10 Tips to Win More Matches in Spectre Divide

The highly anticipated release of Spectre Divide has attracted a large number of players, who are eagerly looking forward to trying out the new competitive shooter. This game has drawn comparisons to other popular titles such as Valorant and Counter-Strike 2, but it sets itself apart by introducing a unique gameplay mechanic that adds an exciting twist to the genre. For those struggling with their initial matches in Spectre Divide, we have compiled a list of 10 helpful tips to increase your chances of success.

How to Win More Matches in Spectre Divide

In Spectre Divide, successfully planting the bomb and eliminating the opposing team may appear straightforward, but unlike games such as Call of Duty, players must keep a few key strategies in mind to increase their chances of victory in each match.

Pay Attention to Your Audio

In Spectre Divide, it is important for players to be aware of the game’s audio. If a player rushes to a bomb site or uses their abilities unnecessarily while heading to another site, it gives the opposing team crucial information that could result in them switching characters or setting up an ambush.

It is important to utilize your walk key whenever you suspect there may be an opponent nearby. This can give you the advantage you need to take down the enemy team.

Customize Your Keyboard Shortcuts

During my experience with Spectre Divide, I consistently pressed the wrong key when attempting to crouch. This type of error can be fatal during intense battles, as using an ability or switching weapons leaves you vulnerable to enemy attacks. To avoid this, it is important to take the time to customize your settings and adjust them to your preference on the settings screen.

Spectre Divide keybinding screen.
Screenshot by GameSkinny

Your custom keybindings can make or break your performance in a match, so be sure not to underestimate the importance of having the right setup.

Don’t Be Scared to Aim Down Sights

In Valorant, it is not advisable to aim down sights, but in Spectre Divide, it is the opposite. Aiming down sights provides a slight zoom on most weapons, allowing players to make precise shots from a distance.

Spectre Divide player aiming down sights
Screenshot by GameSkinny

Initially, aiming down sights in Spectre Divide felt strange because I had assumed it was just a copy of Valorant. However, after playing a few matches, I realized that was not the case. So, don’t hesitate to aim down sights whenever necessary, as it is crucial for accurate long-range shots.

Don’t Peak Twice From The Same Angle

Repeating the same peeking angle twice can spell disaster in a game like Spectre Divide. Many players will target the last location they saw you, so utilizing the same spot twice can put you at a disadvantage. Instead, try changing positions and keeping your opponents on their toes.

By catching your enemy off guard from a different location, you may secure the kill needed to plant the bomb and emerge victorious in the match.

Be Careful Where You Place Your Other Character

If you position your character in the wrong spot, you will lose many rounds. Therefore, choose a different location each round and ensure they are concealed in a corner or high area. Many players make the mistake of placing their second character in an exposed area, which eliminates any possibility of a comeback in the future rounds.

There are many secure options for positioning your second character, so take that into account prior to beginning a game.

Plan Your Route

The Spectre Divide maps are spacious and offer numerous hiding spots for attacking and ambushing the enemy team. Failing to strategize a route for attacking or defending a bomb site can result in wasted time and leave your team vulnerable to surprise attacks.

Use Your Characters as Bait When Needed

Despite some players’ fear of rushing back into a site after being killed, doing so can often be the key to successfully taking a bomb site and securing a victory. This unexpected move can catch opponents off guard and give the rushing player an advantage.

If you inflict sufficient harm on an opponent, they may choose not to confront you, increasing the likelihood of them fleeing in fear for their safety.

Move Faster With Your Knife

With both Valorant and Counter-Strike 2, players have the ability to move at a faster pace when wielding a knife. This can be advantageous when rotating to a new site or silently approaching enemies from behind.

Spectre Divide players using a knife
Screenshot by GameSkinny

Using your knife while walking is more efficient than using other weapons, which will help you move through the map more quickly.

Take Advantage Of Your Loadout

In Spectre Divide, one can purchase weapons for both characters. The game provides a variety of combos including assault rifles, SMGs, shotguns, and more. Certain combos may have two SMGs, while others may have an assault rifle paired with an LMG.

Spectre Divide shop screen
Screenshot by GameSkinny

Before beginning a match, make sure to plan your loadout. This will give you a clearer understanding of which routes to take and where to position your other character.

Use What You Have At Your Disposal

Do not hesitate to grab a weapon from the ground if you believe it is a superior choice. In close combat situations, a shotgun is more effective than a sniper rifle, so keep that in mind when engaging in an attack or defending a location.

In that location, you will gain further knowledge about the game.

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