10 Unsolved Mysteries in Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen has concluded, yet numerous enigmas remain unanswered. Here, we delve into some of the most compelling questions that may forever remain unresolved in the series.

As a standout title among new-generation shonen manga, Jujutsu Kaisen has garnered immense attention, largely due to its captivating premise and unexpected twists. However, not all of these twists reach a satisfying conclusion.

While the plot is relatively straightforward, there are still many elements that require clarification. Certain storylines remain unresolved, and some plot points clash with the series’ internal logic. Unfortunately, since the manga wrapped up in Chapter 271, these issues are unlikely to see resolution.

Let’s reflect on the entire Jujutsu Kaisen series and examine the lingering mysteries that never found answers. But first, be advised of potential spoilers!

10. What did Gojo say to Geto before killing him?

Geto and Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Gege Akutami/MAPPA

The relationship between Gojo and Geto is one of the most beautifully crafted and poignant elements of Jujutsu Kaisen, making their eventual separation all the more tragic. Their bond was tested when Geto turned against Jujutsu High, choosing to target non-sorcerers.

They had a brief reunion during Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and met one final time after Geto was defeated by Yuta and escaped to a deserted alley. Faced with the necessity of killing his best friend, Gojo uttered words that took Geto by surprise.

Unfortunately, we are left in the dark regarding what Gojo actually said and why it had such a profound impact on Geto. The manga and anime both intentionally keep his words a mystery, amplifying our curiosity.

9.Was Kaori a jujutsu sorcerer?

My Kenja
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

Yuji’s family saga stands out as one of the most intriguing yet underexplored narratives in Jujutsu Kaisen. After her demise, Kenjaku hijacked Kaori Itadori’s body and acquired her cursed technique. However, we learn little about Kaori beyond that.

Considering she possessed a cursed technique, it’s reasonable to conclude she was a jujutsu sorcerer (or curse user). While this theory raises interesting possibilities, it introduces a significant plot gap.

The jujutsu community is quite small, so why is there no mention of her? Given the potentially strong and useful nature of her cursed technique, this absence is perplexing.

8. Does Yuta still have Limitless?

Yuta in Jujutsu Kaisen
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

Yuta becoming Gojo’s vessel has been one of the more controversial decisions by creator Gege Akutami, failing to deliver significant impact on the plot. This change introduces numerous plot inconsistencies, especially after Yuta reverts to his own body in Chapter 269.

Kenjaku’s cursed technique enabled Yuta to wield the Six Eyes and Limitless. But now that he is back in his own body, what has changed about his abilities? Since Six Eyes is a physical trait, it cannot simply be transferred. But does he still possess Limitless?

Considering that Kenjaku retained the abilities of his previous bodies, it stands to reason that Yuta might still have Limitless. However, the series provides no clarification on this matter, leaving fans with uncertainty.

7. Who is the woman in Sukuna’s vision?

Sukuna and Uraume in Jujutsu Kaisen
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

Though Jujutsu Kaisen’s ending has received mixed reactions from fans, many agree that Sukuna’s storyline shines, providing the iconic villain with a memorable conclusion and exposing new facets of his character. Nonetheless, these scenes prompt further questions.

In Chapter 271, Sukuna encounters Mahito in a void following his death, revealing his motivations to the curse. While discussing his choices, he sees two individuals representing different paths. One is Uraume, but the identity of the mysterious woman with her back turned remains a secret.

This woman’s importance in Sukuna’s life is likely substantial, yet the narrative leaves us without any explanation.

6. The merger never occurs

Death in Jujutsu Kaisen
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

This particular plot hole in Jujutsu Kaisen is particularly frustrating because the merger was intended to be the ultimate challenge for the protagonists, yet it never materialized. This conflict was the driving force behind Kenjaku initiating the Culling Game and setting up an entire narrative arc.

The manga fails to adequately explain what the merger entailed, aside from its role in eliminating humanity’s “weaklings”(primarily non-sorcerers). Kenjaku deemed it so significant that he eliminated his friend Tengen and transferred the merger’s access to Sukuna before his demise.

However, the merger was abandoned as the Shinjuku Showdown Arc concluded right after Sukuna’s death, diminishing the significance of many events in the manga and weakening Kenjaku’s character arc.

5. How does Takaba return to life, and who is the man with him?

Takaba in Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

Jujutsu Kaisen was once notorious for its character deaths, yet this trend reversed in the final chapters. Higuruma, previously thought dead, is revealed to be alive, as is Takaba.

Takaba’s supposed death occurred during the Shinjuku Showdown Arc after facing off against Kenjaku, who meets his end at the hands of Yuta. Strangely, without any explanation, Takaba reappears in Chapter 270.

Moreover, he is seen with a mysterious figure resembling Kenjaku (in Geto’s body). Despite heavy insinuation, the man’s identity remains concealed, leaving the circumstances surrounding their survival unexplained and raising questions for the jujutsu community.

4. What happens to the three great clans?

Gege Akutami/Shueisha

The narrative primarily centers on the Zenin family, overshadowing the Gojo and Kamo clans.

The Zenin Clan faces eradication at the hands of Maki, with Megumi and herself being the last survivors. Meanwhile, Chapter 269 features Mei Mei tasked with eliminating the other two clans, but offers no satisfactory conclusion.

Even after Jujutsu Kaisen’s conclusion, the fate of the Gojo and Kamo clans remains uncertain. Given Mei Mei’s capabilities, it seems unlikely she could single-handedly annihilate them, nor do the protagonists align with such a course of action. Thus, their ultimate fate is left a mystery.

3. How did Yuta reclaim Rika?

Yuta and Rika in Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Gege Akutami/MAPPA

Following the events of Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuta Okkotsu emerged as one of the series’ standout characters. Not only does he shine in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, but he plays a pivotal role in the manga’s final arc. However, several questions regarding Yuta remain unaddressed.

After defeating Geto, Rika’s curse was finally lifted, allowing her to cease existing as a curse. This provided a touching conclusion to Yuta and her arc. Nevertheless, when Yuta appears in the sequel manga, he is already accompanied by Rika as a curse once more.

The narrative never elaborates on how she returned to cursed form after being freed, instead using her reappearance to facilitate Yuta’s return to his own body after the Shinjuku Showdown—again, without any satisfactory explanation.

2. Yuji never learns of his true parentage

Kenjaku inside Kaori's body in Jujutsu Kaisen
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

As previously noted in this discussion, Jujutsu Kaisen often introduces intriguing narrative elements only to have them fade into obscurity, and Yuji’s family background is a prime example.

Kenjaku being revealed as Yuji’s mother marked a shocking twist in the narrative, but it ultimately proved to be inconsequential. Yuji never confronted Kenjaku directly, and his parentage did little to enrich his character arc or the overarching plot.

By the conclusion of the manga, Yuji remained unaware of his biological parents (at least on the page). As fans, we can speculate that he may have known but chose not to care; nevertheless, without any concrete resolution, it remains an enduring mystery in Jujutsu Kaisen.

1. What happened to Yuji’s Domain Expansion?

Yuji and Sukuna
Gege Akutami/Shueisha

One of the most disappointing aspects of Jujutsu Kaisen is that despite its vast potential, it seemingly squandered its conclusion. This becomes particularly evident in the latter stages of the Shinjuku Showdown, which underwhelms significantly following Sukuna’s defeat.

Initially, it appeared that Yuji’s Domain Expansion would be a climactic moment; just a few chapters earlier, he had finally unleashed it and threatened Sukuna. This moment had all the makings of a major turning point, filled with tension and the enigmatic qualities of Yuji’s Domain.

Alas, Jujutsu Kaisen diverged from expectations, sidestepping a proper display of this powerful technique. Instead, it turned the moment into a dialogue between Yuji and Sukuna, neglecting to explain Sukuna’s perspective or what Yuji truly intended as Nobara made a shocking return, disrupting the tension of the fight.


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