For many gamers, spending money on video games isn’t a viable option. As a result, players often seek alternative methods to obtain free in-game items.
In such situations, redeem codes are the most effective way to secure various rewards in the popular game State of Survival.
However, obtaining the redeem codes for State of Survival can be challenging due to their short validity period and quick expiration.
That’s why we have compiled a list of all State of Survival codes that have been released to date.
All State of Survival Redeem Codes
List of All Working State of Survival Codes
Currently, there are no active codes available for redemption. We will update this article with new and active codes as they become available.
Expired State of Survival Codes
- QueenMaddie2024—Redeem for Materials (New)
- BackToSchool2024—Redeem for Materials (New)
- halloween2023sos—Redeem for materials.
- SOSOCTOBER—Redeem for materials.
- foreversnowing—Redeem for materials.
- S9B5397B85A6—Redeem for materials.
- S7D56DEBDDCB—Redeem for materials.
- S7779006439A—Redeem for materials.
- SAVETHEAMAZON—Redeem for materials.
- DOFINALS23—Redeem for materials.
- eliminationrounds—Redeem for materials.
- DalmaZerosAll—Redeem for materials.
- MODSTHANKU—Redeem for materials.
- THEGURU—Redeem for materials.
- PCVersionXApr—Redeem for materials.
- PCVersionXMar—Redeem for Biocap, Metal, Food, Wood, and Speedups (Note: Claim on PC Version only).
- sos1234—Redeem for 500x Biocaps, 1x Epic Search Map, 5x Rusty Fragments, 40x 1k Gas Tickets, 40x 1k Metal Tickets, 40x 1k Food Tickets, and 40x 1k Wood Tickets. (New players only.)
- jumping festival tiger
- lunarnewyear2022s
- mendy0125
- 20ShouGatu
- japancoastguard118
- in 1209
- Snowfalling
- sos1234—Redeem for rewards (New Players Only.)
- kuchentvsos—Redeem for rewards (New Players Only.)
- Halloween
- Edinstvo2021
- SOS100Mdownloads
- With hangul
- Countdown—Redeem for Biocap x300, and 5m Speedup x10.
- Samsung—Redeem for 1K Biocaps x2, Epic Search Map x2, Rusty (Fragment) x10, 100 Chief EXP, and Fire Fury HQ Skin (1 Day).
- HAEMATOM—Redeem for 1K Biocaps x2, Epic Hero Fragment x10, 200 Chief EXP x100, Rusty (Fragment) x10, 1K Metal x300, 1K Food x300, and 1k Wood x 300, and Fire Fury HQ Skin (1 Day) (only for new players.)
- PCVERSION2023—Redeem for 300x Biocap, 50k Metal, 50k Food, 50k Wood, and 3x 1 hour Speedup (Note: Claim on PC Version only).
- wegothedistance—Redeem for 500x Biocap, 1x Epic Search Map, 10k Metal, 10k Food, 10k Wood, and 1 hour Speedup.
- ProjectDominion1205—Redeem for 500x Biocap, 1k Metal, 1k Food, 1k Wood, 5m Speedup.
- reservoirleague1119
- PCHALLOWEEN—Redeem for in-game Resources (PC Players only).
- GorillaLove—Redeem for in-game Resources (New players only).
- ThanksAllSurvivors—Redeem for 5 Skin Tickets, 100 Biocaps, 10k Gas, 10k Metal, 10k Food, 10k Wood, 100 VIP Points and 5 minutes of Speedup.
- FunPlusxSoSSeptember—Redeem for in-game Resources.
- MMsos4—Redeem for a Tactical Gear Design, a Chief Gear Material Crate, 1k Biocap, and 1 hour of Speedup.
- lucky2022—Redeem for 100 Biocap, 10k Metal, 10k Food, 10k Wood.
- treasure2022—Redeem for 500 Biocap, Epic Search Map, Rusty Fragment, 10k Supply Crate, 5m Speedup.
- sos8888—Redeem for 100 Biocap, 10k Metal, 10k Food, 10k Wood.
- nanami202—Redeem for 500 Biocap, Epic Search Map, 5 Rusty Fragment, 1k Gas, 1k Metal, 1k Food, 1k Wood.
- assignmentsos8—Redeem for 10 Tactical Guides.
- Zenyasai—Redeem for in-game Resources.
- ForeverTrident—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 1 Advanced Search Map, a 1-hour Speed Boost, 1k Metal, 1k Wood, and 1k Food.
- sos1234—Redeem for Biocap x500, Epic Search Map x1, Rusty Fragments x5, 1k Gas x100, 1K Metal x100, 1K Food x300, and 1k Wood x300.
- 3YearsSoS—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 200 Chief EXP, 1 Advanced Search Map, 1k Food, 1k Wood, and 5 minutes of Speedup.
- Anniversary2days—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 2 Advanced Search Maps, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- SOSANNIVERSARY1DAY—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 1 hour of Speedup, 1k Metal, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- AnniversarySoS—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 1-hour Speedup, 1k Metal, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- AnniversaryEvent—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 1-hour Speedup, 1k Metal, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- HappyAnniversary—Redeem for 500 Biocap, 1-hour Speedup, 1k Metal, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- Maddiefrank2022—Redeem for 300 Biocap, 1-hour Speedup, 1k Metal, 1k Food, and 1k Wood.
- ilovesos1—Redeem for Biocap x500, 100K Supply Crate x2, and 1h Construction Speedup x2.
- SoSSummerFun—Redeem for in-game Resources.
- FunPlusSOS2022—Redeem for Biocap x300, Advanced Search Map x1, 1K Food x100, 1k Wood x100, and 5m Speedup x6.
- jumping festival tiger
- lunarnewyear2022s
- mendy0125
- 20ShouGatu
- japancoastguard118
- in 1209
- Snowfalling
- Kobeko1207
- Jpnspace1202
- December1st
- Mirin1130
- Thanksgiving2021
- Feelgoodtue
- so thanks
- Edinstvo2021
- roughdaySOS2021
- Mexicanaster
- Happy365days
- survivaldaily
- sos2021
- mapleleaves
- With hangul
- 100mxbithday
- gaecheonjeol
- SOS100Mdownloads
- Welcome2021
- sos999—Redeem code for 1K Biocap x1, Epic Search Map x2, 200 Chief EXP x100, Rusty Fragments x10, 1K Metal x300, 1K Food x300 and 1K Wood x300.
- kuchentvsos—Redeem for rewards.
- trickortreat2021
- Halloween
- MondayCode2021
- Halloweek2021
- sos999
- 2s2o2sanni
- Happy2AnniversarySOS
- 2ndMemorialBook2021
- AirshipGuardian
- AnniversaryBoss
- 5daystoairshipdesign
- FrameHQskins
- sos119
- NewheroBecca
- LongLiveDaryl
- CherokeeRose
- superstition13
- sos6666—Redeem for x5 100 Biocaps, x2 Epic Search Map, x1 10K Supply Crate, and x15 5M Speedup.
- gtvmediasos—Redeem for rewards.
- flyhighmeriamxirha
- livestream—Redeem for x1000 Biocaps, x2 Epic Search Map x10 Rusty, x100 100 Chief EXP, x300 1k Food, x300 1k Wood and x300 1k Metal.
- Catzilla
- wonderboy
- survive
- theonewordnames
- thezombies
- sos8282—Redeem code for x500 Biocaps, x2 Epic Search Map, x1000 1K Food, x1000 1K Wood, and x20 5m Speedup.
- SFA773217A67—Redeem code for x1 Epic Hero Badge, x 1 Elite Hero Fragment, x2 1K Gas, x2 1K Metal, x2 1K Food, x2 1K Wood, x2 5m Training Speedup, and x2 Combat Manual.
- SD406B202C12—Redeem code for 50 Biocaps, x1 Epic Hero Badge, x1 Epic Hero Fragment, x1 Advanced Search Map, x5 1K Gas, x5 1K Metal, x5 1K Food, x5 1K Wood, x4 5m Training Speedup, x4 5m Construction Speedup, and x4 5m Research Speedup.
- S13A9A1D3804—Redeem code for 50 Biocaps, x1 Advanced Search Map, x3 1K Gas, x3 1K Metal, x3 1K Food, x3 1K Wood, x3 5, Training Speedup, and x3 5m Research Speedup.
- code123
- wallwatcher—Redeem code for x300 Biocaps, x2 Advanced Search Map, x20 10K Supply Crate, and x30 1m Speedup.
- trapbuilder—Redeem code for x300 Biocaps, x1000 1K Food, x1000 1K Wood, and x5 5m Speedup.
- Thenursewilljackit
- LadyoftheGraveyard
- applepie
- 2021SPASX01
- happy1stofmayday
- Sosmothersday2021
- brandonsos
- sosniko
- jonathansos
- patricksos
- jessicasos
- wilbursos
- drumsysos
- dashewan520
- iq300
- cometogether
- chaos
- alarm
- gameplayhk
- ilovechocolate2021—Redeem code for x500 Biocaps, x100 10K Food, and x100 10K Wood.
- nikitosos
- bartgametvsos
- shimoroshowsos
- usefulness
- NIKOSOS— Redeem code for x300 Biocap, x1 Advanced Search Map, x100 1K Food, and x100 1K Wood.
- SOSpring – Redeem code for Epic Search Map x1 and Biocap x500.
- sos100
- sos200
- sos300
- SOS23rd
- ZodiacAnimal
- Zodiacfrank
- HAEMATOM – Redeem code for 1K Biocaps x2, Epic Hero Fragment x10, 200 Chief EXP x100, Rusty (Fragment) x10, 1K Metal x300, 1K Food x300, and 1k Wood x 300, and Fire Fury HQ Skin (1 Day) (only for new players).
- Countdown – Redeem code for Biocap x300, and 5m Speedup x10.
- Samsung – Redeem code for 1K Biocaps x2, Epic Search Map x2, Rusty (Fragment) x10, 100 Chief EXP, and Fire Fury HQ Skin (1 Day).
- VK60K – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 2 Search Maps.
- SoSHaematom – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 2 Search Maps.
- woahaematomsos – Redeem code for rewards.
- vlfrgaming2 – Redeem code for rewards.
- morejstusos – Redeem code for rewards.
- Anniversaryhero – Redeem code for rewards.
- Happybirthday – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map.
- joyeuxanniversaire – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map.
- POZDRAVLYAEM – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map.
- 1STYEARPARTY – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map.
- ILOVESOS – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 1 Epic Search Map.
- IGMASK – Redeem code for 500 Biocaps and 2 Advanced Search Maps.
- Thankyou – Redeem for 300 Biocaps.
- Happy4thjuly – Redeem for 300 Biocaps.
- environment – Redeem for 300 Biocaps and 2 Advanced Search Maps.
- Sunday – Redeem for 300 Biocaps.
- Profession – Redeem for 250 Biocaps.
- HOFFNUNG – Redeem for 30x 1-minute Speed Ups, 400 Biocaps, and 2 Search Maps.
- character – Redeem for 300 Biocaps.
How to Redeem Codes in State of Survival?
- Access your Profile from the main lobby, located on the left side of the screen.
- Scroll down to the bottom and go to the Settings.
- In Settings, find the Gift Redemption section.
- Copy any code from the list above and paste it into the designated box.
- Click on the Redeem button to proceed.
- Check your in-game mailbox to collect your rewards.
- Finally, tap the Read & Claim All button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Do you know how to change your state in State of Survival?
My State of Survival Codes Do Not Work?
Initially, ensure you complete the short prologue in State of Survival before entering any codes.
After completing it, you can claim rewards as described above. If you find a code is non-functional, double-check for any spelling mistakes. To avoid errors, copy-pasting codes from the “Working Codes” section into the Gift Redemption box is advisable.
If the codes do not work still, they have likely expired. Since State of Survival codes are short-lived, it’s crucial to activate them promptly. To keep track of the latest State of Survival codes, revisit this page regularly to ensure you never miss out on rewards.
About State of Survival
State of Survival is a free-to-play strategy game where players build and manage their bases while defending against hordes of zombies to earn strategic points and valuable resources. Success in the game requires upgrading various facilities within your base and recruiting heroes to fend off the undead. With each victory, you can expand your home base and enhance your chances of survival.
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