5 best rogue builds in Diablo 4

Despite being a new class in Diablo 4, Rogue is considered a copy of the agility-type class, the Demon Hunter. They shared some similarities in past entries in the franchise. However, the Rogue is much slower and relies more on melee combat than ranged attacks. With the introduction of energy-based skills, this class no longer relies on mana meters.

However, many who love playing the Demon Hunter can rebuild their Rogue to bear the same skill and abilities. With this, you can create unique subclasses with an entirely new experience by respeccing your character. That said, this article will list the five best builds for a Rogue in Diablo 4.

Ranged Rogue, Pure Damage, and more amazing builds for a Rogue in Diablo 4

1) Ranged Rogue build

The Ranged Rogue is a popular build in Diablo 4. However, this is considered a mid-50 to late-game build that can burst elites with one to three hits. Your basic attack will be forceful arrows that can inflict vulnerability on enemies after three hits, while your core skill will be a barrage capable of clearing out mobs fast. With the combination of shadow imbuement, poison imbuement, and cold imbuement, you can expect high clearing potential and fast farming.

This can be very effective against bosses due to its high burst rate and plenty of debuffs.

2) Stealth Trapper build

This build is good for early-game or the campaign in Diablo 4. Due to its high mobility and burst rate, you will have better odds of survivability. The ability to set traps, lure enemies by backstabbing them, and dashing out to your trap can inflict AoE poison damage. This build is not for everyone, as its high combo difficulty can be tricky for newcomers.

However, once you have mastered the combinations and set the right key binds for quick access, you will be melting every enemy, elite, and boss with this build.

3) Pure Damage build

This is one of the highest damage builds you can have as a Rogue in Diablo 4. It’s considered an overpowered build, with its ability to one-shot enemies and clear out mobs. Choosing puncture as your basic attack can inflict burst damage to nearby enemies and slow them down after every three hits. With this basic attack, you can build up your energy meter much faster and spam your core skill.

4) Rapid Fire build

This entry is for levels 50 and higher. With the rapid-fire build, you can really feel the scale of damage inflicted on enemies due to its consistent targeting. You will see the health bar of bosses melting away as you activate the rapid-fire ability.

Additionally, this is a really fun build to play. With the ability of concealment, you can run around mobs to set traps before engaging. Thanks to these abilities, you can massively damage the field and easily clear out most nightmare-level dungeons.

5) AOE build

This build is considerably the best for farming. With its ability to quickly clear out mobs and dungeons, you will reach level 100 in no time. Your core ability will be barrage, a burst ability for close to mid-range combat. Combined with cold imbuement and shadow step, you can easily maneuver around enemies. Additionally, you can use dark shroud to reduce damage taken in every world tier.

Diablo 4 is now available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S.

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