5 best tips for finding diamonds in Minecraft 1.20

Minecraft 1.20 changed a lot of aspects of the game, but the importance of diamonds was not one of them. They remain arguably the most important resource in Mojang’s sandbox sensation, and they’re still a fairly rare find. Even with so many more things to do in the title’s current version, finding diamonds should still be most players’ first priority.

Diamonds have never been particularly easy to find, but there are several things you can do in Minecraft to ensure you have a better chance of finding the ore.

Bringing a water bucket and other tips to follow if you want to find diamonds easily in Minecraft 1.20

1) Take advantage of a crafting table

There are two big issues players run into when going on long mining trips to get diamonds. First, they run out of pickaxes very quickly. Second, they run out of inventory space.

One item (two, if you count the sticks needed for the pickaxes) can alleviate these problems, and that is a crafting table. You will inevitably get a lot of stone while mining, and you can just constantly use them to make stone pickaxes. When one breaks, you can craft another and keep mining, as long as you have sticks (which are also good for torches).

Additionally, inventory space can be saved by crafting items into blocks. If you have two stacks of coal, you can turn them into blocks of coal which saves a lot of space. Finding diamonds takes a while, and you might not last that long without a crafting table.

2) Look for caves

Look for caves (Image via Minecraft Wiki)
Look for caves (Image via Minecraft Wiki)

Strip mining does often yield a lot of diamonds, but it can be extremely monotonous, and there’s not a universal area you can go to like you could with Y level 11 before the 1.19 update. It’s still a more than viable method, but it’s not the best.

Diamonds are more common and much easier to see in caves. You can explore and have fun while finding diamonds, which makes the entire process less tedious. All ores are pretty common in caves, so this is just a generally good plan for any kind of mining in Minecraft.

3) Bring a water bucket

It’s true that the lower you go in Minecraft, there’s a good chance of finding diamonds. There is also a very good chance that you will find massive pools of lava. When you’re mining, you need to have a water bucket to remove the lava and make it traversable. It does remove the light, but it also removes the danger.

With caves being so big thanks to the 1.19 Minecraft update, there’s also a fall damage risk when exploring, so keeping a water bucket at all times is very helpful.

4) Go below level 16

Diamonds are common deep below the surface in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)
Diamonds are common deep below the surface in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)

There’s a wide range of where diamond ore can theoretically spawn in Minecraft, but it’s not all-inclusive. The world limit goes down to Y level -64, and diamonds can be found all the way down to it. They’re not as common, but they can also be found as high as Y level 16.

Anything above that will not yield diamonds. Other ores can spawn, and they are pretty common on those levels, but if you’re searching for diamonds, you need to stay well below level 16.

5) Dig out around the ore

Diamond ore can spawn in veins of up to seven, which would be a spectacular find. However, this is not common. Sometimes, players will uncover only one ore. If this is the case, and just in general, you should mine the surrounding area to check for more.

Every so often, multiple diamond ores spawn in a “vein,”but don’t touch it. You may mine one block and not see anymore, potentially leaving more diamonds just under the surface. Always mine the area out just to be safe.

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