4th-Gen K-pop Idol Criticized for Sharing Anime Content on Korea’s Liberation Day: ‘He Needs To Apologize’

Despite being posted on Bubble, a popular social media platform, Felix of Stray Kids faced backlash from Korean netizens for sharing a Japanese-related challenge. The timing of the post, which coincided with Korea’s Liberation Day, was deemed insensitive by many.

Stray Kids Felix
(Photo : Facebook: Stray Kids)

On August 14, a community post was created by netizens to discuss a recent message from Felix on Bubble, which was deemed controversial by many. The post stated that the “Chk Chk Boom”artist had sent a voice message showcasing his participation in the Shikanoko challenge.

The idol’s actions were met with disappointment by Korean netizens in the comments. Every year on August 15, Korea celebrates Liberation Day as a public holiday, which marks the country’s independence from Japan’s occupation in 1945.

Felix faced criticism from netizens who accused him of being insensitive and questioned why he chose to post the Japanese challenge on a holiday when there were plenty of other days to do so.

Please refer to the comments below:

  • “All he had to do is not release it today and there wouldn’t have been any issues, right?”
  • “Is it that hard to be careful on August 15?”
  • “He only had to be careful for just one day.”
  • “I found him likable, but he just destroyed his image in an instant.”
  • “Do you want to be an idol in Korea? Then start reading about our history.”
  • “He needs to apologize.”
  • “Why would you do that on National Liberation Day?”
  • “I don’t know who he is, but this makes me want to swear. Educate yourself.”
  • “Is he thoughtless?”

A separate discussion was also initiated as global fans shared their opinions on the matter. Some emphasized the significance of idols being knowledgeable about the origins of the holiday, while others proposed the idea of monitoring their phones on August 15.

This is how they responded:

  • “Companies need to start giving idols a list of days they should not post on social media at all to prevent this.”
  • “It is so insensitive to post today of all days. This is an important day for Korea and Koreans are very sensitive to this. His K-fans must feel so disrespected.”
  • “There should be a staff member in charge of monitoring what idols post/say on this day.”
  • “He’s thoughtless for this, idols always f**k up every year on this day. Everyone should know it by now and not repeat the same mistake.”
  • “Koreans are always so sensitive about Korea-Japan. So, it’s really kind of dumb to post something related to Japan on Korea’s Liberation Day.”
  • “He should have at least checked the calendar.”
  • “Yikes, every year, same story, different idol, some of these idols either need their internet access revoked on this day or some urgent history lessons.”

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