Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Discover “Greedy” Visual Bug

Baldur’s Gate 3 Players Discover “Greedy” Visual Bug

Baldur’s Gate 3 is by far one of the most complex games you can play today, filled with multiple mechanical and gameplay aspects that you learn as you progress.

Among all these aspects, one mechanic that you will encounter in the game is the Long Rest. The latter requires a certain number of resources and helps restore the life points of the entire party. However, when you automatically select the resources needed for Long Rest, the number displayed is much higher than necessary.

Baldur’s Gate 3 players explain visual bug with resources consumed during a Long Rest

On Reddit, user u/TattiMankeli posted a meme. It shows that the resources needed for Long Rest should be capped at 80. However, once you automatically select resources, the game shows you that you need 240 resources.

Auto select being so damn greedy byu/TattiMankeli inBaldursGate3

Community players joined the discussion to explain that this was a visual bug in Baldur’s Gate 3. They said: “Auto-select will only use the supplies needed for the Long Rest, despite the quantity additional selected” .

Another player mentioned a solution. “If you click the button a second time, it seems to settle on a solid 40.”, saying you can simply reset the screen to see the actual number of resources required.

A player provided a second handy method to resolve this visual bug without reloading. He explained: “Just deselect an item then reselect it, the count is corrected.”

Some players were confused as to why the post said 80 resources were required when for them it always shows 40. Players explained that 80 is required when playing Baldur’s Gate 3 at a higher difficulty.

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