Actress in Her 20s Discovers Her Cellular Age is 74 Years Old

Despite now being in her mid-30s, Hahm Eun-jung continues to possess a youthful appearance that can easily rival her prime during her 20s.

Despite the year being 2015, she surprised everyone with the results of a test that showed her “cellular age”to be 74 years old.

Ham Eun-jung
Ham Eun-jung

While being featured on KBS’s health variety show “Vitamin”, Hahm Eun-jung participated in a fat content analysis and cellular health assessment test.

Despite her young age, she achieved the highest results among all participants, which suggests a cellular age of 74!

Despite Jo Young-gu being in his late 40s at the time, it was even more surprising that his cellular age was only 34.

Ham Eun-jung

Despite Hahm Eun-jung’s claim that she was eating well during her non-active periods, it was pointed out that she was not meeting her daily caloric requirement and was consuming 807 calories less than necessary.

Luckily, Hahm Eun-jung has adopted a healthy lifestyle by regularly exercising and following a balanced diet.

The information was obtained from the article on Daum.

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