All ACE SPEC Cards Featured in Pokemon TCG Shrouded Fable

With its reintroduction in the Temporal Forces expansion set of the Pokemon TCG, ACE SPECs are powerful cards that can greatly impact the outcome of a match in the user’s favor.

Despite their limitations, Pokemon players are only permitted to have one of these cards per deck, with the added restriction typically displayed on the card. However, they remain highly formidable and the upcoming release of Pokemon TCG is expected to feature some valuable additions.

In this breakdown, we will examine each ACE SPEC card featured in Pokemon TCG Shrouded Fable, exploring their mechanics, similarities to their Night Wanderer counterparts, and potential uses in a match.

Please be aware that Shrouded Fable will be released on August 2, and therefore, these cards are not currently obtainable. Please revisit on the day of release for more details on these ACE SPEC cards.

Poke Vital A (062/064)

Poke Vital A ACE SPEC Pokemon card.
The Pokemon Company

Poke Vital A (062/064) ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

Some ACE SPEC cards may be revolutionary in nature, while others are more basic. Although Poke Vital A may not be the most thrilling ACE SPEC, it can still be valuable in the right deck.

Vital A Poke allows for the recovery of 150 damage from one of your Pokemon. It is not possible to retrieve it from the Discard Pile using an Ability or Supporter, preventing it from being reused.

This card is situational, as it can heal up to 150 damage, which is a significant amount, especially in the early game. It’s worth noting that the card does not specify that the target must be your Active Pokemon, allowing you to use it to heal any of your Benched Pokemon.

Despite not being able to fully rescue a struggling Pokemon ex in the final stages of a match, it is still worth trying out if you obtain it.

Neutralization Zone (060/064)

Neutralization Zone ACE SPEC Pokemon Card.
The Pokemon Company

Neutralization Zone (060/064) ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

The inaugural Stadium ACE SPEC card, Neutralization Zone, is expected to be highly sought after by both collectors and competitive players upon the release of Shrouded Fable. While it bears a different name than its Night Wanderer counterpart, it functions similarly in gameplay.

Playing Neutralization Zone prevents Attack damage from Pokemon ex and Pokemon V to Pokemon without Rule Boxes when you play the game.

Having blocks and walls on hand while playing Pokemon can be advantageous, especially when facing an opponent who heavily relies on Pokemon ex and Pokemon V. This card could potentially be a game-changer in such situations, as it can counter opponents who heavily favor Paradox Pokemon.

It should be noted that this Stadium has an impact on both players and cannot be recycled. It can be a risky choice if your deck also heavily relies on the affected card types, but if your Pokemon have strong abilities that do not require Rule Boxes, it could give you an advantage towards victory.

Dangerous Laser (058/064)

Dangerous Laser ACE SPEC Pokemon card.
The Pokemon Company

Dangerous Laser (058/064) ACE SPEC Pokemon card.

The Dangerous Laser is both straightforward and impactful, making it a potential hit among art enthusiasts due to its striking use of colors and futuristic design.

The opponent’s Active Pokemon will experience Burn and Confusion as a result of being hit by Dangerous Laser. Dealing with a double Special Condition can be extremely difficult, and this card has the added benefit of having no recycling limit, making it possible to retrieve it from the Discard Pile multiple times.

Dealing with the relentless Damage Counters caused by Burns and the potential for Confusion to result in self-inflicted harm and missed Attacks can be a frustrating challenge at any point in a battle. However, it would be particularly daunting for an opponent in the later stages of a match.

Despite its small card list, Shrouded Fable is proving to be a striking expansion set.

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