5 weakest unique monsters in Diablo 4

Diablo 4, Blizzard Entertainment’s latest installment in its widely popular series, brings the promise of destruction and adventure. With their chosen character builds, players can explore an open world inside the game. Occasionally you must deal with powerful foes to earn rewards and level up. Enemies in Diablo 4 can be classified into two main types – Bosses and Unique Monsters.

Although less of a threat than the bosses, unique monsters can sometimes be difficult to deal with. However, with careful consideration and calculation, they can be easily defeated. When you have a strong support system of players in the game, the task becomes even easier.

Unique monsters in Diablo 4 and their class-specific rewards

Unique Monsters come with a rare set of abilities in Diablo 4. Successfully defeating them will reward you with some extremely rare loot items. However, these items can only be equipped by specific classes. Given below is a list of unique monsters, along with the specific class that can use it.

  • Gaspar Stilbian: The Outcast’s Handwraps can be equipped by the Sorcerer class.
  • Rotsplinter: The Ring of Splintered Wood can be equipped by all the classes.
  • Lord Eonan: The Blood-Cursed Band can be equipped by all the classes.
  • Zarozar the Mighty: The Bloodspiller’s Helm can be equipped by the Barbarian class.
  • Enkil: The Eye of Enkil can be equipped by all the classes.

Gaspar Stilbian, Rotsplinter, and other weak unique monsters in Diablo 4

1) Gaspar Stilbian

One of the weakest unique monsters you will come across in Diablo 4 is Gaspar Stilbian. Sitting in the Scar region in the Scosglen area, this rare elite enemy can easily be defeated as, unlike the others, it does not actively engage with you but rests comfortably in its place.

You just have to approach and kill it. After that, you will be rewarded with the Outcast’s Handwraps, a type of Unique Gloves.

2) Rotsplinter

Another easy-to-defeat unique monster in Diablo 4 is the Rotsplinter. You can find this enemy type at the Pallid Grave in the Fractured Peaks region. This monster can deal two types of damage. He can unleash an army of spiders or expose you to harmful amounts of poison.

Although equipped with many tricks to intimidate the player, Rotsplinter can be easily defeated if you play in a group. Killing it rewards you with the Ring of Splintered Wood, a type of Rare Ring in the game.

3) Lord Eonan

Lord Eonan can be found in the dense forests of the Scosglen region. This enemy type can deal damage by casting spells on you. Compared to the others on the list, this one is tricky to deal with. However, with the correct strategies, you can easily turn the tables in your favor.

Having a solid system of supportive players during the fight is extremely beneficial in this case. Given these circumstances, the enemy can be easily defeated. Killing this enemy type will reward you with a Blood-Cursed Band, a Rare Ring in Diablo 4.

4) Zarozar the Mighty

Zarozar the Mighty is a renowned unique monster in Diablo 4. He can be found at the Desolations’ Reach in the Dry Steppes region. He wields two types of hand-held weapons capable of causing considerable damage. You need to steer clear of his repeated attacks by maintaining distance.

Once you navigate through the situation, you can start attacking him with powerful hits. This tactic will allow you to trounce this enemy type. Killing him will reward you with the Bloodspiller’s Helm, a Unique Helm in the game.

5) Enkil

Another unique monster you will come across in Diablo 4 is the Enkil. Lurking at the Forsaken Coast in the Hawezar region, this enemy type has the tendency to enclose you inside a wall. However, if you are constantly moving, you can outsmart him easily.

Not boasting too many moves or mechanics, he can be defeated quite quickly. Once you grasp the magnitude and consequences of his abilities, it’s an easy finish. Killing this powerful enemy type will grant you the Eye of Enkil, a Rare Amulet.

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