6 Key Takeaways from Robert Downey Jr’s Return in the MCU

As San Diego Comic-Con comes to a close, Marvel Studios has emerged as the clear victor with its surprising announcement of Doctor Doom.

It has been announced that Robert Downey Jr. will be reprising his role in the MCU, but not as Iron Man. Instead, he will portray Victor Von Doom, the arch-nemesis of Reed Richards and widely considered the most formidable supervillain in comic book lore. This unexpected news has sparked a mixed response from fans, and as someone who was awake at 3am to write about it, I can attest to the divisive reactions.

However, our focus is not on debating the merits of this decision. Rather, I am intrigued by the implications of Downey’s new role for the future of the MCU, Phase 6, and the upcoming Marvel films.

Therefore, following a good night’s rest (once again, I had stayed up very late), I wore my thinking cap and devised six key takeaways that I believe we can glean from the most significant SDCC revelation.

Insidious Iron Man

The cover to Infamous Iron Man showing Doctor Doom in his Iron Man armor and cloak
Marvel comics

It is highly probable that the portrayal of Doom in the MCU will draw inspiration from the Infamous Iron Man comic series, which was published from 2016 to 2017. This captivating plotline featured a reformed Doom assuming the role of Iron Man following the demise of Tony Stark. Although it is unlikely that Avengers 5 will closely follow this storyline (as Marvel movies often deviate), it is unlikely that the actor who portrayed Iron Man will be cast as Doctor Doom without acknowledging it in some form.

Based on my prediction, it is likely that Doom’s MCU costume will bear a closer resemblance to Victor’s Iron Man armor rather than the traditional green tunic and mask. This could possibly suggest that this version of Doom will not have any visible scars, at least not initially. Additionally, adapting the Infamous Iron Man run would effectively distinguish the portrayal of Doom by Downey Jr from previous on-screen versions, which may have left a negative impression on fans.

Kang’s Dynasty and Its Inevitable Fall

Kang and Doom battle
Marvel Comics

It appears that Marvel’s plans for Kang and his multiversal allies are now quite clear. It can be assumed that Doom will swiftly defeat Kang’s armies (likely not shown on-screen) in order to establish himself as the next major threat in the MCU. This is not unfamiliar territory for Doom, as he has effortlessly defeated Kang in the past during the original Secret Wars with the help of a reprogrammed Ultron.

Avengers Disassembled

Marvel's Avengers
Marvel Studios

It is an undeniable fact that the Avengers will not emerge victorious in Avengers: Doomsday (pun unintended). It is anticipated that Doom will emerge triumphant, potentially bringing about the downfall of the multiverse, whether intentionally or inadvertently, in order to claim the title of god emperor Doom, as depicted in the 2015 Secret Wars comics.

4. Spider-Man vs. Doctor Doom

Spider-Man holds his head in his hands in shock
Marvel Studios

It would be illogical for Marvel not to have some sort of twisted reunion planned if they were to bring back the actor who played Spider-Man’s father figure in the MCU. The potential for drama is abundant in the concept of Tom Holland’s Peter seemingly reuniting with Tony, only to have the rug pulled out from under him when it is revealed to be Doom. At the very least, there should be a scene where the two face off, and Marvel would be foolish not to include it.

It is uncertain how many appearances Spider-Man has left in his contract with the MCU, as the details of the Sony/Marvel deal are not publicly known. However, it is likely that Disney will make efforts to solidify their license to utilize the character in the near future.

Doom’s Dynasty

Doctor Doom in Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

One thing that does cross my mind is the length of time Downey’s Doom will appear in the MCU. If I had to make a prediction, I would say it won’t be a significant amount of time, or at least I can’t imagine Downey staying for several more movies after Avengers 5 and 6.

Keeping this in mind, I predict that Doom will bear some resemblance to Thanos in Marvel’s Phase 6. He will likely be a formidable enemy who, once defeated, will vanish from our screens just like the Mad Titan. It is unfortunate, as the MCU has a tendency to eliminate its most compelling villains. One of Doom’s greatest qualities is his continuous interaction with the superhero world, so I hope my assumption is incorrect… although it is likely not.

6. Marvel Studios is not afraid of criticism

Despite the potential backlash, it is clear that Marvel Studios no longer concerns themselves with Internet criticism, as evidenced by the SDCC panel. Whether you believe the decision to bring back Downey is brilliant or bonkers, it is undeniable that Marvel was aware of the potential backlash surrounding the casting.

A positive thinker may view it as a display of confidence in their creative choices, as they likely would not make such a move without a clear vision, while a pessimist may see it as unambitious and a desperate attempt at gaining attention.

The outcome of the Marvel Civil War remains uncertain, but one thing is certain: there will be plenty of discussions, articles, and podcasts about Robert’s return to keep us occupied until the release of Avengers 5. And it seems that Marvel believes that any kind of publicity is beneficial for their franchise.

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