2nd-Gen Idol Thanks Fans for Eliminating Sasaeng Culture in His Fandom

2nd-Gen Idol Thanks Fans for Eliminating Sasaeng Culture in His Fandom

The bond between idols and their fans in the world of K-pop is frequently intense, but at times can be invasive.

Nonetheless, a recent disclosure from second-generation idol Junsu has brought attention to a positive shift in this dynamic- his fans’ considerate treatment of his personal boundaries.

Junsu, who was previously a member of the legendary group TVXQ and is now pursuing a solo career, made an appearance on Jung Jae Hyung’s YouTube series. During the interview, he shared how his fans have shown support in protecting his personal space.

He revealed that his admirers have established an implicit understanding to respect his privacy, even when he is seen in public places like airports or on personal outings.

This newly acquired admiration enables Junsu to smoothly maneuver through his everyday routines and journeys without experiencing any sense of intrusion.

Despite the ongoing challenge of sasaengs, obsessive fans who invade the privacy of celebrities in the K-pop industry, the change in fan behavior is noteworthy.

“My fans don’t even know I went on a trip. Of course, I’m not trying to make it a secret or anything. My fans respect my privacy. Even if they come to the airport, they say, ‘Let’s not bother Junsu.’”

Junsu credited the collective efforts of his fan community for this change, as they understand the detrimental effects of invasive behavior, having witnessed the complications caused by sasaeng fans in the past.

Upon learning about the actions of Junsu’s fans, netizens responded with admiration and support.

Feedback across multiple platforms commended their respectful behavior and emphasized the importance of this cultural change within the fan community.

  • “Wow, this is how you really love your artist, a relationship based on respect.”
  • “They really need to stop following them to and from schedules. That’s the only way this will disappear.”
  • “I wonder just how hard he must’ve had it for this type of culture to form. The fans are really amazing.”
  • “When he leaves and enters the airport after touring, fans would run away if they saw him at the airport.”
  • “It’s true. Even if they bump into him by coincidence, they act like they know him…such a rare sight to see.”
  • “They really need to stop following them to and from schedules. That’s the only way this will disappear.”
  • “This is a really good phenomenon.”
  • “Wow can’t believe fans can change like this, so nice.”

Fans have not only avoided intrusive behavior, but have also found subtle ways to respect Junsu’s privacy.

For example, they are said to refrain from taking pictures or approaching him if they happen to run into him in public places, showing their dedication to honoring his personal privacy.

Junsu’s experience sets a positive precedent for other fandoms in the K-pop industry.

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