5 fun animal walk exercises you can do daily

Are you tired of the same old workout routine and looking for a fun and exciting way to stay active? Well, look no further than animal walk exercises. These exercises are not only a funny addition to your workout, but they also work the full body, just as any other routine would.

In this article, we introduce you to some animal walk exercises that will bring out your inner child and make your workouts a lot more enjoyable. These exercises are not only entertaining but also great for building strength, improving flexibility and boosting overall fitness.

What are animal walk exercises?

What are animal walks? (Image via Freepik)
What are animal walks? (Image via Freepik)

Animal walk exercises are a joyful yet effective way to boost your fitness routine whilst having fun.

By imitating the movements of animals like frogs, penguins, ducks, bears and crabs, you engage multiple muscle groups and improve your strength, flexibility, coordination and balance.

These exercises surprisingly offer a full body workout while targeting various muscle groups and can be adapted to different fitness levels. They also enhance body awareness and add an element of joy and creativity to your workouts.

Joyful animal walk exercises for daily workout

Here are five of them:

#1 Frog jump

Frog jump (Image via freepik/bublikhaus)
Frog jump (Image via freepik/bublikhaus)

Let’s kick things off with the frog jump exercise. Channel your inner amphibian as you squat down low and rise to explode into a powerful jump, landing with soft knees and repeating the movement.

This exercise targets the lower body muscles, including the quads, glutes and calves, giving them a good workout while providing a cardiovascular challenge.

#2 Penguin exercise

Penguin walk (Image via Freepik)
Penguin walk (Image via Freepik)

Waddle your way to the adorable penguin exercise. Start by standing with your feet together and hands by your sides. Take small steps to the side, keeping the knees slightly bent and upper body upright.

Move like a penguin, maintaining a steady rhythm as you work your leg muscles and engage the core. This exercise is not only great for toning the legs but also improves balance and coordination.

#3 Duck walking exercise

Duck walking squat (Image via Freepik/Artphoto_Studio)
Duck walking squat (Image via Freepik/Artphoto_Studio)

For the duck walking exercise, begin by squatting down, keeping the back straight and chest lifted.

Walk forward like a proud duck, maintaining the squat position and taking small steps. Feel the burn in the quads and glutes as you challenge the lower body muscles.

This exercise is a fabulous way to strengthen the legs, improve mobility and add a touch of fun to your workout routine.

#4 Bear crawl exercise

Bear walk with the cub (Image via Pexels/Yankrukau)
Bear walk with the cub (Image via Pexels/Yankrukau)

For this ultimate core burning exercise, start in a neutral tabletop position with the hands directly beneath the shoulders and knees under the hips. Lift your knees slightly off the mat or ground, keeping the back flat and engaging the core.

Now, slowly move forward by stepping with your right hand and left foot, then left hand and right foot. This exercise works the upper body, core and even works your legs. It’s a full body workout that mimics the strength and agility of a bear.

#5 Crab walk exercise

Crab walk (Image via Freepik/Garet's Visuals)
Crab walk (Image via Freepik/Garet’s Visuals)

Let’s finish off our animal walks with the crab walk. Sit on the ground or mat with the hands behind you and fingers pointing towards the feet. Lift your hips off the ground, and start walking sideways, alternating the left and right hand and foot at a comfortable pace.

This exercise works the triceps, shoulders and core while also engaging the glutes and legs. It’s a fabulous way to improve upper body strength, stability and coordination.

With the aforementioned animal walk exercises, you can add some excitement and playfulness into your fitness routine.

From frog jumps to penguin waddles, duck walks to bear crawls and crab walks, these workouts will challenge your body while putting a smile on your face. So, get moving, and don’t be embarrased to make exercise fun again. Remember that fitness and exercise doesn’t have to be a chore when you’re having a blast.

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