33-year-old UK mother experiences exhaustion and abdominal pain, dismisses it as stress

Victoria Danson, a 33-year-old UK mom, thought the fatigue and abdominal pain she experienced were just symptoms of stress. Little did she know that her seemingly harmless condition was about to take a devastating turn. In a sudden and shocking revelation, doctors informed her that she had only 24 hours to live.

This is the extraordinary story of Victoria Danson and her fight against an invisible illness.

Sudden Diagnosis with Crohn’s Disease

It was then that a dangerous abscess developed in her abdomen, resulting in life-threatening sepsis. In a race against time, Victoria Dansen found herself admitted to the hospital, with doctors giving her a grim ultimatum.

Victoria, who lives in Chorley, Lancashire, told NeedToKnow.co.uk.:

“I didn’t even have time to really take in what was going on, All I knew was that I was in agony and that I would do anything to get rid of the pain.”

Overlooked all the painful symptoms (Image via New York Post Website)
Overlooked all the painful symptoms (Image via New York Post Website)

Andominal pain turned into a life-threatening sepsis

With the sepsis taking hold of her body, Victoria required immediate surgery to remove the abscess. The procedure was a matter of life and death, as the abscess was dangerously close to resting on her ovaries.

The surgery meant removing 18 inches of her bowel and living with an ileostomy bag, a profound change that shattered her formerly carefree lifestyle.

overcame all the difficult challenges (Image via New York Post Website)
overcame all the difficult challenges (Image via New York Post Website)

Is Crohn’s Disease Fatal?

The physical challenges were just the beginning of Victoria Dansen’s journey. She had to confront her fears, accept her painful condition, and rebuild her life. Initially feeling like she couldn’t go on and fearing she couldn’t pursue her active lifestyle anymore, Victoria gradually found the strength to face her new reality.

She made significant adjustments to her diet, adopting a regimen that included avoiding high-fiber foods, drinking green tea, and taking supplements. These changes offered some relief from her condition.

lifestyle changes helped her get relief from the illness (Image via New York Post Website)
lifestyle changes helped her get relief from the illness (Image via New York Post Website)

Despite the setbacks, Victoria refused to let her illness define her. To provide support to others facing similar painful challenges, she founded her own support group called “Crohn’s and Colitis Support Lancashire.”

Through this community, Victoria empowers and inspires body confidence while spreading awareness about invisible illnesses. She hosts workshops at universities, educating others about the reality of living with a chronic condition, all while managing her illness without medication.

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