5 Best Latissimus Dorsi Exercises for Massive Back Strength and Size

Latissimus dorsi exercises help build massive back strength and give your body great proportion. Latissimus dorsi, aka the lats, are the biggest and the broadest muscles of your entire upper body that not only provide back strength but also offer shoulder strength, stabilize your spine, and give a wide V-shaped back as well.

Further, while stronger lats give your body an impressive V-taper look, regular practice of latissimus dorsi strengthening exercises can also help you become more mobile and flexible. Additionally, stronger and muscular lats prevent the risks of shoulder injuries and also boost your overall athletic performance.

Latissimus dorsi exercises give a V-taper look. (Photo via Pexels/Abdoul Ahad Thiam)
Latissimus dorsi exercises give a V-taper look. (Photo via Pexels/Abdoul Ahad Thiam)

So, needless to say, it’s important that you give your lats the attention they need by practicing certain latissimus dorsi stretches and exercises. While there are several exercises you can add to your lats muscle workout, here are five of the best ones you must definitely practice to build a stronger back.

5 Best Latissimus Dorsi Exercises for Your Back

Add the following exercises to your latissimus dorsi workout to achieve a muscular and well-defined back:

1. Barbell rows

The barbell row is one of the most effective latissimus dorsi exercises that target the back and also strengthen the shoulder and bicep muscles. It is a simple upper-body weightlifting exercise that is sure to provide explosive strength to the entire back.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand upright with your feet at a shoulder-width distance. Squat down with your knees slightly bent and grab the barbell with your hands wider than your shoulders.
  • Now, engage your torso and keep your back flat as you lift the bar and stand using just your hips. Keep your gaze straight ahead.
  • From there, squeeze your abs and slowly bend forward at your waist to start the rowing movement.
  • Keep your torso straight and pull the barbell up towards your chest. Repeat the exercise.
Barbell rows are one of the most effective latissimus dorsi exercises. (Photo via Pexels/Victor Freitas)
Barbell rows are one of the most effective latissimus dorsi exercises. (Photo via Pexels/Victor Freitas)

2. Wide-grip pullups

The wide-grip pullup is among the most challenging latissimus dorsi exercises that not only strengthen the back but equally target the shoulders, arms, and chest. It gives your core muscles an excellent workout as well.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand underneath a pull-up bar with your spine stable and posture upright.
  • Next, reach up to grab the bar with each hand. Make sure your thumbs are pointing towards one another and your hands are wider than your body.
  • Now, look straight and pull your body up towards the bar. Pause at the top and then slowly lower yourself back down.

To make the exercise challenging, you may wear ankle weights or a weighted vest.

3. Renegade rows

Another very beneficial latissimus dorsi strengthening exercise, the renegade row fires up your core while also targeting your back muscles and enhancing your dynamic flexibility.

To do this exercise:

  • Take a plank position and hold on to a dumbbell in each hand. Keep your toes pointed and make sure your palms face each other.
  • Now maintaining the plank position, start the rowing movement using one hand at a time, and row each dumbbell up and down for a few reps.
  • If the movement feels too challenging, take a plank position on your knees and continue.
Renegade rows are among the most potential latissimus dorsi exercises. (Photo via Pexels/The Lazy Artist Gallery)
Renegade rows are among the most potential latissimus dorsi exercises. (Photo via Pexels/The Lazy Artist Gallery)

4. Close-grip chin-ups

The close-grip chin-up is also among the most effective latissimus dorsi exercises that involve shoulder extension and target the lower lats to a higher degree.

To do this exercise:

  • Stand underneath a pullup bar, and then, reach up to grab the bar with both hands.
  • Make sure to hold the bar using a supinated grip, i.e., with your palms facing towards your body and your hands narrower than your shoulder width.
  • Now, engage your lats and pull your body up until your chin gets above the bar.
  • Slowly lower your back down and repeat the exercise for a few reps.

5. Dumbbell pullovers

Dumbbell pullovers are a great upper-body strength-training exercise that not only works on the lats but targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These include the triceps, chest, and core.

To do this exercise:

  • Sit on the edge of an exercise bench and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Grab a dumbbell using both hands and then slowly lie back on the bench. Make sure your head, back, and neck are fully pressed against the bench.
  • Next, extend your arms up over your chest and slowly extend them back over your head. Keep your palms facing each other and make sure your elbows are slightly bent.
  • Lift your arms up again and continue to lower it back behind your head.
  • Repeat the exercise.
Latissimus dorsi exercises target the core. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)
Latissimus dorsi exercises target the core. (Photo via Pexels/Andres Ayrton)

Choose any two to three latissimus dorsi exercises from above and practice them a few times a week to see great results. Go for at least 2 sets of 10 to 12 reps, and don’t forget to rest in between.

Use enough weight that you can handle to complete the desired number of sets and reps. Avoid performing back exercises that aggravate pain or any kind of discomfort.

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