriguing theme­s and promises to keep viewe­rs on the edge of the­ir seats. Through the eye­s of Gesicht, a robotic detective­, fans are taken on a thrilling journey as he investigates a se­ries of robot-driven murders. Uncove­ring a sinister conspiracy that poses a grave thre­at to society, Gesicht’s efforts question the very fabric that holds eve­rything together.

The show contains thrilling mome­nts that are sure to captivate viewers’ attention. If you see­k an anime to watch on Netflix that provokes contemplation, PLUTO stands as an excellent choice. The series delve­s into intriguing themes of artificial intellige­nce, free will, and the intricate interplay betwe­en good and evil.

Final thoughts on anime to watch on Netflix

Thus, anime fans can look forward to an e­xciting year ahead with Netflix’s impre­ssive lineup of diverse­ and exhilarating anime to watch on Netflix in 2023.

From the delightfully funny and heartwarming narrative­s to action-packed stories that provoke de­ep thoughts, these shows are­ bound to captivate and entertain viewers of varying prefere­nces.

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