All Bark and No Bite: The Ultimate Treant Slaying Guide – Once Human

Once a human has a plethora of fascinating characters hidden away, they are transformed into formidable ‘Bosses’. What sets these Bosses apart is their ever-changing attack patterns. The Treant, being the second prominent boss of the Monolith, is no exception in terms of intrigue.

The Treant is a formidable boss that you will face in the earlier stages of your journey, typically between levels 15-20 (level 20 is advised). You have the option to face it alone or with a partner, as long as you both flawlessly execute the attack tactics. Although the Treant may appear intimidating with its massive bark-covered form, it is all show and no substance.

1. Defeating the Treant in Once Human

To successfully defeat the Treant in Once Human, it is important to follow these steps-

  1. At the start, the Treant cannot be defeated; however, once the crimson vines are destroyed, it becomes susceptible to harm once more.
  2. Target the red centers of the vines in order to eliminate them.
  3. The Treant becomes vulnerable to damage for 120 seconds after the vines fall.
  4. Focus on the red area of the Treant to deal double damage (vulnerability).
  5. Take cover behind the cliffs and the bus to avoid its orb attack.
  6. Once the 2 minutes have passed, repeat the same steps in order to ultimately defeat it.
Gaia Cliff Monolith
Gaia Cliff Monolith | Source: In-game screenshot

Despite being a unique enemy, the Treant is considered a Boss in the initial stages of the game, allowing players to become familiar with its mechanics and gameplay. This is why the Boss can be defeated solo with relative ease. Its location can be found on the map labeled as the Gaia Monolith.

With a bit of patience and precise aiming, even a level 10 solo player can defeat the Boss (for those hardcore gamers out there). The key is to make the most of the 120 seconds by focusing on the Treant and inflicting as much damage as you can.

How to Break the Treant’s Invincibility

From the start of the fight, the Treant cannot be defeated. However, if you eliminate the three crimson vines surrounding it, it will become susceptible to attacks. This state will only last for 120 seconds, and after that, the vines must be removed once more.

Immune to all damage
Immune to all damage | Source: In-game screenshot

As the battle commences, quickly scan your surroundings and you will notice three distinct glowing objects. Your HUD will also update to show the objective as ‘Destroy the 3 vines’. Complete this task by either flying down or running to the nearest glowing vine.

Look for the Vines
Look for the Vines | Source: In-game screenshot

To eliminate these vines, the solution is uncomplicated; it is a recurring strategy in this conflict, which is to ‘Strike the Red’. It is as straightforward as that. Target the glowing crimson-purple core of the vines and within a matter of seconds, they will be defeated.

Target the crimson core
Target the crimson core | Source: In-game screenshot

After removing all three vines, you will have the chance to attack the Boss, Treant, as it becomes vulnerable for 120 seconds. Once the time is up, the vines will regrow once again.

3. Strategies to Counter the Treant

Treant info
Treant weakness is the red woman on its head | Source: In-game screenshot

In the fight against the Treant, your level is not the most crucial factor. Regardless of whether your level is 10 or 12, the damage you deal to the Boss may seem insignificant. However, every bit of damage counts in the end.

Dodge the orbs
Dodge the orbs | Source: In-game screenshot

This battle requires endurance, specifically on your part. By taking down the vines, you can continuously repeat the 2-minute attack time. The most important thing is to survive, so the key is to dodge and perform donkey-rolls to defend against the attacks.

The optimal location for confronting the Treant is the road platform near the bus, providing a vantage point from which to target the Boss’s weakness and effectively evade the troublesome orbs, as depicted in the image above.

Endure to win
Endure to win | Source: In-game screenshot

In summary, the only steps required are to break the vines, climb onto the platform, and continuously attack (while rolling). That’s all it takes; with a level 15 or higher, it should only take 7-8 minutes to defeat it.

4. About Once Human

In the sci-fi game Once Human, the world has been taken over by a cosmic invasion, resulting in a twisted and eerie environment. The powerful substance known as Stardust has changed the inhabitants, giving them remarkable powers as Meta-Humans. As you navigate the post-apocalyptic setting of Once Human, your main objective is to unravel the secrets behind Stardust, its source, and the rival groups fighting for dominance.

Collaborate with other survivors to navigate through this world infused with aliens, fighting enemies, uncovering plots, and acquiring resources. Create your territory and transform the world with your enhanced abilities. First launched on July 9, 2024, Once Human was created by a collaboration between Starry Studio, NetEase Games, and Exptional Global.

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