A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead – Everything we know so far

Saber Interactive, the publishers of Space Marine 2 and World War Z, have released their latest horror game, A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead. This game draws significant inspiration from the popular movie franchise with the same name.

Ever since its initial release, the first Quiet Place film has captivated and scared audiences with its tragic horror tale. The haunting idea of being unable to make noise in a world taken over by deadly extraterrestrials with exceptional hearing continues to be one of the most spine-chilling stories of modern times. This concept lends itself to creating phenomenal films and also has the potential to be an unforgettable game.

When the game was announced in 2021, there was much excitement about how the project would progress. However, updates on the game soon became scarce (ironically). But the wait is now over, as new information has been unveiled and the game has released its first trailer.

Therefore, the following is a comprehensive summary of our knowledge regarding A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead.

Table of Contents

  • Is there a release date for A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead?
  • What is the plot of A Quiet Place?
  • Trailers
  • Which platforms will A Quiet Place be available on?

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead Release Date

A Quiet Place The Road Ahead
Saber Interactive

At the moment, the release date for A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead has not been announced.

Nevertheless, we are aware that it is slated for a release in the latter half of 2024, barring any potential setbacks. Therefore, we can anticipate a relatively short waiting period for both the official launch date and the game itself.

As soon as an announcement is made, we will update this article. Therefore, please check back soon for further details.

What is the plot of A Quiet Place?

This first-person horror adventure game takes place in the familiar world of the Quiet Place movies, where sound, or the lack of it, plays a crucial role.

The focus of A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is on a young woman’s struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world following an alien invasion that has decimated most of the human population.

The main character must confront her personal fears and navigate the turmoil within her family, all while maintaining complete silence to avoid alerting the monsters.

The trailer and previous iterations of A Quiet Place make it evident that the game will have a dark and eerie atmosphere, with plenty of jump scares and frightening creatures.

Movie Trailers

The reveal trailer for A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead was released on June 17, 2024.

Beneath is the trailer for you to watch:

Platforms for A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place: The Road Ahead is set to launch on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

As of now, there is no information about a release on the Nintendo Switch or previous generation consoles. However, if any updates are announced, we will make sure to update this article accordingly.

In the meantime, please browse through these other upcoming games such as Gears of War E-Day, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and Dragon Ball Sparking Zero.

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