Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is one of the most played sandbox games of all time. The latest v1.20 update introduced lots of new features, mobs, structures, and elements in the game. One of the key additions is the massive structures that spawn at various locations on the map, including Woodland Mansions, Desert Temples, Ancient Cities, and many more.
These will provide you with a pretty handsome amount of loot after killing the mobs that spawn there. In this article, we will talk about the overall seven best structures for loot in Minecraft 1.20, providing you with an essential guide for your adventure.
Trail Ruins, End Cities, and more structures for loot in Minecraft 1.20
1) Trail Ruins
The Trail Ruins is a new structure in the Minecraft 1.20 update, but you will not find any chests in these places. The only way to get loot is to brush out the suspicious gravel that occurs there.
The Trail Ruins generate mostly underground but are exposed more above the ground in the Java Edition than in the Bedrock. They can be found in the jungle, old-growth birch forests, old-growth taiga forests, taiga, and snowy taiga biomes.
You will need a brush to excavate the suspicious gravel and each suspicious gravel will offer you two different types of loots that can be classified into common and rare.
The common loot items consist of brick, dyes, candles, clay balls, wheat, wooden hoe, seeds, glass panes, dead brushes, flower pots, lead, hanging signs, strings, gold nuggets, and emeralds. The rare items include pottery sherds of various types and armor trims. These have an 8.3% chance of being generated in one of these suspicious gravels.
2) End Cities
End Cities hold an epic amount of loot in Minecraft, but exploring them requires you to kill the Ender Dragon first. While there’s a lot of hard work, the loot is worth that much. These islands will be generated in the outer islands of the End Cities, and you can use an end gateway to reach them.
The End Cities will have shulkers guarding the entrances, and you may get shulker shells that can be used to create shulker boxes if you kill them. The End Cities will be made of end stone bricks and purpur blocks. Minecraft gives a 50% chance that a bridge will generate in each direction of the tower in an End City, and a 12.5% chance that it will be connected to an End Ship. If you find an End Ship, you may find the best form of loot in the game, the Elytra.
Other loot items that you may find are gold and iron ingots, diamonds, saddle, horse armor, enchanted iron and diamond armor as well as tools, emeralds, and armor trims.
3) Strongholds
Strongholds are underground structures in Minecraft that can be found following ender pearls. Once it is pointing directly downward into the ground, you will know that there is one situated underneath.
Strongholds serve as a gateway to The End dimension where the Ender dragon resides. These structures are filled with various rooms and corridors, including prison cells, a library, and the end portal room. If you find the library, you will know that you’re close to the end portal.
The best Stronghold loot can be found in alter chests. These have a chance of containing food items, iron and gold ingots, ender pearls, Redstone, iron tools and armor, diamonds, music discs, enchanted books, saddles, horse armor, and armor trims.
4) Bastion Remnants
Bastion Remnants are huge structures found in the Nether, except for the basalt deltas. These are inhabited by piglins and piglin brutes. The brutes will attack you even when you are wearing a piece of gold armor, and they will have three times the health of a piglin.
There are four different types of Bastion Remnants, including the bridge, hoglin stables, housing units, and treasure room each having different kinds of loot, piglins, and gold.
The loot items generally found in these structures include lodestone, arrows, iron, gold, crossbow, tools, armor, obsidian, music discs, netherite scrap, enchanted books, saddles, armor trims, and ancient debris.
5) Woodland Mansions
The Woodland Mansions are massive structures in Minecraft that are generated thousands of blocks away from the spawn point. There generally have three floors where you will find evokers, vindicators, and allays. There can be over 50 rooms that can generate in these mansions, each having a different layout and different amounts of loot.
There will not be any treasure in the chests that generate out in the open rather you will have to look for secret chests that are hidden from the natural sight. These can be found in the mansion’s rooms, but they will not be in between any blocks.
The chest items include bone, gunpowder, food, name tags, Redstone, music discs, seeds, chestplates, iron, gold, golden apples, and armor trims. The other form of loot is obtained by killing the illagers. Vindicators drop emeralds and evokers drop the Totem of Undying when killed.
6) Desert Pyramids
The Desert Pyramids are a great source of loot in Minecraft, and are mostly found in the desert biome. However, you need to make sure you don’t fall into the TNT trap while looking for the treasure.
There are two hidden locations where you can find the loot. The traditional one is to choose a block next to a pillar and start digging down so you don’t fall down to the ground and incur damage. Once you reach the floor, make sure you destroy the pressure plate that causes the TNT to explode.
To find the other hidden location, you will have to look for sand blocks and continue to dig down from there. While doing that, make sure you brush out the suspicious sand blocks when you see one.
The loot includes gunpowder, enchanted books, saddles, iron and gold ingots, golden apples, emeralds, horse armor, diamonds, armor trims, and pottery shards.
7) Ancient Cities
Ancient Cities were added in Minecraft 1.19 update, and are guarded by the Warden. These are huge structures found in deep dark biomes, located underground. The floor of the city will usually generate at a Y level of -51.
Looting an Ancient City will certainly be risky as it is guarded by the Warden, a powerful mob in Minecraft. However, the city contains lots of loot chests that will give you a large amount of loot if you prefer quantity to quality.
The items that you can find here are coal, potions, enchanted books, disc fragments, amethyst shards, sculk sensors, armors, music disks, saddles, lead, horse armor, enchanted golden apples, and armor trims.
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