ADOR Responds to Allegations of Unauthorized Use of Shakatak’s Song

On July 23rd, ADOR issued a statement on their official Instagram in response to the recent plagiarism scandal. The statement emphasized the importance of setting the record straight and promised to address the issue in full.

In relation to the controversy surrounding alleged plagiarism in the music video for “Bubble Gum,”ADOR provided an explanation stating that the video was released on April 26th. On May 20th, they received an email from HYBE alleging similarities between their song and a track by the band Shakatak, who are under the management of UK music publisher Wise Music Group, represented by Edition Korea. The songwriters for “Bubble Gum”responded on May 21st, stating that they were not aware of the song “Easier Said Than Done”prior to the complaint and therefore could not have used any of Shakatak’s music without proper permission.

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ADOR explained that due to the media’s attention on May 13th, which coincided with their ongoing dispute with HYBE, they anticipated the potential for confusion and commissioned a professional analysis from two renowned musicologists from overseas. On June 17th, they received a notice via certified mail from Shakatak’s legal representative in Korea. In response, on June 21st, they officially replied, stating that they had already addressed and denied Shakatak’s claims of unauthorized use of their composition, and requested a credible report to support their allegations.

Upon investigation, ADOR refuted the allegation that “Bubble Gum” had unlawfully used “Easier Said Than Done,” asserting that the two songs differ in chord progressions, bpm, and overall emotion. Furthermore, it was determined that a claim of unauthorized use based on a simple similarity in melody was a misrepresentation of the truth. It is worth noting that this particular melody was in widespread use in pop music, both before and after “Easier Said Than Done.” ADOR strongly contested the claim and requested a credible analysis from the claimant if they intended to pursue the matter further.

The ADOR expressed disappointment that certain media outlets have chosen not to cover this process, unfairly portraying our request for an analysis from the individuals who filed the complaint as an unethical demand and not in line with standard industry practices.


During the handling of our complaint, we have serious concerns about HYBE’s actions. As the company responsible for representing ADOR’s best interests in handling PR, we expected better communication from them. Our representative initially reached out to HYBE through email, and it would have been reasonable for them to inform ADOR about the matter before sharing it with other departments. However, HYBE disseminated the information without our consent, involving more people than necessary. Furthermore, they did not make an effort to work closely with us to minimize negative press coverage. Despite our repeated objections and request for a more proactive approach, HYBE has continued to demonstrate a lukewarm and passive attitude towards the issue.

ADOR stated that they have been making their best efforts to handle the situation at hand. Currently, legal teams representing both Beasts And Native Alike, who manage NewJeans’ music, and the songwriters and publishers are investigating the matter. In addition, ADOR’s own team has been actively monitoring the situation and diligently correcting any false information that may arise.

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