5 best Overwatch 2 heroes to counter Wrecking Ball

Tank heroes have been a formidable force since the release of Overwatch 2. The original Overwatch featured a 6v6 format with two Tanks, but after the release of Overwatch 2, the developers made some changes and turned the game into a single Tank 5v5 format. Among the various Tanks in Overwatch 2, Wrecking Ball is known for his insane mobility. However, he is also the most challenging to learn.

Hammond can move around the battlefield and leave a trail of chaos. He can roll into the site and dive right next to opponents without hesitation. His high mobility, crowd control, and ability to contest objectives make him a worthy adversary. Countering Wrecking Ball requires a lot of teamwork. In this article, we will delve into the five best heroes in Overwatch 2 that can counter the disruptive playstyle of Wrecking Ball.

Ana, Zarya, and three other Overwatch 2 heroes to counter Wrecking Ball

1) Brigitte

This Swedish Engineer is one of the most aggressive Support heroes in Overwatch 2. Brigitte provides both healing and defensive capabilities that can obstruct Wrecking Ball’s aggressive playstyle. Her Shield Bash can stun Wrecking Ball, halting his momentum.

Furthermore, Brigitte’s Repair Pack and passive enable her to survive Wrecking Ball’s insane damage output. With additional armor, her comrades can withstand Wrecking Ball’s attacks, and with the help of her empowered Barrier shield, she can absorb incoming damage from his Rolling Mineflied.

2) Reaper

Reaper’s close-combat skills and self-sustainability make him a formidable force against Wrecking Ball. As a tank-busting DPS, he can shred through the health pool of Wrecking Ball, thanks to his Hellfire Shotguns. His passive ability helps him to heal for a portion of the damage dealt.

His Wraith form allows him to evade Wrecking Ball’s deadly attacks and piledriver combo because it makes him invulnerable and gives him a tactical advantage. His ultimate can devastate Wrecking Ball’s team, making him a serious threat.

3) Junkerqueen

When it comes to countering Wrecking Ball, Junkerqueen is a reliable choice since she is an unstoppable force in close-range combat. Due to her passive ability, she can recover quickly between fights. Wrecking Ball is a great target for Junkerqueen’s Jagged Blade and Carnage, which results in increased damage over time.

She can also deal a massive amount of damage with her shotgun. When she uses her Commanding Shout, she can keep up with Wrecking Ball’s mobility, and her ultimate Rampage can really turn the tide of battle in your favor.

4) Mei

Mei can effectively counter Wrecking Ball with perfect timing and cooperation. Her primary gun Endothermic Blaster can slow down Wrecking Ball’s momentum, limiting his movement and making him an easy target.

Additionally, Wrecking Ball’s escape routes can be blocked using Mei’s Ice Wall ability, or he may be caught in unfavorable positions due to this wall. Mei’s Cryo Freeze is one of the deadliest ultimates in Overwatch 2. She can endure Wrecking Ball’s blows and freeze him, making Wrecking Ball extremely vulnerable.

5) Cassidy

Cassidy is one of the best Hitscan heroes and can destroy Wrecking Ball with his unique set of abilities.

Cassidy’s Peacekeeper allows him to chip away at Wrecking Ball’s health pool, especially when he’s in his ball form. He can dodge Wrecking Ball’s piledriver and devastating assaults with the help of his Combat roll.

In the current season of Overwatch 2, Cassidy received a huge update that enables his magnetic grenade to hinder Wrecking Ball, rendering him unable to move. His ultimate, Deadeye, has the potential to one-shot Wrecking Ball.

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