5 AP champions with the best Statikk Shiv build in League of Legends Season 13

5 AP champions with the best Statikk Shiv build in League of Legends Season 13

Riot Games has finally returned Statikk Shiv, a fan-favorite legendary item. In Patch 13.10, the item has made its way back into Summoner’s Rift and is more powerful than ever. The huge upgrade opened new possibilities for building strategies, with AP champions incorporating this item in their build in Season 13.

While it features a lower 25% Attack Speed stat compared to the previous 40% in Patch 10.22, Electroshock now deals a massive 50% AP damage upon trigger to 6-12 targets. The additional 120% bonus damage to minions also suits the AP champions with their strong wave clear potential. That said, we have selected the top five AP champions on Statikk Shiv.

Fizz and 4 other AP champions that perform well with Statikk Shiv build

1) LeBlanc

LeBlanc is the champion that started the Statikk Shiv trend with AP champions. ShowMaker popularized this build in the LCK Summer during their match against NRF. With this item, Showmaker’s LeBlanc was able to deal a massive 43.1K damage throughout the match.

LeBlanc’s recent dominance with Statikk Shiv is attributed to her burst damage kit and dashes. Since LeBlanc relies mainly on quick and devastating bursts of damage, the item’s extra magic damage is highly beneficial.

Since each dash counts towards charging the item, her mobility can swiftly stack Statikk’s passive. As a result, LeBlanc obtains the ability to use the increased damage numerous times during a fight. This synergy increases her kill potential and makes her a powerful opponent in team fights.

It also adds valuable wave-clearing capabilities to LeBlanc, allowing her to quickly clear minion waves and effectively create pressure in side lanes. This enhanced wave-clearing allows her to roam more freely, apply split-push pressure, and respond to map objectives without surrendering her lane presence.

2) Zoe

Zoe is known for her highly playful and annoying playstyle. With Statikk Shiv, dealing massive damage with her bubbles and stars becomes a lot easier in the Rift. Zoe can quickly trigger the item’s passive through her dashes, as moving can quickly recharge Electroshock.

Her auto-attacks gain an electrifying effect, dealing additional magic damage. This works well with her ability to weave in auto-attacks between spellcasting, increasing her damage potential. Zoe can capitalize on the item’s low cooldown time to plan her surprise attacks accordingly.

The build’s impact extends to Zoe’s Paddle Star, as it can strike numerous targets, applying the item’s extra magic damage to each hit. This allows Zoe to optimize her damage output, which is especially useful in team engagements or when confronted by several opponents.

3) Twisted Fate

Statikk works wonders for Twisted Fate’s kit. His W and E abilities stack really well with Statikk for insane burst damage.

Pick a Card allows him to choose a card to boost his next auto-attack. When coupled with Statikk Shiv’s passive, the charged auto-attack delivers a strong burst of damage that can catch opponents by surprise. The increased magic damage complements Twisted Fate’s burst playstyle, allowing him to quickly destroy squishy targets in team fights.

On the other hand, Stacked Deck adds damage and attack speed to his auto-attacks. The combination of Stacked Deck and Statikk Shiv’s electric charge results in a stunning burst of damage that can easily eliminate high-priority targets.

It also greatly simplifies TF’s wave-clearing mechanics, thanks to the Electrocute passive.

4) Fizz

As a melee mid-laner, Fizz typically struggles with clearing waves efficiently compared to other champions. The introduction of Statikk Shiv in his item build excellently tackles this deficiency, offering him better wave-clearing skills without the need to plunge into the midst of enemy minions.

This item also works well with Fizz’s role as an AP assassin, improving his already powerful auto-attacks and increasing his overall damage output. When combined with the Electrocute passive, Fizz becomes an even more lethal danger, capable of quickly destroying unwary opponents.

It is often recommended as a third item after core items like Luden’s Echo, Zhonya’s Hourglass, or Lich Bane. These fundamental items provide Fizz with the AP and utility he needs to flourish as an assassin. Statikk Shiv enhances this build by increasing his damaging potential and wave-clearing skills.

5) Veigar

As if Veigar’s insane AP scaling is not enough, Statikk Shiv also makes his auto-attacks deadly. Thanks to the Electrocute passive, Veigar seals his name as the undisputed one-shot king in the Summoner’s Rift. His abilities are already enough to eliminate enemies with a single press on R. With this item, Veigar can deliver catastrophic damage without even using his ultimate.

Veigar becomes a force to be reckoned with in the late game. An end-game Veigar with 2000 AP can deal a whopping 3500 damage alone using Statikk. Paired with Rabadon, Veigar is the one-shotting monster everyone should watch out for.

Overall, the new Statikk Shiv provided players with greater gameplay options for AP champions, which established the current meta. The item’s newfound versatility sparked enthusiasm among League fans, especially after its extended absence from the Rift.

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