With few hours left until Overwatch 2 Season 8: Call of the Hunt goes live, the developers have finally unveiled the upcoming skins in a recent trailer on their official YouTube channel. Players are brimming with excitement as the season brings exciting new events, namely Winter Wonderland, New Year of the Dragon, Battle of the Beasts, and more.
Apart from the mesmerizing skins, they’ve also raised the bar by announcing Hero balancing and some quality-of-life changes. So, without further ado, let’s jump into the lists of all the upcoming skins in Season 8: Call of the Hunt in Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 Season 8 Battle Pass skins (Beast Hunters)
1) Nighthawker Ana (Tier 1 Premium)

2) Critter Egg Wrecking Ball (Tier 10 Free)

3) Huntress Junker Queen (Tier 20 Premium)

4) Hazmat Reaper (Tier 30 Premium)

5) Graffiti artist Lucio (Tier 40 Premium)

6) Sawtooth Trapper Junkrat (Tier 50 Premium)

7) Bonesplinter Mauga (Tier 60 Premium)

8) Whisperer Zenyatta (Tier 70 Free)

9) Grand Beast Orisa (Tier 80 Premium)

Winter Fair skins in Overwatch 2
1) Winter Jammies Illari

2) Wrapping Paper Reinhardt

3) Formalwear Cassidy

4) Formalwear Baptiste

1) Formalwear Tracer

2) Formalwear Sojourn

3) Beautiful Mercy Jingle

4) Polar Hog Roadhog

5) Church Festival

6) Nutcracker Pharah

7) Unnamed Zarysa Skin

8) Ugly Sweater Winston

9) Funky Doomfist

10) Wild Tracker Widowmaker

11) Cartographer Mei

12) Magma Mountain

13) Magma Moira

14) Heaven’s Devil Reinhardt

15) Sin’dorei Symmetra

16) Plunders Sigma

17) Blackbird Ana

18) Storm Rider Ashe

19) Great Tengu Hanzo

Overwatch 2 Season 8 Lunar Year skin
1) New Years of the Dragon Mercy

Upcoming events in Overwatch 2
The developers are introducing new events like Winter Fair starting from December 19, 2023, an updated and brand new format of the old Winter Wonderland event, Battle of the Beasts, and New Hero mastery courses including Genji, Lucio, and more. Apart from these, a prop event featuring the map of Lijang Tower is about to kick off on January 30, 2024.
Moreover, the best part of the upcoming Mercy skin in Winter Fair is that it was originally designed by a Twitter user named OverwatchKR in 2021 during the showcase of Christmas Artworks.
Players worldwide can pre-download the pre-release content from Steam or Battle.net to avoid server issues during the release on December 5, 12 pm PT.
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