10 Unresolved Jujutsu Kaisen Plot Holes That Akutami Must Address for a Satisfying Conclusion

The discussion surrounding Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes has intensified as the manga approaches its highly anticipated conclusion. With the final chapter set to release on Sunday, September 29, 2024, fans are eager to witness how Gege Akutami will conclude this intricate narrative.

The premise of Jujutsu Kaisen centers on Yuji Itadori and his allies navigating the perilous realm of curses, jujutsu sorcery, and sinister conspiracies. Yet, numerous plot threads and character arcs remain unresolved, leaving the finale at risk of disappointing readers. With just one chapter left, Akutami faces the crucial task of addressing pivotal issues to avoid leaving fans with lingering questions at the end.

Disclaimer: This list is presented in no particular order and reflects the writer’s opinions, including spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen manga.

1) Nobara’s Survival

Nobara Kugisaki as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Nobara Kugisaki as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

The mystery surrounding Nobara’s survival stands as one of the most significant unresolved Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes. During the Shibuya Incident, Nobara endured severe injuries in a confrontation with Mahito, leaving her fate uncertain. The last update indicated she was critically injured, with no confirmation of her survival.

However, during the Shinjuku Showdown Arc, Nobara appears fully healed and active, without adequate explanation for her recovery or what transpired during her desperate state. Given the severity of her injuries, fans expect Akutami to clarify this point in the final chapter.

2) Kenjaku’s True Intentions

Kenjaku as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Kenjaku as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

Kenjaku has persistently manipulated events, oscillating between identities while executing a convoluted plan that intertwines with the Culling Game and his connection to Tengen. Despite his significant control over major characters and cursed spirits, his ultimate motive—whether it involves the destruction of humanity, world destruction, or something more sinister—remains ambiguous.

Deciphering his endgame is essential for tying together the chaotic narrative, bringing closure to various character arcs. Therefore, understanding Kenjaku’s actual plan is a critical Jujutsu Kaisen plothole that Akutami must resolve in the final chapter to ensure a satisfying conclusion.

3) The Merger

Kenjaku as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Kenjaku as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

Kenjaku aimed to merge Tengen with humanity, believing this union would fundamentally alter the world of cursed energy. Considering the unpredictable nature of Sukuna, the outcome of this merger remains uncertain.

With just one chapter remaining, it pressure Akutami to resolve this intricate issue thoughtfully, as fans will want a clear resolution, whether the merger succeeds or fails. Addressing this merger is another vital Jujutsu Kaisen plothole that Akutami must clarify.

4) Uraume’s Loyalty to Sukuna

Sukuna and Uraume as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)
Sukuna and Uraume as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)

While Uraume is depicted as a highly skilled sorcerer, their dedication to serving Sukuna for over a millennium—including assisting in his resurrection during the Culling Game—raises questions. The narrative suggests Uraume possesses unique skills, such as their culinary expertise involving human flesh, yet fails to explain the underlying reasons for their loyalty to the King of Curses.

Whether Uraume’s allegiance stems from fear, respect, or a deeper, undisclosed connection remains a significant mystery. Understanding Uraume’s true motivations is a crucial Jujutsu Kaisen plothole that Akutami should elucidate in the final chapter.

5) Sukuna’s Disgrace

Sukuna as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)
Sukuna as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)

The transformation of Sukuna from a revered sorcerer to the notorious “Disgraced One”remains one of the most significant Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes. While his era is established during the Heian period, alongside claims of his unmatched abilities against powerful jujutsu sorcerers, the reasons for his downfall remain unclear.

Was it betrayal, insatiable ambition, or some deeper societal issue? His choice to become a cursed object, fragmenting his powers into twenty fingers, only adds to the enigma. Akutami must clarify this backstory to bring resolution to Sukuna’s character arc.

6) The Rift Between Kenjaku and Tengen

Tengen and Kenjaku as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)
Tengen and Kenjaku as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)

Initially friends, Kenjaku’s perspective on Tengen shifted drastically, leading him to criticize Tengen as a recluse, viewing his lifestyle with disdain. This rift symbolizes Kenjaku’s broader mistrust of society, which he believes has become complacent to its inherent dangers. His hatred towards those who accept their circumstances drives home his desire for confrontation.

Understanding the breakdown of their friendship is vital for fans seeking closure, placing it among the significant Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes Akutami needs to address.

7) Sukuna’s Use of Flame

Sukuna as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Sukuna as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

Sukuna’s ability to wield flames, known as Divine Flame, raises significant questions about his cursed techniques. He commands powerful flames, purportedly even surpassing Jogo’s fiery destruction skills, all while primarily utilizing slashing techniques like Dismantle and Cleave in the past.

There has yet to be a clear explanation of how Sukuna acquired this fiery technique, nor is there any context regarding its origins. This lack of background information creates a critical void in understanding the full range of Sukuna’s abilities, marking it as a Jujutsu Kaisen plothole Akutami must address in the concluding chapter.

8) Origins of Cursed Energy

Yuji Itadori as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Yuji Itadori as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

Although Cursed Energy is fundamental to the power systems of Jujutsu Kaisen, its origins remain a profound mystery. Is it a manifestation of human emotions, a supernatural force, or linked to something far older?

Clarification of this aspect would enrich the world-building within Jujutsu Kaisen, bridging themes of curses and human nature. Thus, tracing the origins of Cursed Energy emerges as another pressing Jujutsu Kaisen plothole that Akutami must address before the narrative concludes.

9) The Vanquisher of Sukuna

Sukuna vs Yuji as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)
Sukuna vs Yuji as seen in manga (Image via Viz Media)

Despite Sukuna being recognized as the most formidable curse, historical accounts hint at ancient confrontations where he faced defeat and confinement. However, no substantial exposition exists regarding who or what possessed the strength to overpower the King of Curses.

Revealing the identity of Sukuna’s conqueror could shed invaluable light on his vulnerabilities and interconnect incomplete lore involving ancient sorcerers. If Akutami omits this information, Sukuna’s character evolution may feel unresolved, making it one of the essential Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes that must be tackled before the story reaches its finale.

10) Geto and Yuki’s Scheme

Yuki Tsukumo as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)
Yuki Tsukumo as seen in anime (Image via MAPPA)

Yuki’s objective was to instruct others on mastering the energies of curses to undermine cursed spirits, while Geto pursued a more sinister agenda focused on eliminating non-sorcerers. Despite their differing methodologies, their shared goal of eradicating curses remains inadequately explored in the narrative.

The influence of their contrasting philosophies on the broader storyline and the durability of their plans remain somewhat ambiguous, highlighting yet another pivotal Jujutsu Kaisen plothole that Akutami ought to clarify in the upcoming chapter.

Final Thoughts

The multifaceted plot of Jujutsu Kaisen is rich with mysteries and open-ended questions that have captivated readers. However, a hasty ending risks leaving numerous plotlines unresolved. By thoroughly addressing these key elements—ranging from character motivations to the origin of cursed energy—Gege Akutami can craft a conclusive ending that the audience truly desires.

As the final chapter approaches, it is imperative that the narrative resolves all Jujutsu Kaisen plotholes and fulfills its promises. Fans are eagerly awaiting the last installment to see how everything will ultimately come together.


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