10 Characters Who Could Return in a Diablo 4 Expansion: Mephisto, Baal, & More

It is expected that the Diablo 4 expansion DLCs will continue the storyline of the base game. This raises the question of which characters from previous Diablo games could potentially make a reappearance. Here are ten characters who are possible candidates for a return in Diablo 4.

The introduction of Diablo 4 marked a new beginning in many aspects, including the introduction of new antagonists such as Inarius and Lilith, new protagonists, and a mix of both new and familiar supporting characters. However, the lingering effects of the past are expected to resurface in the upcoming Diablo 4 expansion DLC, as there are still unresolved storylines from previous games – and that ending was quite a cliffhanger indeed!

A potential expansion for Diablo 4 may focus more on revisiting previous story elements from the base game and could potentially intersect with key plot points from before Lilith’s reappearance. In the following list, we explore ten characters who could potentially make a comeback in Diablo 4 and the potential circumstances surrounding their return.

Be advised, the entire Diablo series will be discussed below, including potential spoilers.

Leah’s Profile

Leah Diablo
Blizzard Entertainment

Leah was transformed into Diablo in D3, but is she gone forever?

This character’s role in Diablo 3 is both pivotal and tragic, as she becomes a vessel for the Lord of Terror’s resurrection in Sanctuary. She is the daughter of Adria the Witch and Prince Aiden of Tristram, who was possessed by Diablo in his ‘Dark Wanderer’ form. Adria secretly planned to use her unborn daughter, Leah, as a backup vessel for Diablo after his defeat in Diablo 2.

Leah, who had been raised by Deckard Cain as his adopted niece, plays a crucial role as an ally of the Nephalem in Diablo 3. However, she tragically meets her demise when she is possessed by Diablo. Despite the confirmation from Covetus Shen that Leah’s spirit is permanently gone after Diablo’s destruction, one may wonder if this is truly the case.

Despite Leah’s tragic fate being in line with the tone of the Diablo series, there is still a possibility for her return in a different form. As the rightful heir to the throne of Westmarch, Leah may possess supernatural abilities that could enable her resurrection, particularly if Diablo finds a way to come back in a different host. However, it should be noted that neither Prince Aiden nor his brother, who were both possessed by Diablo in the first game, ever returned after their possession.

Since Diablo is most likely returning to Sanctuary in the Diablo 4 DLC, a new or old vessel will be necessary for him.

Deckard Cain

Diablo 2 cain

Cain was killed in Diablo 3, but his influence could be felt in Diablo 4.

Although Cain was killed off in Diablo 3 after being a mentor in the first two games, it is difficult to imagine the franchise without him. In Diablo Immortal, set before Diablo 3, the developers were able to bring the character back. However, in Diablo 4, he is only mentioned in the base game as he has already passed away.

Despite the frequent occurrence of characters returning from death or appearing as ghosts in Diablo, it is possible to imagine a quest in the Diablo 4 DLC where the player must communicate with Cain’s soul to obtain crucial information on how to defeat the Prime Evils. Alternatively, we could uncover an old diary belonging to Cain that he narrates, providing valuable insight.

It is highly likely that in the future, we will still hear the wise sage’s comforting words of ‘stay a while and listen’, and we would confidently wager a substantial amount of gold on it.


Tyrael Diablo 4
Blizzard Entertainment

Tyrael is likely to still be in his human form at the start of Diablo 4.

Following the defeat of Malthael, The Angel of Death, at the conclusion of Diablo 3, the High Heavens are left to rebuild after the destruction caused by Diablo. As a result, Tyrael is elevated to the role of Aspect of Wisdom. Despite this promotion, Tyrael decides to remain in his human form on Sanctuary, where he continues to aid the Nephalem and his companions in their ongoing battles against future threats of evil.

Tyrael’s connection to Inarius, a fallen angel who plays a crucial role in Diablo 4, suggests that he will likely reappear in the game’s DLC as humanity’s greatest ally. This is especially true if Diablo attempts to exploit the chaos in order to return from death once again.

Mephistopheles and Baal

Baal & Mephisto
Blizzard Entertainment

Baal and Mephisto could be plotting their own comebacks.

In Diablo 2, the three brothers who comprised The Prime Evils were defeated and their souls were imprisoned in Soulstones. These Soulstones were subsequently destroyed at the Hellforge. In Diablo 3, Diablo consumed the souls of the Lesser Evils and his brothers, making him the ultimate Prime Evil.

After absorbing the power of all these souls, the newly enhanced Diablo made his way to the High Heavens and proceeded to strike down countless angels. However, the heroes ultimately managed to defeat him, resulting in an intriguing scenario where the souls he had consumed could potentially be released. This would allow Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred, and Baal, the Lord of Destruction, to resume their individual plans.

Despite their defeat, Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto can never be permanently vanquished, only temporarily contained until they inevitably resurface to wreak havoc in Sanctuary. Mephisto, who is also Lilith’s father, adds weight to the belief that he could make a comeback, especially given his daughter’s betrayal and imprisonment. Unlike his brothers, Mephisto has yet to fully demonstrate his villainous potential, making this a prime opportunity for him to make a lasting impact.

Mephisto has been hinted at as the primary antagonist of the upcoming Diablo 4 DLC, leading us to anticipate his opportunity to showcase his true nature as the Lord of Hatred. The title of the first major expansion, Vessel of Hatred, further suggests that Mephisto has successfully seized control of Neyrelle, using her as his “vessel”.


Imperius diablo
Blizzard Entertainment

Imperius may have a change of attitude in Diablo 4.

Imperius, the Archangel of Valor, resides in the High Heavens. However, after Diablo 3, he may have to humble himself. Imperius was not only deceived by Diablo, resulting in the deaths of many of his angelic companions, but he also underestimated humanity and the Nephalem’s role in defeating The Prime Evils.

Unfortunately, he has spent centuries constantly belittling Tyrael instead of keeping a watchful eye on Malthael, the Angel of Death. It is possible that a humbled Imperius may make an appearance in Diablo 4 DLC. We can only hope that this time he will set aside his biased views and collaborate with humans to safeguard and preserve both realms.

Cormac, Queen, & Lyndon

followers in diablo 3
Blizzard Entertainment

The Enchantress, Templar, and Scoundrel are all helpful followers in Diablo 3.

Despite technically using three characters in one slot, there was a reason for it – these trio of recruitable followers in Diablo 3 were a major highlight of the game. Their interactions and banter with each other and the player character were a standout feature. The group formed an unlikely friendship and a love triangle emerged between Kormac, a virtuous Templar, Lyndon, a self-proclaimed Scoundrel, as they vied for the affections of Eirena, a displaced Enchantress from another time.

Each of the three characters brings a unique element to the gameplay and their dialogue motivates players to replay the game. This is not only to witness how each follower responds to different situations, but also to observe how their relationship with each character class evolves. For instance, the Crusader is naturally drawn to the devout Templar, but may initially be wary of the Scoundrel. On the other hand, the Demon Hunter disregards Lyndon’s rogueish tendencies and considers Kormac to be dull.

Regardless of the character class or follower, the Nephelem consistently forms a strong bond with their followers, and it is the process of building this friendship that adds excitement to having a follower in Diablo 3. Additionally, followers offer amusing commentary with their individual perspectives.

With the focus on enhancing replayability in Diablo 4, one effective method could be to incorporate additional dialogues between followers. It would be highly appreciated to witness the return of these beloved characters in the game’s DLC, especially since the current version lacks a follower system like its predecessors, 2 and 3. Alternatively, introducing new followers to expand the roster would also be an exciting prospect. Even if some of the existing followers are replaced or do not make a comeback, it would be enjoyable to catch up with these three popular choices.

In Diablo 4, Lyndon makes a comeback as a quest giver in Backwater. He has now become a notorious criminal leader, responsible for maintaining order among his peers. Despite his advanced age, the rogue longs for his adventurous past and is saddened by the absence of his cherished Eirena. It would be wonderful to reunite with Lyndon and discover the whereabouts of Eirena and Kormac in Diablo 4.

Adria the Witch

Adria the witch in diablo 1
Blizzard Entertainment

Adria the Witch in her shack from Diablo 1.

Despite revealing her allegiance to The Lord of Terror and using her own daughter, Leah, as the vessel of his return, Adria was ultimately defeated by the heroes in Diablo 3. If she managed to survive the battle, she would have a lot of explaining to do for her failed schemes. In the end, she had murdered her own daughter for nothing.

It would be intriguing to discover Adria’s thoughts on the matter and whether she desires redemption or will once again align with Diablo upon his return. Reviving her could offer potential for compelling storytelling, but Blizzard could also choose to keep her deceased. However, who else will we be able to purchase overpriced spells from?

Marius – The Great

Marius in Diablo 2
Blizzard Entertainment

Marius could come back if Blizzard wants to expand his character arc.

The protagonist of Diablo 2 and the companion of The Dark Wanderer, who is actually Diablo possessing Prince Aiden’s body. Upon realizing his unwitting alliance with Diablo, the character teams up with Tyrael to undo the destruction caused by his unintentional release of Diablo’s brothers.

The majority of Diablo 2 is narrated through flashbacks as Marius recounts the events to Tyrael. However, the surprising revelation at the end exposes that he has been conversing with Baal all along, who has been impersonating Tyrael. In the end, Baal murders Marius after successfully extracting the information he desired during the deception.

Despite the ignominious end that most deceased characters in the Diablo series meet, there is a possibility for Marius to redeem himself and make a return. While it may seem unlikely compared to others on this list, the fact that the tale of Marius was retold in Diablo 2: Resurrected suggests that there may still be more to his story.

Zoltun Kulle

Zoltun Kulle
Blizzard Entertainment

Zoltun Kulle is a bad guy, but he’s a useful one in the fight against Diablo.

Kulle, a member of the Horadrim, was once a powerful wizard who sought immortality through dark magic. In his quest for power, he went on a destructive rampage to conquer Sanctuary. However, he was ultimately defeated when his body was dismembered and his soul was separated from it. In Diablo 3, his head is discovered as a remnant of his once formidable existence.

With Kulle being the sole possessor of the knowledge about the whereabouts of the Black Soulstone, Tyrael and Cain come to a consensus to resurrect him by reuniting his body parts, in return for the crucial information. Despite initially aiding the heroes, Kulle’s revived state leads him to seek an alliance with the Nephalem and convince them to betray Tyrael. However, the heroes remain steadfast and are ultimately compelled to vanquish Kulle once more.

After reverting back to his spirit form, Kulle assumes the role of a disgruntled side character and skilled artisan. Despite his bitterness over his previous defeat, he frequently taunts the player and offers assistance with Kanai’s Cube recipes. Given his popularity among fans for his comedic insults, it would be entertaining to have him reappear in Diablo 4 as an artisan. It’s clear that he cannot be trusted with a physical form!

Although there is no confirmation, it is possible that Zoltun Kulle will make an appearance in Diablo 4 Season 3, as his vault is said to be featured. Based on his history, it is likely that the undead sorcerer will not be too far behind.


diablo 2 resurrected d2r diablo in a church looks down at camera
Blizzard Entertainment

You can’t keep a good demon down.

The only one who could fill the role of the titular demon is the Lord of Terror himself. While he may not physically appear in Diablo 4, his potential return was hinted at in the ending. Lilith’s entire mission is driven by her desire to stop Diablo and his brothers from taking over Sanctuary, solidifying his role as the ultimate villain even in his absence.

Despite being a sympathetic villain to those familiar with her backstory, Lilith stands in stark contrast to Diablo, who is known for always having a plan in place for his eventual return. With his niece now dealt with and Mephisto back in the human world, it is only a matter of time before Diablo follows suit.

Despite being repeatedly defeated, killed, and banished, Diablo remains the ultimate villain of the series. As the titular primary antagonist and undisputed Prime Evil of Hell, Heaven, and Sanctuary, it would be foolish to think that we have seen the last of him. It is inevitable that the Lord of Terror will return, but the question remains – who will be his vessel this time?

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