All Patron item locations in Final Fantasy 16

All Patron item locations in Final Fantasy 16

There are a total of 16 Patron items in Final Fantasy 16, and you will be rewarded with the Whisper trophy if you collect all of them. To get these collectibles, you have to collect Renown by completing quests; these can from main, side, or Hunt Board. You can purchase Patron items with the Renown that you earn from the said missions.

All the Patron items and their costs in Final Fantasy 16

There are 16 Patron items that you can collect, and they are listed below:

  • Talk of the Teahouse (Cost: 15 Renown)
  • Respect (Cost: 45 Renown)
  • Pillow Talk (Cost: 85 Renown)
  • A Swelling Chorus (Cost: 135 Renown)
  • A Prayer for Safe Travels (Cost: 205 Renown)
  • Safe Passage (Cost: 295 Renown)
  • A Token (Cost: 410 Renown)
  • The Bearer’s Plight (Cost: 550 Renown)
  • A Light from the Heavens (Cost: 715 Renown)
  • A Pall Lifted (Cost: 905 Renown)
  • Newfound Purpose (Cost: 1120 Renown)
  • A Gift (Cost: 1360 Renown)
  • A Fitting Performance (Cost: 1635 Renown)
  • Faith Undying (Cost: 1965 Renown)
  • Continental Acclaim (Cost: 2365 Renown)
  • Unsigned (Cost: 2850 Renown)

Where to find all the Patron items in Final Fantasy 16?

All the Patron items mentioned above can be purchased from the Patron’s Whisper Shop, which you can find in the Hideaway region. Once you reach this place, you can talk to Desiree to see how much Renown you have collected by completing quests so far.

How to earn Renown in Final Fantasy 16?

As mentioned above, you can earn Renown by completing any main (50), side (76), or Hunt Board quest (32) in the game. Once you complete all of them, you will have more than enough Renown to buy all the 16 Patron items that have been listed above.

No Renown will be deducted from your account if you buy a Patron item. This means that the Patron’s Whisper Shop takes into consideration how much Renown you have collected in total. If that happens to be more than the cost of the item on the menu, you can buy it without any issues.

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