A Baldur’s Gate 3 player dares to return to Act 1 and pays the price

A Baldur’s Gate 3 player has shared his experience on what can happen if you ignore all the warnings and decide to retrace your steps to Act 1.

Retracing your steps in Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to complete unfinished quests, explore certain areas as well as resolve unfinished business.

However, while the game allows players to progress their story as they see fit, the RPG includes a point of no return. Long-running games often use this type of functionality.

In the case of Baldur’s Gate 3, a player tested these limits and shared his findings on Reddit. It turns out that ignoring all warnings and going back is a bad idea.

byu/cinemadog inBaldursGate3

“My 92-hour Honor mode journey just ended because I’m stubborn and didn’t listen to the guardian angel when he told me not to return to Act I.”he explained.

The original poster wanted to return to Act 1 to retrieve the Gloves of the Warlike Skies that he had forgotten. He innocently thought he could collect them before heading to Act 3.

However, the Guardian Angel advised him not to go back, even repeating it three times. But instead of listening to the warning, the player chose to ignore it.

“What could possibly go wrong?” I thought the guardian angel would just be annoyed and allow me to come back after repeatedly ignoring his warnings.”

This player finally explained that the guardian angel got angry and left him to fend for himself. Result of the races: the Venerable Brain transformed his entire team into Illithids, placing them under his control.

Some players in the comments were perplexed and thanked the OP for sharing their experience. Meanwhile, one player pointed out that the same thing happens if you “rush”to Act 3.

“You are warned several times when you go on deck that you are not ready. If you ignore it, the same result happens.”

This player’s experience therefore highlights the importance of listening to warnings in Baldur’s Gate 3. Ignoring advice can turn an epic adventure into a desperate fight for survival.

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