Airline’s Pokemon Safety Video is So Awesome Players Are Booking Flights

A surprising partnership between Pokemon and All Nippon Airways has excited fans of the franchise, who are now eager to board a plane – even if they have no specific destination in mind.

The Pokemon community has been enjoying this cute airplane safety video that surfaced online and has been shared by websites like IGN. The video showcases popular creatures like Pikachu, Emolga, and Jigglypuff collaborating with airplane cabin crew to demonstrate safety protocols.

The unique yet lovable partnership has been widely embraced by the Pokemon community online, with numerous individuals expressing their willingness to purchase tickets for the sole purpose of watching the complete video.

A thrilled viewer on X commended the innovative clip, stating, “I would surely tune in and watch this on every flight! It’s a fantastic video!”Incorporating popular characters in the video is undeniably an efficient method to captivate passengers and hold their attention on the screen.

A supporter of the series shared their opinion, exclaiming, “This is every Pokemon fan’s dream!”Another excitedly added, “Please, this is too cute!”

Numerous viewers pledged that they would book a flight solely to witness the heartwarming safety video in person. A fan expressed, “This is compelling me to revisit Japan…”and another recommended that all flights should feature this video for their passengers.

A devoted Pokemon enthusiast suggested, “Why don’t we incorporate Pokemon into everyday activities and events around the world? It would definitely bring joy to my life, and I don’t think there’s anything unusual about that.”

This adorable collaboration has officially begun on August 15, allowing Pokemon fans to experience it firsthand by flying with All Nippon Airways and choosing between the Pikachu Jet NH or the Eevee Jet NH. It is the most literal interpretation of Flying Pikachu in the history of the franchise.

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