Alicia Silverstone’s TikTok Bite Goes Viral

Alicia Silverstone’s well-being sparked concern among fans after she posted a TikTok video of herself biting into a poisonous plant, causing her to go viral on social media.

Despite her popularity as the lead actress in Clueless, Alicia Silverstone is still a beloved figure in the entertainment industry. Although she may not make frequent appearances on TV and in movies, Silverstone remains highly active on TikTok, where she currently boasts a following of 4.3 million users.

Since posting her first video on the app in 2021, which has accumulated over 59 million views, almost all of Alicia Silverstone’s subsequent videos have also gained significant viral attention.

During her trip to the UK, Silverstone posted a new video on TikTok in which she requested her audience’s assistance in identifying a plant she had come across while strolling through the streets.

“Silverstone started by saying, “I have just made a discovery and I require your assistance. While we were walking on the street, we were debating whether this was a tomato and I ended up taking a bite.”

Silverstone took another bite of the unknown plant, confessing that she was clueless about its identity. As she continued to eat, she commented, “This looks like a pepper, but I don’t think it’s meant to be eaten. Does anyone know what this is?”

Within the first 24 hours of being uploaded, the video gained 2.6 million views and received numerous comments from anxious fans. Many are concerned that the person in the video may have consumed a Jerusalem Cherry, which they believe may have caused harm.

Jerusalem Cherry, also referred to as Solanum pseudocapsicum, is a type of fruit that is mildly toxic and should never be ingested.

In response, TikTok users wasted no time in requesting “updates”from the actor to ensure her well-being, causing a frenzy on various social media platforms.

Just a few hours after the first TikTok was shared, Silverstone uploaded a follow-up video to confirm that she is still alive and healthy, and even made a joke about not actually consuming the plant.

This recent development has brought immense relief to fans, with some admitting to constantly monitoring her page every hour to ensure her well-being.

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