7 best Minecraft build ideas for the End realm

Minecraft possesses three distinct in-game dimensions that players can traverse between the End, the Overworld, and the Nether. The End is the home of the vicious Ender Dragon and signals the endpoint of Survival Mode’s story. However, some players have seen it fit to redesign the dimension by creating impressive and functional builds in the oft-hostile location.

There are countless intriguing ideas surrounding builds that Minecraft players can create in the End. From building bases and settlements to completely removing the main End island and creating stellar bodies, the community’s creativity expresses itself in virtually infinite ways.

If prospective Minecraft builders are looking for some excellent creations in the End to inspire them, there are countless picks worth mentioning.

The Solar System and other Minecraft End builds worth checking out or recreating

1) Revamped End City

My remake of End City I spend a month on, feelings? by u/LucyStarshine in Minecraftbuilds

End cities have been a part of Minecraft’s generated structure roster for years, but they could certainly be better. Aside from towers and nearby End ships, there isn’t much to these cities. Fortunately, fans like LucyStarshine on Reddit have envisioned a grander vision for End cities that makes them feel more like actual settlements.

Utilizing more towers and buildings, many of which are comprised of obsidian and purple stained glass blocks, LucyStarshine’s creation feels much more like a city that the enigmatic endermen would inhabit. This build even comes with a recreated Ender Dragon on the city’s periphery, and fortunately, this one isn’t hostile.

2) End Village

Custom villages are some of the most popular builds in the Minecraft community, partially due to villagers’ ability to survive well in most environments. This apparently also includes the vacuum of space that surrounds the End, as is demonstrated by this build from popular content creator Ibxtoycat.

By reforming the base island of the End with more agreeable blocks like sand and sandstone, Ibxtoycat was able to bring villagers through an End portal and to their new home. Complete with job blocks, bedding areas, and beacons, this Minecraft creation keeps villagers safe and allows them to work in thrive in the End.

3) The Solar System

With the exception of Minecraft’s recent April Fool’s Day update that introduced the ability to go to the moon in the vanilla game, the End is the closest thing players have to outer space without mods. Since this is the case, content creator LockDownLife took the initiative to recreate our solar system within the End.

Consisting of an unfathomable number of concrete and other blocks of various colors, LockDownLife was able to replace the base End island with a diorama of the solar system surrounding our sun. Sure, it may not be accurate to the planetary arrangements in real life, but it’s certainly a sight to behold and marvel at nonetheless.

4) Fake End

It’s one thing to create builds within the End in Minecraft, but what if players place the dimension elsewhere in the game world? This is what ShulkerCraft set out to do, creating a pocket version of an End city and End ship all within the Overworld.

By hollowing out a massive hole deep into the surface of an area in the Overworld, ShulkerCraft was able to fill the gap with black concrete powder blocks that resemble the open void of space surrounding the End. Lastly, all that was required was to tear down an existing End city and recreate it as closely as possible, just in a new location.

5) End Base

Since the End is a considerably hostile locale, it doesn’t hurt to have a base in the dimension. Although Minecraft players have the freedom to create whatever home they’d like in the End, this creation by Bluentage takes things to the next level with a mega-base that fits the otherworldly theme of the dimension perfectly.

After clearing out the main End island, Bluentage created a massive circular base comprised primarily of obsidian. To improve the overall black/purple color scheme, Bluentage built the obsidian that the structure is based on in a way that the frames can be activated as Nether portals, creating an otherworldly purple sheen.

6) Multiplayer Community Hub

Building a creation in Minecraft solo gameplay is one thing, but forming one that facilitates multiplayer is even better. Such is the case with this science fiction-inspired build in the End by Macrodee. By utilizing a massive amount of stone and blackstone blocks, Macrodee created a hovering space station that’s perfect for players to meet and mingle.

7) End Castle

Had some time to make a end island build over the break!! by u/Foxfoil in Minecraftbuilds

Castles remain some of the most popular builds in the Minecraft community thanks to their designs often being rooted in popular fantasy media or even real-world instances. The player Foxfoil on Reddit decided to deconstruct the central End island and build an entire massive castle around the re-entry portal.

Similar to the End base created by Bluentage, this castle uses an abundance of Nether portals to keep in theme with the purple coloration of the End dimension. Meanwhile, blackstone and obsidian are used throughout the rest of the build to create an Ender Dragon statue, the central portal chamber, and accompanying perimeter light towers.

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