5 best bludgeoning skills for Barbarians in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 comprises many gameplay mechanics to keep players engaged. These range from the five distinct classes to varying rarities of loot. Players can spend countless hours experimenting with the vast number of skills available for each class. These skills enable one to switch their playstyle according to the challenges and defeat multiple foes effortlessly.

Barbarian is ideal for players looking to decimate foes at close range. It is crucial to identify the best skills to enhance the usability of this class. Fortunately, the Barbarian possesses some potent bludgeoning skills that are robust to deal with most enemy types in all stages of Diablo 4.

Disclaimer: This listicle is subjective and reflects the writer’s opinions.

Which are the five most effective bludgeoning skills for Barbarians in Diablo 4?

1) Hammer of the Ancients

Diablo 4 players looking to deal focused damage can opt for Hammer of the Ancients. This skill results in the in-game character slamming a hammer on the ground and dealing a certain percentage of damage in a concentrated area. It can also inflict physical damage if players use a two-handed bludgeoning weapon.

This skill can also be upgraded until Rank 5 to increase the damage dealt in the concentrated spot. One can also opt for Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients, wherein they gain additional Fury for some seconds for every foe affected by Hammer of the Ancients.

2) Concussion

Concussion is a potent passive skill one can invest in for the Barbarian. Players are offered a small chance to stun adversaries for a few seconds, with a slightly higher probability when using a two-handed bludgeoning weapon. This boost is triggered only by players resorting to skills using the latter.

Players who find themselves overwhelmed by a swarm of enemies can opt for Concussion provided they also like using two-handed bludgeoning weapons. This passive skill gives players a few seconds of respite and enables them to devise a new plan.

3) Wallop

Diablo 4 players who opted for the above passive skill can also benefit from having Wallop on their side. Wallop grants players additional damage to stunned adversaries or those that are vulnerable. Again, this passive is tied to the skills of bludgeoning weapons.

Players who can enhance this skill rank up to three times. Rank 1 provides a 5% boost to damage, Rank 2 gives 10% damage strength, and Rank 3 offers a robust 15% increase to damage against stunned or vulnerable foes. One can read about some of the weakest unique monsters.

4) Bash

Bash unleashes a strong attack that deals a significant percentage of damage to the enemy struck by it. Players can continue unleashing this attack, and after repeating it a number of times, the next Bash move stuns a foe for some seconds. The stun duration can be increased if one uses a two-handed weapon.

Diablo 4 players with an aggressive playstyle can strengthen this skill by investing in higher ranks. The higher the rank, the better the base damage of Bash. Rank 5 will deal the most damage, increasing by 42%. Players who like this passive skill can also opt for Enhanced Bash.

5) Walking Arsenal

Walking Arsenal benefits players who prefer using two-handed bludgeoning, dual-wielded, and two-handed slashing weapons. This key passive enables players who use the aforementioned weapons to deal an increased amount of damage for a few seconds.

Furthermore, one can avail of an additional boost to damage if all three damage bonuses remain active. This being a key passive, does not possess any higher rank. Players can refer to this list of the five best Barbarian passives in Diablo 4, which can be useful to craft a robust build.

Diablo 4 can be challenging on higher difficulty levels. Thus, it is recommended to tweak the build for the character to better tackle tougher enemies. Players can peruse this guide highlighting the best end-game build for the Barbarian class.

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