aespa Winter Sparks Heated Debate After Her Remark About AI: ‘Why Is She Acting Moral?’

In an online community, aespa Winter received a variety of reactions when she shared her thoughts on using AI. However, some netizens chose to mock her instead.

During a recent live broadcast, the female idol spent time interacting with her fandom, MYs. She also watched videos created by fans using AI technology, in which she was shown singing songs from various artists.

Upon witnessing this, Winter displayed her strong opposition towards AI and captured the audience’s attention by proclaiming:

“Ah, you shouldn’t do AI like this. You should not. They said AI is bad. I’ll just sing everything instead of AI. Except the songs that I don’t know.”

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She proceeded to showcase her exceptional singing abilities by performing brief renditions of various songs, including Taeyeon’s “To.X,”Taeyang’s “Eyes, Nose, Lips,”BEAST’s “Rainy Days,”and more.

This allows fandoms to experience the joy of listening to their favorite singers and imagine how a song would sound if they were to perform it themselves. However, this practice has sparked controversy as the original singer’s consent is often not obtained and other artists and musicians have expressed feeling cheated out of their time, effort, and talent.

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Winter received a lot of agreement from K-Netz, who expressed their support by stating:

“I 100% agree with what Winter said. Honestly, AI covers are also using the singer’s voice at will, and since the technology has only just emerged, it hasn’t been legislated yet, but it seems similar to a violation of portrait rights. And if I were working in the industry, I would be anxious and uncomfortable with AI threatening my job.”

  • “Winter is an entertainer, so isn’t it weirder for her if she will advocate the use of AI?”
  • “I don’t understand why people think imitating voice is okay when they obviously think that deepfake isn’t. If the person in question doesn’t like it, what does it matter what others think?”

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On the other hand, Winter received criticism and ridicule for her “moral”actions, as some saw them as contradictory to their original beliefs and focus on utilizing artificial intelligence.

Moreover, a few online commenters accused the idol of being biased by claiming that AI is “harmful,”despite the fact that numerous singers and artists have gained recognition through these enhancements.

“Do you always get permission from the original singers when you cover their songs? A cover is singing someone else’s song with your own voice, so it’s essentially the same as an AI cover. Isn’t it ironic? Voices don’t even have the concept of copyright yet. And AI covers aren’t even made by people, they’re literally made by machines. So it’s okay for you to sing it however you want, but it’s bad when a machine covers it?”

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  • “What do you mean sing everything? Your fans can at least hear the songs you could never sing with your skills through AI covers.”
  • “SM Entertainment’s idols are rampant with lip-syncing and auto-tune as well as plastic surgery, and they love science and technology more than anyone else, but they still say that’s not possible.”

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