All Content Warning monsters: How to identify & escape them

Although Content Warning primarily focuses on posting videos on Spooktube, it’s important to remember that you and your friends can still fall victim to the monsters you encounter if you’re not cautious. Therefore, this guide will detail every monster in Content Warning and provide tips on how to evade them.

Despite not having an official bestiary like Lethal Company or Phasmophobia, players of Content Warning have taken to creating names for the frightening creatures they encounter during gameplay.

Despite the lack of an official list, we are able to both identify and escape from the monsters we have encountered thus far in Content Warning. Therefore, below is a comprehensive guide to every monster in the game, their appearance, and strategies for surviving encounters with them.

Explaining the Monsters in Content Warning

Landfall has yet to reveal the official names of the monsters in Content Warning. However, we do have a list of names that players have discovered in the game files and their corresponding appearances.

Monster Description
Angler A fish-like creature that resembles an Angler from the deep sea.
BigSlap A humanoid monster that has weird long arms.
Bombs A humanoid monster that resembles Cthulhu (or a squid).
BarnacleBall A large barnacle with four “legs” attached to it.
Dog A small robot that has a gun on its back.
Ear A four-legged monster with an ear for a head.
EyeGuy A humanoid creature with a large eye for a head.
Flicker A jellyfish-like creature that looks like its attached to a harpoon.
Ghost A creature with half a human(ish) body and two long arms.
Harpoon/Knif Looks like a child in a ghost costume with a pumpkin for a head.
Jello A slug or snail-like creature.
Larva Looks like a centipede with two arms.
Mouthe A humanoid like creature with a massive head and mouth.
Sluper Starfish-shaped creature.
Snatcho A humanoid monster with extremely long legs and a tiny head.
Spider It just looks like a spider.
Weeping Looks similar to a walking Iron Maiden.
Zombie A snail that stands on its hind legs.

How to avoid getting caught by every monster in Content Warning

Every monster featured in Content Warning utilizes a unique technique to ensure that you are able to escape from them.

  • Angler: N/A
  • BigSlap: Avoid being spotted.
  • Bombs: Run away and use walls to separate you from it.
  • BarnacleBall: Avoid its webs and stay out of its way.
  • Dog: Avoid being seen by it or jumping over it.
  • Ear: Move quietly and slowly.
  • EyeGuy: N/A
  • Flicker: N/A
  • Ghost: Avoid the initial knife attacks and it will eventually disappear.
  • To avoid being harmed, steer clear of the Harpoon/Knif’s attacks and patiently wait for it to disappear, which typically takes around 20 seconds.
  • Jello: It’s slow, run away from it.
  • Larva: Steer clear of it and any player it may hurl towards you.
  • Mouthe: N/A
  • To defeat the barnacle, charge at it using Q and throw an item.
  • Snatcho: Illuminate it with a flashlight.
  • Spider: Stay away from it and make sure you don’t get stuck in its webs.
  • Tears: Complete the CAPTCHA.
  • Zombe: Run away from it.

As previously stated, this list is not yet complete. Therefore, as we discover additional monsters, we will keep you informed by providing relevant information. This will ensure that you are well-prepared to achieve internet fame.

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