2XKO Players Discover 1-Shot Combos Just Hours After Alpha Lab Release

Just a few hours since its official release, players have already uncovered 1-shot touch of death combinations in the 2XKO Alpha Lab that can eliminate the opponent with just one hit, yielding a 100-0 result.

Despite having been revealed by Riot years ago, 2XKO still carries a significant amount of anticipation due to the strong legacies of its esports counterparts, LoL and Valorant. It has a lot to live up to in order to meet the expectations of fans.

Despite the fact that the majority of players have been enjoying the Alpha and familiarizing themselves with each character’s unique moveset, some of the professional players who have had access to the game are already pushing the boundaries of what should be feasible.

Following the release of 2XKO’s Alpha lab, two 1-shot combos (also known as ToD or touch of death) were discovered in the following hours. It only takes one hit in the wrong place to end the game.

Two kinds of ToD combos are on the rise, with the initial one relying on assists to trap an opponent in a corner. SonicFox, an experienced fighting game player, soon uncovered the potential of switching between Ekko and Ahri for a lethal combination.

The second type of 100-0 combo may not seem as terrible as it initially appears.

If an opponent is not familiar with how to counter a basic combo, Ekko has the ability to keep them trapped in a corner indefinitely. However, it was noted by a 2XKO developer that this can be avoided by recovering while in the air.

It is inevitable that new players will fall into this trap, but the distinction between these two can be easily identified by the color of the combo meter. SonicFox’s meter never turns grey, indicating a genuine 100-0 combo. This is not the case for the Ekko combo.

It will require some time for players to completely understand how to effectively utilize and counter combinations similar to these. In light of this, Riot released the Alpha Lab test with full transparency, acknowledging that the game is far from being completed. They still have ample opportunity to reduce the damage and eliminate any overpowered combinations.

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