All Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Listed


List of Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon

Image via the official Pokemon TCG

Included below is a compilation of pseudo-legendary Pokemon, organized by National Pokedex number, showcasing their respective typings and potential Abilities:

Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon Type 1 Type 2 Abilities
Dragonite Dragon Flying Inner FocusHidden Ability:
Tyranitar Rock Dark Sand StreamHidden Ability: Unnerve
Salamence Dragon Flying IntimidateHidden Ability: Moxie
Metagross Steel Psychic Clear BodyHidden Ability: Light Metal
Garchomp Dragon Ground Sand VeilHidden Ability: Rough Skin
Hydreigon Dark Dragon Levitate
Goodra Dragon Sap SipperHydrationHidden Ability: Gooey
Hisuian Goodra Steel Dragon Sap SipperShell ArmorHidden Ability: Gooey
Come on Dragon Fighting BulletproofSoundproofHidden Ability: Overcoat
Dragapult Dragon Ghost Clear BodyInfiltratorHidden Ability: Cursed Body
Baxcalibur Dragon Ice Thermal ExchangeHidden Ability: Ice Body
List of all pseudo-legendary Pokemon and their Types and Abilities

List of Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon Evolutionary Lines

Image via the official Pokemon TCG

The table below displays the evolutionary line for all pseudo-legendary Pokemon, including the methods for evolving each Pokemon and whether or not they have a Mega Evolution.

Basic Pokemon How to Evolve It Stage 1 Pokemon How to Evolve It Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon Does it Have a Mega Evolution?
Dratini(Dragon) Level 30 Dragonair(Dragon) Level 55 Dragonite(Dragon/Flying) No
Larvitar(Rock/Ground) Level 30 Pupitar(Rock/Ground) Level 55 Tyranitar(Rock/Dark) Yes
Wagon(Dragon) Level 30 Shelgon(Dragon) Level 50 Salamence(Dragon/Flying) Yes
Beldum(Steel/Psychic) Level 20 Metang(Steel/Psychic) Level 45 Metagross Yes
Gible(Dragon/Ground) Level 24 Gabite(Dragon/Ground) Level 48 Garchomp(Dragon/Ground) Yes
Deino(Dark/Dragon) Level 50 Zewilous(Dark/Dragon) Level 64 Hydreigon (Dark/Dragon) No
Goomy Level 40 Sliggoo (Dragon) Level 50 and it is raining or foggy on the overworld Goodra(Dragon) No
Goomy Level 40(In Hisui) Hisuian Sliggoo(Steel/Dragon) Level 50 and it is raining or foggy on the overworld Hisuian Goodra(Steel/Dragon) No
Jangmo-o(Dragon) Level 35 Hakamo-o (Dragon/Fighting) Level 45 Kommo-o (Dragon/Fighting) No
Dreepy(Dragon/Ghost) Level 50 Drakloak(Dragon/Ghost) Level 60 Dragapult(Dragon/Ghost) No
Frigibax(Dragon/Ice) Level 35 Arctibax(Dragon/Ice) Level 54 Baxcalibur(Dragon/Ice) No
List of all pseudo-legendary Pokemon and their evolutionary lines

What Make a Pokemon a Pseudo-Legendary?

Image via Pokemon Center Japan

The term “Pseudo-Legendary”is not an official term, but rather a term created by fans. This may lead to the perception that the requirements for a Pokemon to be classified as such are random. However, these characteristics have remained consistent throughout the various games, with each generation introducing at least one new pseudo-legendary Pokemon. To be considered a pseudo-legendary, a Pokemon must meet the following criteria:

  • Be the final evolution in a three-stage evolutionary line,
  • Have a base stat total of 600 points,
  • To reach Level 100, one must obtain a cumulative total of 1,250,000 experience points.

A Pokemon must meet all of the specified criteria in order to be classified as a pseudo-legendary Pokemon. This includes having a base stat total of 600, a three-stage evolutionary line, and requiring 1,250,000 experience points to reach Level 100. Although Volcarona is a formidable Pokemon, it falls short in one of these requirements with a base stat total of 550 and only two evolutionary stages. As a result, it cannot be considered a pseudo-legendary Pokemon, but it remains a strong and powerful creature in its own right.

Is There an Official Term for Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon?

Although there is no official term for pseudo-legendary Pokemon, it is widely believed that these Pokemon are intentionally designed with certain characteristics in mind. This can be seen in the “Late Bloomers”merchandise set released by the Pokemon Center stores in Japan, which features both pseudo-legendary Pokemon and their pre-evolutions, as seen in the image above. This likely refers to the fact that pseudo-legendary Pokemon evolve at high levels and require more experience to reach those levels due to their experience gain grouping. While “Late Bloomers”is the closest term to an official name used for these Pokemon, it has only been used in reference to the merchandise line and not in any other context.

Moreover, the title of pseudo-legendary is not commonly used among Japanese players. Instead, they refer to these Pokemon as part of the “600 Club”which includes all Pokemon with a base stat total of 600. This group is then divided into legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and regular Pokemon. This encompasses pseudo-legendaries, Mega Evolutions, and even Archaludon, who has a base stat total of 600 but does not fulfill the other requirements to be considered a pseudo-legendary.

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