All the Marvel and Avengers Movies in Chronological Order: How to Watch and Order of Release

Despite facing numerous interruptions and uncertainties for future movies, Phase 5 is currently in progress in the MCU. However, the Marvel and Avengers movies continue onward and upward as they are presented in chronological order.

To begin with, let us consider the facts. There are a total of 29 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, consisting of four Avengers movies, four Thor movies, three Iron Man movies, three Captain America movies, three Spider-Man movies, two Guardians of the Galaxy movies, two Ant-Man movies, two Doctor Strange movies, one Hulk movie, one Captain Marvel movie, one Black Panther movie, one Black Widow movie, one Shang-Chi movie, and one Eternals movie.

In addition to its massive success at the global box office, the MCU also boasts a staggering amount of revenue, with over $26 billion earned. The highest grossing film in the franchise is Avengers: Endgame, which raked in $2.8 billion, briefly holding the title of the most successful movie of all time. Even the lowest performing film, The Incredible Hulk, still managed to bring in $264 million. However, this minor setback did not hinder the franchise’s overall success, as we will discuss further.

Without any more delay, here is the complete list of every Marvel movie in the MCU, from Phase 1 to Phase 4, arranged in chronological order of release.

Marvel Movies in Order of Release

Phase 1 – Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies in Order of Release

The inaugural ‘Phase’ of Marvel films begins with Iron Man and concludes with The Avengers.

The movie “Iron Man”was released in 2008.


Iron Man kicks off the Marvel Cinematic universe.

Despite being the mastermind behind the MCU, Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige could not have brought the franchise to life without the contributions of director Jon Favreau and star Robert Downey Jr. Favreau’s direction set the tone for the series, bringing a sense of reality and wit to the films. Casting Downey as Tony Stark/Iron Man was a brilliant decision, as he brought his own talent and charisma to elevate the material throughout his time in the franchise.

Despite the film’s strong set-up, the pay-off fell short. The initial scenes of Tony Stark being kidnapped and building a makeshift suit to escape while imprisoned in Afghanistan were riveting. However, the final showdown with his business rival Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger was underwhelming. Nevertheless, the film was a huge success and marked a powerful beginning for the MCU. The post-credit scene also laid the foundation for the “Avengers Initiative.”

In 2008, the movie “The Incredible Hulk”was released.

Marvel Studios

The Incredible Hulk’s first – and thus far only – MCU movie.

Despite being the second Hulk film, it stands out from the rest. Prior to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, director Ang Lee had already created a movie centered around the Green Goliath with 2003’s Hulk. However, despite its financial success, Lee’s unconventional approach to visuals and storytelling did not resonate with audiences. Therefore, the 2008 film Incredible Hulk can be seen as a fresh start or a reboot.

Louis Leterrier took over as director and Edward Norton stepped in as the lead, replacing Eric Banner. However, this iteration seemed overly cautious and the portrayal of the Hulk himself was not as impressive, especially during his showdown with Tim Roth’s Abomination. In fact, their epic battle was so heavily reliant on computer-generated visuals that it often resembled an animated cartoon rather than a live-action film.

The film Iron Man 2 was released in 2010.


Iron Man 2 wasn’t as good as its predecessor.

Despite all the right ingredients, Iron Man 2 fell short of expectations. Jon Favreau returned as director, Robert Downey Jr. continued to excel in his role, Scarlett Johansson joined the cast as Black Widow, and recent Oscar-winner Mickey Rourke portrayed the film’s antagonist, Ivano Vanko, also known as Whiplash.

Despite Rourke’s attempt to bring gravitas to the project, his portrayal of the bad guy was laughable. The film also lacked the focus of its predecessor, with underwhelming action and a scattered story and character development. However, Iron Man 2 still managed to surpass the first film in terms of box office success. The post-credit scene featured a hammer being discovered at the bottom of a crater in New Mexico.

The film released in 2011, Thor, maintains its original meaning.


Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has a moment with Jane (Natalie Portman.

The responsibility of bringing Mighty Thor to life onscreen was given to director Kenneth Branagh. At first, the choice of Shakespeare’s favorite director may have seemed odd, but it became more logical as it was revealed that the film would merge Norse Mythology with Greek Tragedy. And of course, there would also be plenty of epic battles between the Gods.

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth played the lead role of Thor in the oak tree, while British actor Tom Hiddleston initially auditioned for the role but was ultimately cast as Thor’s brother, Loki. This turned out to be a fortunate decision, as the dynamic between the two brothers provided some of the film’s most memorable scenes, unlike the fish-out-of-water moments which did not have the same impact.

The 2011 film, “Captain America: The First Avenger,”follows the story of the iconic hero.


Captain America was Marvel’s first period piece.

With the introductions of Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, and Black Widow, the final piece of The Avengers puzzle was added in the form of Captain America. Chris Evans was the perfect choice for the role of Steve Rogers, while Sebastian Stan was cast as his loyal friend Bucky Barnes.

During WWII, the movie follows the story of Steve, a small and weak individual who transforms into a muscular and powerful soldier after participating in the army’s super-soldier program. Alongside his team, the Howling Commandos, Steve embarks on a mission to defeat Hydra, a terrorist organization determined to achieve world domination, and their leader Red Skull. The climax of the film shows Steve crashing into the Arctic Ocean and being preserved in ice until he is thawed out in the present for a significant assignment.

The movie The Avengers (2012) was released in 2012.

The Avengers first teamed up in 2012 in one of the biggest Marvel Cinematic Universe movies ever.
Marvel Studios

The MCU was leading up to this.

All the events that had occurred before had been building up to this moment. Phase 1 had been a strategic game of chess, with Kevin Feige and multiple writers and directors strategically maneuvering their pieces on the big screen to ultimately lead to this climax, where six superheroes would unite as The Avengers.

The Macguffin in the MCU was The Tesseract, a powerful Infinity Stone that changed hands until Loki obtained it. Through the use of a wormhole, the God of Mischief allowed the Chitauri, a race of space monsters, to enter. The only way to fend off this global threat was through the combined abilities of the “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.”

The Avengers was a groundbreaking film that attracted massive crowds, resulting in a box office gross of over $1.5 billion and making it the third highest grossing film of all time at that point.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 2

The second phase of the Marvel movies begins with Iron Man 3 and concludes with Ant-Man.

The movie Iron Man 3 was released in 2013.

Tony Stark with a suit of armor in Iron Man 3 from Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Marvel Studios

Writer-director Shane Black made his mark in the MCU with Iron Man 3.

Shane Black, known for his work on popular films such as Lethal Weapon, The Last Boy Scout, and The Long Kiss Goodnight, was tasked by Marvel with tackling the Mandarin storyline. This was no easy feat, as the character had previously been portrayed as a racially insensitive stereotype. To overcome this challenge, Black and co-writer Drew Pearce came up with the idea to transform the Mandarin into a symbol of terrorism rather than an individual, and cast Ben Kingsley in the role.

Despite being divisive among fans, the film remains one of the most outstanding accomplishments of the MCU. While Iron Man 3 focuses on Tony’s internal struggles, the action is still impressive, particularly in the climactic scene where numerous Iron Man suits fly through the air as Stark races to rescue his love, Pepper Potts.

Thor: The Dark World was released in 2013.


Loki’s interactions with Thor are the best bits in Dark World.

After a high-quality Marvel movie, the franchise took a dip with Thor: The Dark World. This film is confusing, unattractive, uninteresting, and has a weak understanding of London geography. Despite being known for his exceptional acting, Christopher Eccleston’s portrayal of the villainous Malekith appears lackluster and disinterested.

Despite the lack of variety, one can still find enjoyment in observing the unlikely alliance of rival brothers Thor and Loki as they battle against the Dark Elf menace. However, the Marvel Cinematic Universe had yet to discover how to effectively utilize Thor, a problem that would fortunately be resolved in Phase 3.

The film Captain America: The Winter Soldier was released in 2014.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier took the MCU in a new direction.

Despite being accused of strictly adhering to a particular formula, the MCU attempted to shake things up by exploring genres beyond the typical action and sci-fi. This resulted in The Winter Soldier, a unique blend of superhero elements with the suspenseful and paranoid atmosphere of 1970s thrillers.

The narrative follows Cap’s transformation into a fugitive, as he flees alongside Black Widow and his new ally Falcon. Meanwhile, he must confront his former ally Bucky, who has been brainwashed and now goes by the name of The Winter Soldier. In addition, the film presents the biggest plot twist in the entire MCU, as the heroes of S.H.I.E.L.D. are exposed as being under the control of the villainous organization Hydra. This shocking revelation, combined with intense and violent action sequences, solidifies Winter Soldier as the standout installment in the Captain America franchise.

The film Guardians of the Galaxy was released in 2014.

Marvel Studios

Guardians of the Galaxy combined comedy with spectacular sci-fi.

Guardians of the Galaxy brought a slight shift in genre, prioritizing comedy over bold heroism. Despite being marketed as “from the studio that brought you The Avengers,”the team in question was the complete opposite of the Avengers. It included a humanoid tree, a talking racoon, and a man who goes by the name Star-Lord, instead of his given name Peter.

    James Gunn, the writer-director, cleverly parodies superhero movies while simultaneously creating a fantastic one. Unlike previous entries set on Earth, Guardians of the Galaxy takes place in space. Keeping with the movie’s lightheartedness, the climax features a dance-off instead of the typical city-wide destruction.

    The film Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) was released in 2015.

    James Spader as Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron, the second team-up movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
    Marvel Studios

    James Spader voiced the villain in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

    Despite having Earth’s Mightiest heroes at his disposal and one of the largest budgets in movie history, writer-director Joss Whedon fell short of creating a cohesive and engaging story with Avengers: Age of Ultron. Although the film had two successful hits, it ultimately missed the mark artistically.

    Despite the brief cameo of super-powered twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff at the end of Winter Soldier, fans were disappointed that the film introduced them only to kill off Pietro before the end. Additionally, the constant destruction of cities in previous films made it feel repetitive and unoriginal. However, these criticisms did not hinder the movie’s success, as it went on to earn $1.4 billion at the box office.

    Ant-Man was released in 2015.

    Marvel Studios

    Paul Rudd was a surprise choice to play Ant-Man.

    In order to replicate the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, the MCU incorporated elements of comedy and heists into Ant-Man. The unexpected casting of Paul Rudd as the lead character, Scott Lang, proved to be a pleasant surprise. With his dedication, Rudd transformed his physique to match the iconic six-pack of Marvel, solidifying his ownership of the role.

    Despite being a thief, Lang possesses a kind heart. During a robbery, he comes across a unique suit that shrinks him down to the size of an ant, as the movie’s title suggests. To add to the absurdity, he gains the ability to communicate with ants. The climax of the film takes place on a Thomas the Tank Engine train set, making it the most ludicrous entry in the MCU. However, the movie’s success led to a sequel and a third installment is currently in the works.

    To view the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in the order of their release, please click the link labeled “[Back to Top]”located next to “Marvel Movie in Order”at the bottom of the page.

    MCU Phase 3: Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies in Order of Release

    During Phase 3, viewers can watch 11 of our Marvel movies in chronological order, starting with Captain America: Civil War and ending with Spider-Man: Far From Home.

    The movie that was released in 2016, Captain America: Civil War, remains unchanged.


    Avengers doing battle in Civil War.

    Although we stated that Winter Soldier is the top Captain America movie, Civil War is a close second. The central conflict of the film is between the Avengers who support Iron Man and those who have faith in Cap. The dispute revolves around the level of government control that should be placed on individuals with superhuman abilities.

    Despite their efforts to resolve the issue through argument, the two sides ultimately come to a head on an airport runway, engaging in a fierce and epic battle that could rival anything seen in the MCU. Although the confrontation culminates in a heartbreaking showdown between the two leaders, Tony and Steve, as they brutally fight each other. While the action is undeniably emotional and impressive, Civil War is also notable for introducing two memorable new characters to the MCU: Black Panther and Spider-Man. However, their significance will be discussed further on.

    The movie “Doctor Strange”was released in 2016.


    The MCU got trippy thanks to Doctor Strange.

    After eight years of Marvel movies, it was finally time for the MCU to take a more unconventional route. Steven Strange, a conceited neurosurgeon, experiences a car accident that leaves his hands severely injured, rendering him unable to continue operating. This event leads Strange on a profound journey of self-discovery that delves into metaphysical and existential themes, ultimately transforming him into the omnipotent Doctor Strange.

    Despite the dark subject matter, Feige enlisted the help of horror writer C. Robert Cargill and director Scott Derrickson, who had recently achieved success with Sinister. Together, they created the most terrifying and mind-bending film in the franchise to date. However, they struggled to fully develop the film’s villain, as Dormammu from the Dark Dimension lacked the impact they had hoped for.

    The film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released in 2017.


    The second GOTG was a family affair.

    In the Marvel movies, the theme of family is prevalent – from losing and finding family to the portrayal of the Avengers as a dysfunctional family. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, director James Gunn takes this theme further as Peter Quill embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about his mysterious father.

    Despite a perfect casting choice with Kurt Russell playing his dad, there are red flags surrounding his character, known as Ego. As the film progresses, it is revealed that Ego is not the cool and admirable figure he initially appeared to be, instead functioning as a deadbeat and the film’s antagonist. This unexpected twist adds a fun element to the already enjoyable sequel. However, the true heart of Vol. 2 lies in the relationship between Peter and his guardian, Yondu. The emotional journey between these two characters is sure to leave a lasting impact on the audience.

    The movie released in 2017, titled “Spider-Man: Homecoming,”remains unchanged.

    Tom Holland is the first Peter Parker in the MCU.

    Tom Holland is the first Peter Parker in the MCU.

    After receiving positive feedback for his brief appearance as Spider-Man in Civil War, audiences were eager to learn more about Tom Holland’s portrayal of Peter Parker in the first standalone Spider-Man film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Homecoming. The film’s title not only symbolized Peter’s return to the Marvel universe, but also highlighted his struggles as a high school student navigating the challenges of adolescence.

    Despite his superhero status, Pete is not left to carry the burden of saving the world alone. Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, takes Parker under his wing and becomes a father figure to him, emphasizing the theme of family. Additionally, the film features a well-known comic-book character, Michael Keaton as the villain Adrian Toomes, also known as Vulture, adding to the star-studded cast.

    The movie Thor: Ragnarok was released in 2017.


    Thor 3 pits the title character against Hulk.

    Despite initial setbacks, perseverance paid off for the Thor movies. However, the triumph of Ragnarok was not simply a stroke of luck, but rather the result of the talent and creativity of New Zealand-born writer-director Taika Waititi. With his unique and clever sense of humor displayed in films like What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Waititi added a touch of magic to make this the most humorous of all the Marvel movies.

      Loosely based on the Planet Hulk comic, Ragnarok depicts Thor’s journey on a junk planet where he is forced to participate in the deadly Contest of Champions as a gladiator. Despite having to battle his former ally, the Hulk, the two eventually join forces and the movie transforms into a hilarious and action-packed buddy film as they work together to find a way back home.

      The movie Black Panther was released in 2018.

      Marvel Studios

      Black Panther features a good hero and a great villain.

      The initial MCU film featuring an African-American superhero was a huge success at the box office, ranking as the ninth highest-grossing film in history. This raises the question: why did Marvel not take this step earlier?

      Despite the tragic loss of his father in Civil War, T’Challa was portrayed with strength, nobility, and a cool demeanor by Chadwick Boseman in his role as Black Panther. In addition, Michael B. Jordan’s captivating performance as the villain Killmonger was praised for its relatable motivation, which is rare in the Marvel movies. Not only did the film showcase the spectacular nation of Wakanda, but it also introduced Marvel fans to the concept of Afrofuturism.

      Despite the unfortunate passing of Boseman after the release of Black Panther, his impact on the MCU was undeniable, evident in just two movies.

      The movie Avengers: Infinity War was released in 2018.

      Josh Brolin as Thanos bringing down a moon in Avengers: Infinity War, the first of the MCU's two-part Infinity War finale.
      Marvel Studios

      Infinity War was the beginning of the end for some of earth’s mightiest.

      After the success of The Avengers, the MCU continued to grow with the release of Civil War. However, the ultimate goal of this franchise was the one-two punch of Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, which overshadowed all previous films.

      Titan Thanos set everything in motion with his goal to bring balance to the universe. He relentlessly pursued the Infinity Gauntlet and gathered the Infinity Stones, all in order to snap his fingers and eliminate half of all life.

      With the fate of the universe hanging in the balance, everyone must rise to the occasion, including the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and every ally and enemy they have encountered thus far. However, despite the formidable force of this all-star superhero team, the Infinity War does not go according to plan. The movie ends with one of the most memorable cliffhangers in film history as Thanos snaps his fingers and wipes out 50% of all life, including beloved characters like Spider-Man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, and even the lovable Groot.

      The movie Ant-Man and the Wasp was released in 2018.


      Evangeline Lily co-headlines the Ant-Man sequel.

      Despite the grandeur of Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp offers a more intimate tale, both figuratively and physically. Paul Rudd reprises his role as Scott Lang, joined by Evangeline Lily as co-lead Hope van Dyne, also known as Wasp.

      Despite the limited plot, Ant-Man and the Wasp manages to be an enjoyable entry in the MCU. The main focus of the story is on preventing a mysterious masked woman from stealing Pym tech and rescuing Hope’s mother, portrayed by Michelle Pfeiffer, from the Quantum Realm. Although it may not be a major installment, the film still delivers a satisfying experience.

      The movie Captain Marvel (2019) was released in 2019.

      Marvel Studios

      Brie Larson joined the MCU as the all-powerful Captain Marvel.

      Despite Ant-Man and the Wasp being partially led by a female character, the Marvel Cinematic Universe took a big step forward a few months later by giving Captain Marvel her own solo film. Brie Larson portrays the protagonist, Carol Danvers, who is a skilled Air Force pilot. The majority of the movie takes place in 1995, conveniently avoiding any mention of the infamous “Snap”event.

      The plot of the movie revolves around Danvers getting caught in a conflict between two extraterrestrial communities: the Skrulls and the Kree. As the Marvel Cinematic Universe is intricately connected, Ronan the Accuser, the antagonist from Guardians of the Galaxy, is revealed to still be alive and causing trouble. The film concludes with Captain Marvel, now fully empowered, answering a distress call from Nick Fury and catching up to current events, setting the stage for the epic finale.

      The 2019 film Avengers: Endgame remains unchanged.


      It was the end of the line for some Avengers in this one.

      This is the ultimate film in the MCU, hailed as the top-grossing superhero movie of all time. It also marks the end of The Avengers era – at least for now. The film lived up to its hype, beginning with a subdued tone as our heroes grapple with their previous defeat and the aftermath of The Snap. However, Scott Lang’s discovery of time-travel sets off a thrilling caper through past events in the series.

      Next comes the Endgame, a colossal clash between Thanos’s army and the united strength of The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Wakandans, the Asgardians, the Sorcerers, the Ravagers, and practically every other individual who had a role in the MCU along the journey. Although Thanos is ultimately vanquished, there are significant losses, with Tony Stark, the man who initiated it all in 2008, being the most notable casualty.

      Spider-Man: Far From Home is the title of the movie.


      Romance blossoms for Peter in Far From Home.

      Despite the absence of Tony Stark, who is no longer alive, the Spider-Man sequel features Nick Fury taking on the role of mentor for the young hero. Additionally, Fury enlists the help of a new super-powered individual named Quentin Beck, portrayed by Jake Gyllenhaal, to combat the danger posed by the Elementals.

      However, the main focus of Far From Home is on teenage angst, as we see a lovesick Parker embarking on a school excursion to Europe. This means that the MCU explores various new destinations, such as Venice, Prague, and ultimately culminating in a finale in London.

      Peter quickly comes to the realization that Beck, also known as Mysterio, is not the person he appears to be. He uses sophisticated projections that he acquired from Stark Industries to create false threats. Despite Spider-Man finally defeating the villain, it comes at a great cost to him personally – his true identity is exposed to the world, leading them to believe he was the one responsible for the destruction in London.

      To return to the top, click on the link labeled “Back to Top”next to “Marvel Movie in Order”in the menu.

      MCU Phase 4

      Phase 4 will bring us up-to-date with all the Marvel movies, starting with Black Widow and continuing with their most recent release, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

      The upcoming film, Black Widow (2021), is highly anticipated.


      Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pugh duke it out during Black Widow.

      In order to address certain real-world circumstances, a few MCU movies had to be delayed in their release dates, resulting in audiences being able to watch four Marvel films in 2021. The first film to be released was Black Widow, which delved into Natasha Romanoff’s unsettling past and also featured her facing off against her sister Yelena, portrayed by Florence Pugh.

      The story begins with Natasha and Yelena, two young women, leaving their false life in Ohio and being brought to the Red Room for assassin training. After being separated, the sisters reunite in the present and join forces to confront the formidable Taskmaster and take down the Widow program.

      The film released in 2021, titled “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,”still holds its meaning.


      Simu Liu as Shang Chi in the first Marvel movie headlined by an Asian actor.

      In the MCU, there have been numerous groundbreaking moments, including the release of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, the first Marvel film to center around an Asian protagonist. The movie also delves into the rich history and culture of the region. Simu Liu portrays the lead character, “Shaun”, a former assassin who now works as a parking attendant in San Francisco. This mirrors the story of the Widows, who were also trained as killers.

        Shaun, also known as Shang-Chi, is eventually confronted by his past and is forced to return home in order to uncover the truth about his childhood and confront the Dweller-in-the-Darkness. Shang-Chi accomplishes this through intense action scenes, aided by stunningly portrayed creatures from Chinese legend.

        The film Eternals (2021) was released in 2021.

        the-eternals-on-a-beach-in-the-phase-4-marvel-cinematic-movie everything we know
        Marvel Studios

        The Eternals sent the MCU in an entirely new direction.

        In Phase 4, Shang-Chi was introduced as a new hero, along with the Eternals as a new team. The Eternals, who are immortal aliens that arrived on Earth thousands of years ago, have been living in secrecy while anticipating the emergence of their enemies, the Deviants. Coincidentally, this event occurs in present times. However, as always, there is a twist – the Eternals’ true purpose is revealed to be preparing the planet for the arrival of the Celestials.

        The true objective of the Eternals was to prevent the Deviants from harming humans. However, after The Blip (previously known as The Snap), Earth is now prepared for destruction. This means that the world we are familiar with will cease to exist unless the Eternals take action against the Celestials. The complicated storyline, combined with the film’s lengthy runtime and slow pace, resulted in Eternals receiving negative reviews from both critics and audiences.

        The title of the upcoming film, “Spider-Man: No Way Home,”refers to the third installment in the Spider-Man series set to release in 2021.

        Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland's Spider-Man together in No Way Home.
        Sony Pictures

        There were three Spideys for the price of one in No Way Home.

        In the MCU, the idea of a multiverse was gaining more attention and it came to life on screen through Doctor Strange. As a result, individuals from different dimensions and time-periods entered Peter Parker’s reality, resulting in one of the most epic crossover events in history.

        During the course of the events, Tom Holland’s Peter Parker encounters both Tobey Maguire’s Peter Parker and Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker. They enjoy some pleasant moments together before joining forces to fight against villains from their individual films. This results in the three versions of Spider-Man teaming up to battle against Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus, Willem Defoe’s Green Goblin, Jamie Foxx’s Electro, Rhys Ifans’ Lizard, and Thomas Haden Church’s Sandman.

        Despite the chaotic story, the sight of numerous heroes and villains sharing the screen almost made up for it.

        The movie “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”is set to be released in 2022.


        The multiverse of madness brought horror to the MCU.

        The newest addition to the MCU, “Multiverse of Madness,”promises to be even bigger and better than a multiverse. The film follows the journey of America Chavez, a super-powered being with the ability to travel between dimensions. Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, desires this power for her own reasons in WandaVision. As a result, the story takes us on an epic adventure through space and time, causing Avengers to face off against one another.

        Despite the previous two Marvel entries, the plot becomes increasingly intricate and often feels more like an opportunity to include fan-favorite appearances rather than a cohesive film. Characters such as Patrick Stewart as Professor X, John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic, and Charlize Theron as sorcerer Clea make brief appearances. However, director Sam Raimi masterfully executes the movie, resulting in a highly enjoyable and thrilling experience when Multiverse of Madness succeeds.

        The release date for Thor: Love and Thunder is set for 2022.

        Thor: Love and Thunder still.

        Natalie Portman and Chris Hemsworth in Thor: Love and Thunder.

        Despite all the chaos of the multiverse, it was a welcome change to return to a more straightforward narrative in Thor 4. The movie does begin with a crossover, as Thor teams up with the Guardians of the Galaxy in the opening scenes. However, he soon sets out on his own, determined to stop Gorr the God Butcher from carrying out his deadly mission of killing gods.

        Despite no longer being worthy of Mjolnir, Jane Foster still lends a hand and has transformed into the Mighty version of herself. This comes as a surprise to Thor, who is put in his place by his ex. It’s even more amusing to see him interact with the crazed Zeus, played by Russell Crowe. While Love and Thunder may not quite reach the level of spectacle and humor of its predecessor Ragnarok, it is still an incredibly enjoyable film.

        To return to the top of the page, click on the link labeled “[Back to Top]”located within the “Marvel Movie in Order”section. This will take you to the beginning of the list of Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in order of release.

        The highly anticipated sequel, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), is set to release next year.

        Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

        The NEW Black Panther.

        Despite the tragic passing of star Chadwick Boseman, Marvel was faced with the difficult task of creating Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. However, they managed to produce a film that honored the legacy of the original Black Panther while showing sensitivity and respect.

        To return to the top, click on the link labeled “[Back to Top]”listed under “Marvel Movie in Order”in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) section, which displays the Marvel movies in order of release.

        MCU PHASE 5

        Phase 5 begins with the highly-anticipated Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania, followed by Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, The Marvels, Blade, Captain America: New World Order, and concluding with Thunderbolts.

        Quantumania, the sequel to Ant-Man and the Wasp, is set to be released in 2023.

        Paul Rudd and Jonathan Majors in Ant-Man 3.

        Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man and Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror.

        Despite being the third installment in the Ant-Man trilogy, Ant-Man and the Wasp is often considered the weakest of the three films. This is largely due to its unappealing visuals in the Quantum Realm and a plot that prioritizes introducing the present and future antagonist, Kang the Conqueror, rather than exploring the development of the titular characters.

        The third installment of Guardians of the Galaxy, set to be released in 2023

        The cast of Guardians of the Galaxy 3

        The third installment of the Chris Pratt-led trilogy was a resounding success that exceeded the expectations of Marvel fans. It maintained its position as the top-grossing MCU movie of the year. In this film, Peter is still coping with the loss of Gamora and must rally his team to defend the universe and safeguard their own. The fate of the Guardians remains uncertain, but it comes as no surprise when one member emerges victorious in the end.

        In our glowing review, we praised the movie for its director, Gunn, who truly understands the material. He has a rare combination of skills including genuine fondness for the characters, masterful screenwriting abilities, and a flair for both intense and subtle direction. The film even includes a seamless one-shot scene that adds to the enjoyment without feeling forced or showy, and there is a clever reference to The Matrix Revolutions that fans will appreciate. Need I say more?

        The release date for The Marvels (2023) remains unchanged.

        Monica, Carol, and Kamala in The Marvels.

        Despite the success of GOTG Vol. 3, The Marvels struggled to replicate its triumph. The movie was heavily criticized and deemed a disappointment for the studio, as it followed the story of Ms. Marvel, Carol Danvers, and Monica Rambeau teaming up to thwart the Kree revolution before it was too late. While there were moments of humor and lightheartedness, The Marvels failed to impress with a 62% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

        Despite not being perfect, this piece may not be memorable in the larger Marvel universe, but its inclusion of alien kittens warrants praise.

        Click on the link above to return to the top of the page and view the list of Marvel movies in chronological order of release for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

        The Future of the MCU

        After the completion of Phase 5, we will move on to Phase 6, which currently includes Fantastic Four, Avengers: Kang Dynasty, and Avengers: Secret Wars…

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