Adele Faces Backlash from Korean Fans After Rising Sun Flag Appears at German Concert

On August 2nd (local time), Adele kicked off a series of 10 concerts in Munich, Germany, where the flag was visible.

The attention-grabbing concerts have featured a 220-meter-long outdoor screen, which is currently being evaluated for a potential spot in the Guinness World Records.


The organizers had previously stated their intention for the screen to be acknowledged as the biggest outdoor screen ever used in a concert.

At the first concert, the song “Rumor Has It”was sung and the stage background included a display of the Rising Sun flag pattern. Upon learning this, Korean fans expressed their disapproval.

Meanwhile, since November 2022, Adele has been putting on weekend performances in Las Vegas, USA. It is anticipated that she will take a hiatus after her last show in November.

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