27-year-old Female Singer Reveals Experience as Victim of School Bullying

On her personal account, Japanese singer Honoka Rin revealed her past experiences of being bullied on September 4th (local time).

On that particular day, Honoka shared a post from an online user who stated that they had been subjected to bullying during their time in middle school. She recounted, “Every morning, upon arriving at school, I would find my desk overturned and hurtful words scribbled on the blackboard. My bag would be thrown out the window, and someone would even place mint-flavored throat lozenges in my food tray.”Honoka bravely shared these personal experiences as examples of the bullying she had endured.

Furthermore, Honoka reminisced about her past, recalling, “There were various incidents at school, such as false rumors spreading and someone throwing chalk from outside the window.”

She went on to explain the reason why she had been unable to open up about her victimization before, stating, “I believed that being bullied was something to be ashamed of, which is why I couldn’t confide in anyone at the time.”

Honoka Rin

Ultimately, she seemed to find some relief as she concluded, “I believe I am alright now.”

Prior to her singing debut in September 2017 with the song “Melon Soda” , Honoka Rin had already established a career as a fashion model. However, she has since shifted her focus to music and has been actively pursuing her career as a singer.

In 2017, Honoka’s comments stirred up controversy when she stated, “It’s quite uncommon for married individuals to remain faithful. About 70% of them end up committing adultery,”insinuating that a large portion of married individuals in Japan are unfaithful.

During that time, she acknowledged, “Have I been spending too much time in the shadows?”and revealed that she had witnessed numerous individuals involved in extramarital affairs and romantic relationships.

When it was revealed that Honoka, a minor at the time, had been in a de facto relationship with Kawatani Enon, the 8-year senior vocalist of the band Gesu no Kiwami Otome, she faced criticism.

Link to the website “Daum”: https://v.daum.net/v/20240904212100779

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