After 400 hours, Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers rare enemy mechanic

Combat in Baldur’s Gate 3 is far from simple, especially when you factor in all enemy movement, spell slots, and a myriad of other things to watch out for. However, after 400 hours of gameplay, one player discovered a rare mechanic.

The enemies in Baldur’s Gate 3 have just as many mechanics as the characters you play as, if not more in some cases. They can be extremely difficult to overcome if you are not prepared, especially if you are not aware of all the mechanisms they have at their disposal.

However, some enemy mechanics can make things a little easier. This is because they tend to be predictable about what they will use against you, especially at lower difficulties. They also rarely have access to the powers of the Illithids, the scrolls, and the diversity that you have in hand.

And in fact, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player has revealed a rare mechanism when you gain the upper hand in a fight, which could revolutionize your approach to role-playing.

After 400 hours of gameplay, a Baldur’s Gate 3 player discovers that enemies can surrender

Player Daeloki shared his discovery on Reddit. “I discovered that enemies can surrender. It was the goblins who intimidated the gnome on the windmill. I threatened them to leave, then attacked them as they were leaving.”

After 400+ hours… byu/Daeloki inBaldursGate3

He added: “Suddenly the fight ended and their leader had surrendered status.”

Players in the comments seemed unaware that this was something enemies could do. So this led many to believe that the original poster’s experience was actually encounter specific, especially considering that it happened with goblins who can attack you even if you don’t start the fight yourself.

“It’s specific to this encounter, the enemies don’t surrender. The only other case is Crusher in the goblin camp and maybe Ethel if you take her offer into account,” one player explained.

So, it seems to happen in quest-specific situations where it adds to the story if the enemy in question decides to surrender when they’re clearly losing the fight.

Despite the mechanic not being possible for all enemies, many players who encountered it found that it saved them while playing in Honor Mode.

“I got this in Honor Mode too!” I thought the goblins were going to finish me off but killing that main goblin instantly ended the fight. A pleasant surprise especially since this discovery saved my Honor Mode,” commented a player.

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