2024 League of Legends Worlds: Top 10 Players to Watch

Out of the more than 100 players representing their regions at LoL Worlds 2024, some standout individuals have truly made a mark in paving the way to success for their teams.

From T1’s near miss of the event to Cloud9’s super team collapsing at the final stages, the road to the largest League of Legends tournament has been filled with twists and turns. Making it to Worlds was no easy task for the teams that qualified.

As witnessed in DRX’s surprising win in 2022, the seed that teams begin with at this international event doesn’t always predict the eventual champion. For many individual players, this represents a significant opportunity to establish themselves on the global stage.

Here are our top 10 players heading into Worlds 2024:

10. Wang ‘Light’ Guang-Yu – Weibo Gaming

Light Weibo Gaming LoL top 10 Worlds 2024
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Weibo Gaming came close to missing out on Worlds 2024 despite their Grand Finals appearance in 2023. After losing crucial topside players post-event, the team struggled throughout much of 2024, leading to a disappointing performance.

Nevertheless, Light remained resilient. He has been a cornerstone for the team, excelling on champions like Miss Fortune, Ziggs, and Ezreal while ensuring safety in the laning phase and stepping up when it matters most. His champion pool aligns perfectly with the Worlds meta, and his performance against Ruler in their match against JDG was crucial in securing their spot.

If Weibo can resolve their consistency issues and align their gameplay to match Light’s level, they have a genuine chance of taking home the trophy.

9. Yoo ‘Delight’ Hwan-joong – Hanwha Life Esports

Delight Hanwha Life Esports top 10 players LoL worlds 2024
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Delight has consistently been one of the strongest players globally over the years. From elevating BRION in 2022 to his stint with Gen.G in 2023 and subsequently outperforming Gen.G in 2024, he has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to rise to the occasion for Hanwha Life.

His adaptability to the current tank meta has been key, and he is among the few supports who can leverage advantages gained from counter-picking, often forcing teams to ban his signature champion Rakan.

Taking a risk with Blitzcrank in a crucial match is rare, but Delight has the courage to do so, which has paid off handsomely. His pivotal role in HLE’s unexpected victory over Gen.G in the LCK Summer Final deserves recognition.

8. Rasmus ‘Caps’ Winther – G2 Esports

Caps G2 top 10 players LoL Worlds 2024
Lee Aiksoon/Riot Games

When discussing the chances of Western teams at Worlds 2024, one player stands out above the rest: Caps. The mid lane boasts numerous greats worldwide, but he has continued to stand tall among them since his days with Fnatic in 2018.

From being awarded MVP at MSI 2019 to besting Faker at MSI 2024, Caps has upheld a standard that many Western players aspire to, despite the Worlds title remaining elusive. Does this place Caps in contention for a title at Worlds 2024? G2 faces multiple challenges, including consistency and late-game macro strategies that could be exploited by top Eastern teams, yet they possess an X-factor that is hard to overcome.

With Syndra and Sylas entering the meta, Caps is primed to counter the ADC-heavy compositions that have dominated recently, showcasing his versatility in even adopting unorthodox choices like Sion mid when necessary. The combination of unpredictability in G2’s drafts and Caps’ consistency makes them a formidable opponent.

7. Kim ‘Aiming’ Ha-ram – DPlus KIA

Aiming DPlus KIA top 10 players Worlds 2024
LCK Korea

Aiming has been the driving force behind DPlus KIA’s success in qualifying for Worlds 2024. While Kingen had some strong performances and Showmaker delivered when it mattered against Faker, Aiming’s skill has been unmatched throughout the split.

The team’s main weakness lies in their macro play, partly due to their jungler being relatively new and Moham being a late substitution from the challengers roster. As a result, DPlus has relied heavily on Aiming to secure victories in spite of weaker map coordination.

On the other hand, Aiming’s style clashes with the current meta, favoring hard-scaling carries over the prevalent Ziggs, Miss Fortune, and Ashe. If the meta shifted to favor his playstyle ahead of Worlds 2024, he could find himself ranked even higher on this list.

6. Kim ‘King’ Gi-in – Gen.G

Kiin Gen.G top 10 players Worlds 2024
LCK Korea

Kiin is the glue of Gen.G, adeptly adjusting his style to complement his team. Known for experimenting with unconventional carry champions in the past, he has embraced the role of a consistent weaksider, often yielding resources to star players while maintaining his performance.

Should the situation arise where Gen.G needs him to carry, he is more than capable. However, with several superstars on the roster, Kiin’s understanding of his role and his humility contribute significantly to Gen.G’s success this season.

5. Luo ‘ON’ Wen-Jun – Bilibili Gaming

ON BLG top 10 worlds 2024
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

ON has experienced a rollercoaster career. Previously with Suning and Weibo, his earlier inconsistencies led to him being humorously referred to as “OFF.” However, with BLG, he has found his footing. Teaming up with Elk, a highly aggressive ADC, ON’s fearless style is pivotal to BLG’s success in both 2023 and 2024. His sometimes reckless decision-making suits the current tank-support meta.

Though his champion pool isn’t the most extensive, his proficiency in champions like Renata and Bard offsets this limitation. BLG consistently seems aware of their win conditions, and ON’s confidence plays an essential role in both drafting and gameplay.

4. Yan ‘Wei’ Yang Wei – Bilibili Gaming

Wei BLG top 10 teams Worlds 2024
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Wei is tasked with the challenging role of replacing a solid jungler. BLG could have operated adequately with Xun, but their ambition for success necessitated an upgrade. His long experience with RNG established him as a ranked jungler, yet doubts lingered following his signing.

However, Wei quickly dispelled any concerns regarding his status as the top jungler in the LPL. Despite joining the team last minute, he seamlessly adapted to the meta favoring magical junglers, showcasing his capability to find success across various environments.

While other junglers have struggled with the current meta, Wei remains a consistent force. As it stands, he is the standout jungler worthy of a spot in the top 10 heading into Worlds 2024.

3. Jeong ‘Chovy’ Ji-hoon – Gen.G

Chovy Gen.G Worlds 2024 top 10 players
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

Since his time at Griffin, Chovy has built a reputation as one of the top mechanical players globally. He consistently finds ways to win lane, a hallmark of his skill set.

His laning strength has evolved into a more comprehensive skill set since joining Gen.G, dispelling past critiques that labeled him as a player who couldn’t convert lane leads into victories. Today, he stands as the LCK’s premier mid laner.

Chovy also celebrated international success at MSI 2024, where he was instrumental in Gen.G’s dominant performance, showcasing his ability as the best mid laner of the tournament. Though Hanwha Life Esports denied Gen.G a flawless year, Chovy remains in pursuit of his first Worlds title.

2. Zhuo ‘Knight’ Ding – Bilibili Gaming

Knight BLG top 10 players Worlds 2024
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

The battle for the title of best mid laner is fiercely contested between Knight and Chovy. It’s challenging to argue against either of their claims for the title, but personal preference often dictates who takes the crown. In my view, Knight, the Golden Left Hand of the LPL, has earned his reputation as a mid lane royalty.

His ability to adapt to the current late-game scaling meta has been remarkable. Knight excels at handling hyper-carries, and with the focus on such champions in the current meta, he is positioned for success.

While Chovy is celebrated for his ability to exploit small openings, Knight has made a name for himself by dominating opponents and asserting control of the map. Bilibili Gaming’s success in the LPL throughout 2024 can largely be attributed to Knight leading the charge.

1. Park ‘Viper’ Do-hyeon – Hanwha Life Esports

Viper Hanwha Life Esports Top 10 LoL players
LCK Korea

Despite not achieving remarkable results post his Worlds 2021 victory, Viper’s skill remains consistently high. His presence in the game is akin to an ominous threat that, if left unchecked, can change the outcome entirely. Viper’s gameplay often seems clairvoyant, as if he can predict enemy abilities with precise positioning.

Unlike some ADCs who rely heavily on the meta for viability, Viper can transform any champion into a lethal carry. He consistently ranks high on damage charts and possesses an uncanny ability to tilt the game in his team’s favor.

It would come as no surprise if Hanwha Life Esports clinched the title at Worlds 2024 thanks in no small part to Viper’s exceptional performances.


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