A Comprehensive Guide to All Factions in Frostpunk 2

<p>Frostpunk 2 immerses players in a frigid wasteland, compelling them to make difficult decisions to foster city growth, assist innocent civilians, and satisfy various factions to implement policies and laws.

With numerous complex choices to navigate, players may find themselves pondering critical questions: Which policies should be prioritized for research? Is it moral to sacrifice the elderly? Should the workforce be automated? Which laws will satisfy specific factions? Striking a balance can be quite challenging.

All Factions in Frostpunk 2

Frostpunk 2 factions
11 Bit Studios / dexerto

Story Mode

The story mode is structured to guide players through the most engaging features of Frostpunk 2 while also providing a foundational understanding of the game. In this mode, players encounter four factions, each with distinct beliefs and principles.

Below are the factions encountered in Story Mode:

Faction Belief Cornerstones Ability
Evolvers Believe that Reason, Progress, and Adaptation are essential for overcoming the Frost, and they embrace Science and Innovation. – Adaptation– Merit– Reason Enhance Workers: Boosts Production Efficiency citywide.
Faithkeepers Prioritize Tradition and Equality, relying on the Generator and seeking ways to strengthen it. – Progress– Equality– Tradition Evening Prayers: Enhances Trust.
Pilgrims Support adaptation to the Frost, maintaining Tradition and Equality. – Adaptation– Equality– Tradition Deploy Guides: Accelerates expedition times in the Frostlands.
Stalwarts Aim for adaptation without compromising Tradition and Equality. – Progress– Merit– Reason Recruit Enforcers: Provides additional Guard Squads.

Utopia Builder

Frostpunk 2 Machinists
11 Bit Studios / dexerto

In Utopia Builder mode, players enjoy greater freedom, with numerous factions to discover, appease, or eliminate. Unlike in the story mode, each faction possesses both a passive and active ability. Thus, players must exercise caution before upsetting any faction, as their goodwill could significantly enhance city functionality.

Below are the factions found in Utopia Builder:

Faction Belief Cornerstones Ability
Bohemians These artists and rebels see adaptation as a form of art, striving to dismantle inequality and outdated traditions. – Adaptation– Equality– Reason Mindshaping (Active): Increases Trust. – Trust Fostering (Passive): Randomly boosts relations with communities when the Bohemians are satisfied.
Icebloods Advocate for equal pursuit of Tradition, Merit, and Adaptation to build the best city. – Adaptation– Merit– Tradition Volunteer Expeditions (Active): Boosts Food output by 80. – Hunting Trips (Passive): Increases Food production while the Icebloods are content.
Legionnaires As the frontline against the Frost, they prioritize discipline, equality, and tradition. – Progress– Equality– Tradition Raise Prefabs (Active): Instantly provides Prefabs. – Guard Recruitment (Passive): Grants extra Guard Squads while the Legionnaires are satisfied.
Menders Rugged explorers who regard the Frostlands as home. – Adaptation– Equality– Tradition Rescue Operations (Active): Grows the population by rescuing survivors from the Frostlands. – Exploration Support (Passive): Expeditions are expedited while the Menders are happy.
Overseers Elite engineers focused on establishing technological supremacy. – Progress– Merit– Tradition Overdrive Output (Active): Enhances Production Efficiency. – Voluntary Patrols (Passive): Minimizes crime while the Overseers are satisfied.
Proteans Rationalists committed to adaptation and merit-driven evolution. – Adaptation– Merit– Reason Coordinate Patient Care (Active): Quickly returns sick workers to the job. – Healthcare Assistance (Passive): Reduces disease while the Proteans are happy.
Technocrats A technology-driven faction that utilizes rationality to enhance the city. – Progress– Equality– Reason Optimize Research (Active): Boosts research velocity. – Maintenance Optimization (Passive): Lowers materials demand while the Technocrats are satisfied.
Venturers Detail-oriented individuals seeking the best deals. – Progress– Merit– Reason Finance Mercenaries (Active): Recruits additional Guard Squads. – City Investment (Passive): Increases Heatstamp income while the Venturers are pleased.

How to Gain Factions’ Trust

Frostpunk 2 pilgrims
11 Bit Studios / dexerto

Building trust with factions can be challenging, as they often have conflicting interests and may operate against one another.

Therefore, it’s crucial to monitor your relationships with different factions and implement laws that benefit the city while also gaining favor with lower-tier factions. Some factions, like the Pilgrims and Faithkeepers, naturally align through shared values such as Equality, Subsidised Housing, and Workforce Automation. Meanwhile, both Stalwarts and Evolvers appreciate efficiency and recognize the value of rewarding diligent workers.

Here are some strategic tips to win over specific factions in Story Mode:

  • Evolvers
    • Implement laws that reward worker performance, like Efficiency Bonuses.
    • Encourage innovation to survive the Frost by constructing research-promoting buildings, such as Teaching Hospitals.
    • Prioritize efficiency at every turn.
  • Faithkeepers
    • Enact laws that support equality and tradition, such as Traditional Funerals, Equal Pay, and Mandatory Unions.
    • Develop Subsidized Housing and research to automate the workforce.
    • Focus on enhancing equality.
  • Stalwarts
    • Broaden technology through innovative laws.
    • Reward dedicated workers via laws like Efficiency Bonuses.
    • Establish policies that ensure maximum productivity from the workforce.
    • Incorporate order in every governance manner possible.
  • Pilgrims
    • Implement laws that promote Equality.
    • Minimize worker strain with automated workforce initiatives.
    • Support Adaptation efforts.
    • Construct facilities that assist the populace, like Subsidized Housing.

For Utopia Builder mode, the most effective approach is to monitor the Cornerstones and Beliefs of each faction. If you encounter a faction you wish to suppress, consider promising laws or research that will benefit rival factions. It’s a balancing act, but with careful attention to their beliefs, you can leverage them against one another, yielding advantages for multiple factions through single policies.

Keep in mind the actions of their factions. While they may not enhance trust among others, they can facilitate policy enactment and accelerate research (thanks to the Technocrats).

Faction Actions Explained

Frostpunk 2 Stalwarts
11 Bit Studios / dexerto

Faction actions play a critical role in Frostpunk 2 and should not be overlooked if you want to ensure survival.

In essence, faction actions are actionable bonuses for your city. For instance, by maintaining good rapport with the Stalwarts, you can Recruit Enforcers to manage crime rates. This provides substantial benefits without any costs, proving invaluable in times of struggle.

Besides prioritizing appeasement, it’s advisable to stay informed about each faction’s abilities and passive benefits. If you’re short on resources, assess what faction capabilities you can enact. Sometimes, undoubtably controversial laws might be necessary to enhance favor and access their benefits, leading to increased food production, Prefabs, Heatstamps, or workers.

This covers everything you need to know about the Factions in Frostpunk 2.


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