All Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 Enemies and Strategies for Defeating Them

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 features a showdown between the Ultramarines and the Tyranids, however, the formidable forces of Chaos are not far behind and are far from easy to overcome.

Space Marine 2 takes place during the Fourth Tyrannic War, in which the Milky Way Galaxy is under attack by Hive Fleet Leviathan. The Ultramarines chapter is responsible for protecting human planets from this invasion. As before, players take on the role of Titus as he works to eliminate the alien threat and redeem himself.

As expected in the world of Warhammer 40K, the Chaos forces are also present and have their own malevolent motives, using the distraction of the Tyranid threat to their advantage. In the following section, we will detail all of the enemy types and bosses in Space Marine 2, along with helpful strategies for defeating them.

The Tyranids

Guided by the godlike Hive Mind, which resides in a far-off galaxy, the Tyranids have a goal of consuming all life on a planet, using its biomass to create more of their kind, and then moving on to repeat the process. Despite their appearance as savage and reptilian insect creatures, the Tyranids are actually a highly intelligent and space-traveling species.

Despite their lack of empathy or compassion and disregard for any life that is not their own, the biggest issue remains that they view everything as mere sustenance in the grim darkness of the far future.

The invasion fleet of Tyranids includes a variety of bioforms, and here is a guide on how to defeat each one of them:

Butcher How to defeat
Gaunts (Hormagaunts and Termagants) Basic attacks
Warriors Basic attacks, then execute
Raveners Dodge, parry, and counterattack
Lictors Dodge, parry, and counterattack
Zoanthropes Shoot out the air, execute when it lands
Carnifexs Boss – Use heavy weapons
Rippers Flamethrower
Gargoyles Shoot, use grenade

Gaunts (Hormagaunts and Termagants)

Titus atop a horde of Tyranids in Space Marine 2.
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

The Tyranids are a dire threat to humanity – and everyone else.

The Tyranids’ infantry is primarily composed of Hormagaunts, the most common bioform. These creatures charge into battle with their scything talons, often as part of a massive swarm. Termagants have a similar appearance, but they prefer to stay back and attack from a distance with their ranged attacks, shooting out green goo at their enemies.

In order to successfully complete your mission, it is necessary to eliminate hundreds of enemies. Utilizing the variety of moves and weapons at your disposal will make this task easier. Many enemies can be defeated with just one shot or a strike from a chainsword. If you find yourself outnumbered, try using a stomp move. Additionally, executing a Tyranid Warrior will also eliminate nearby Gaunts, giving you some time to regroup.

Tyranid Warriors

These foes pose a much greater threat than Gaunts and can prove to be formidable adversaries. The majority of Warriors rely on close combat, but when their health is low, you can execute them with ease. Take advantage of the invincibility granted during these moves to secure victory.

Although Tyranid Warriors are able to block most of your attacks, you can still counter their stance with a charged strike or anticipate their slash and parry it. Once you have successfully landed a few solid combos, they will become vulnerable and you can take the opportunity to defeat them. Alternatively, you can use bolter fire to attack them from a distance, which may cause them to become staggered or killed if they are preoccupied.

Certain Tyranid Warriors wield heavy firearms, and some are even capable of sniping from a distance. The advantage is that they lack the blocking abilities of their melee counterparts. Therefore, if you manage to approach them closely, defeating them will be effortless. Alternatively, you can utilize your own weapons to take them down. Additionally, there are Tyranid Prime enemies armed with whips. Although they are similar to the standard melee variants, their whips have the ability to incapacitate you if they make contact.

When facing Tyranid Warriors, it is crucial to never underestimate their abilities and to exercise caution when dealing with multiple opponents. Becoming too relaxed can result in a swift change of fortune in their favor.


There may not be a large number of these creatures, but they can be quite troublesome when they appear. These Tyranids are characterized by their elongated, slender bodies and their ability to tunnel underground and attack from below. The key to defeating them is to anticipate their attacks and either counter or evade them accordingly.

If you manage to successfully parry or distract the enemy by attacking one of your allies, make sure to quickly counterattack. We suggest focusing all your attention on the enemy until it is defeated, as your allies may lose their concentration and begin attacking other life forms.

Practicing quick reflexes is essential when facing Raveners in combat. Make sure to press the correct button at the right time and you’ll quickly defeat this troublesome creature.

History of Lictors

Lictor boss
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Lictors are sent by the Hive Mind to kill enemy assets.

These beings are known as the stealthy killers of the Hive Mind, silently tracking their targets like the infamous Predator. In their stories, they are tasked with eliminating influential figures such as Imperial Governors, troublesome Chaos Lords, and interfering Eldar Far-Seers. However, on the battlefield, their orders are to seek out and eliminate crucial targets – such as yourself.

A challenging boss, the Lictor is often the first enemy players will encounter. Similar to the Raveners, defeating the Lictor requires a strategic balance of parrying and dodging, followed by a well-timed counterattack. When struck, the Lictor will disappear and withdraw, so it is important to quickly locate its position and prepare for its next assault.

In order to successfully complete this task, you will need to defend against the horde. Take advantage of this opportunity by strategically executing Tyranid Warriors to replenish your shield. Save your special attack for the Lictor or use it to heal yourself when you find yourself surrounded.

Maintain your composure, be aware of when to block and when to evade, and the Lictor will eventually be defeated. You will encounter multiple Lictors throughout the game, but the initial one is undoubtedly the most challenging.

Zoanthropes and Neurothrope

Zoanthrope and Neurothrope
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Zoanthrope and Neurothropes are the Tyranid’s psychic warriors.

Zoanthropes can be incredibly bothersome adversaries. Not only do these powerful psychics barrage you with long-range assaults, but they also enhance their allies, making the enemy group even more formidable. When confronted with one, prioritize taking it out swiftly.

It is challenging to defeat Zoanthropes in close combat as they hover above the battle. Additionally, there is usually a swarm of Gaunts blocking your path to them. In such situations, it is best to use the most powerful weapon available to shoot them out of the sky. Fortunately, they can be easily stunned, and once they are, you can perform a finishing move.

During the middle of the game, you will encounter a powerful boss known as a Neurothrope, which is essentially an enhanced version of a Zoanthrope. The same strategy mentioned above should be used, but keep in mind that this creature has significantly more health than a typical Zoanthrope and will require more time to defeat. When it becomes vulnerable, it is best to approach cautiously and perform an execution for maximum damage.


Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

The Carnifex is one of the Tyranid’s most deadly bioforms.

The Carnifex, one of the most legendary monsters in 40K, remains just as terrifying in Space Marine 2 as it is on the tabletop. While players will encounter one at the end of the game’s opening, it is mostly a setpiece moment and requires minimal action. However, later in the game, players will face a real Carnifex, but they will have the support of their allies and a full range of weapons to aid them.

Understand that this is a formidable opponent and do not hesitate to use all of your resources against it. Utilize grenades to deal significant damage, then decide whether to engage in close combat or attack from a safe distance with your firearms.

In battles like this, you may come across heavy bolters or large melter weapons that you can use without having to switch out your primary weapon. Make sure to utilize these opportunities to your advantage.

Don’t overlook the horde either, as executing Tyranid Warriors will not only eliminate nearby Guants, but also replenish your shield. This can make all the difference in surviving when facing the Carnifex up close.

It is advisable to save your special attack for a critical moment, such as when the Carnifex is low on health or when the situation becomes dire. However, keep in mind that you may only have one opportunity to use it during the battle.

During one battle, you will face multiple Carnifex one after the other. To succeed, simply use the same strategy and remember to search the arena for Health Stims to prolong your fighting ability. We found that using the bolter with the attached grenade launcher as our primary weapon was most effective in these battles. Each time we replenished our ammo, we also received extra grenades, making it easier to defeat elite enemies.


Although you will only encounter Rippers during one mission, these diminutive creatures make a lasting impression. Rippers are small, tadpole-like beings with extremely sharp teeth that are deployed to battlefields to consume the remains of both Tyranids and their adversaries, and then return the biomass to the main pool.

During the game, a large group of them has become stuck and it’s important for you to stay out of harm’s way. Fortunately, the game equips you with a powerful flamethrower to eliminate obstacles, so your only task is to make sure the squirming horde of Rippers never gets too near to you.

As the game progresses, the challenge intensifies as you not only have to battle the horde, but also dodge a barrage of Rippers. However, there should be an ample supply of flamethrower ammunition to effectively use this weapon against both enemies. If all players in a co-op game utilize this weapon, this section will become much easier to navigate.


In the game, you won’t have to physically engage in combat with Gargoyles. Instead, these flying creatures known as Gaunts will target different radio towers and assets that you are responsible for protecting. You can easily defeat them by shooting them down and then proceeding to defend the next target.

Tyranid bodies
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Dead Tyranids need to be burned to stay that way.

Forces of Chaos

Given that this is Warhammer 40,000, it was inevitable that Chaos, also known as “the archenemy,”would make an appearance. They overshadowed the Orks in Space Marine 1 and arguably do the same to the Tyranids in the sequel. Chaos hails from a malevolent realm known as the Immaterium, or “the Warp,”which is a parallel dimension to our own. Since the demise of the Old Ones and the downfall of the Eldar, Chaos has been dominated by four rivaling deities.

The mutual hatred between Chaos and the Tyranids is undeniable. The Tyranids are unable to consume any biomass that has been tainted by Chaos, just as the Chaos Gods are unable to corrupt the Tyranids due to their Hive Mind’s protective shield. As a result, both factions see the other as a formidable obstacle to their control of the galaxy.

These are the Chaos forces that you will encounter in Space Marine 2:

Enemy How to defeat
Rubric Marines Basic attacks, then execute
Cultists Basic attacks
Tzaangors Break stance, basic attacks
Hellbrutes Boss – Use heavy weapons
Sorcerers Dodge, parry, and counterattack

Chaos Space Marines

Chaos space marine
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

The Thousand Sons are one of the Chaos-tainted traitor legions.

In Space Marine 2, you will encounter the Rubric Marines from the Thousand Sons legion, one of many traitor legions lurking in the galaxy. These renegade Astartes have pledged their allegiance to the Chaos God Tzeentch and are fixated on sorcery, mystical abilities, and forbidden knowledge.

Despite attempting to cure them with a spell, a mutation that occurred prior to the Horus Heresy has left the majority of the Thousand Sons marines as living dust, trapped within their power armor.

As a result of participating in the failed spell, the Rubric Marines’ leaders remain flesh and blood while their troops turn to dust upon death. However, this unique armor encasing their bodies grants the Chaos Space Marines immunity to pain.

Battling Chaos Space Marines differs from facing Tyranids. Despite their outdated and inferior equipment compared to that of current loyalist Space Marines, they are enhanced by the forces of Chaos and more lethal than before. Although many Chaos Space Marines will engage from afar with their bolters, some may possess even more formidable weaponry. It is important to not underestimate them in close combat as they are not to be taken lightly.

To effectively eliminate them, employ the element of surprise and strike while they are engaged in combat with your allies. Utilize both firearms and close combat weapons to pepper them with attacks, and then swiftly move in for the final blow. It is crucial to act quickly, as Chaos Space Marines are resilient and will resume attacking once they have recovered from being stunned.

The Thousand Sons will employ various spells in their attacks, with teleportation being the most frequently used. If one disappears in front of you, pursue them to resume the fight. As the game progresses, you will encounter Chaos Space Marines in the formidable Terminator Armor. These enemies are more resilient, but can be defeated with a well-executed attack after sustaining significant damage.

Chaos Cultists

Similarly to the Space Marines receiving support from the Imperial Guard, the Forces of Chaos rely on traitorous Guardsmen and human warbands who are devoted to the worship of one or multiple Chaos Gods. These adversaries, like the Termagants, can be easily eliminated with a single strike or shot and do not pose a significant threat.

Despite their small size, when in large groups they are capable of unleashing a significant amount of firepower, with their snipers in particular causing trouble for their enemies. A swarm of bolter fire can easily decimate a horde of these creatures, but there seems to be an endless supply of them lying in wait, ready to attack.


Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Tzangoors are Chaos-corrupted beastmen.

Although they were once human, Tzaangors are often confused with demons. After being separated from Earth for thousands of years, they underwent a transformation into beastmen. It was during this time that they came across Chaos and began to revere the God Tzeentch, eventually developing and evolving with his favor.

Tzaangors possess both intellect and ferocity, employing strategic flanking maneuvers and specialized tactics against their foes. While they are hardier than most cultists, they are still no match for a Chaos Space Marine. A number of them wield shields in battle, so one must either break their defense or deflect their attacks in order to land a successful strike.


Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Hellbrutes are Space Marine Dreadnoughts corrupted by Chaos.

Traitor Legion Dreadnaughts, known as Hellbrutes, have been corrupted by Chaos. While they share the same desire for battle and destruction as other Dreadnaughts, they lack the discipline and strategic thinking of their loyalist counterparts. Although they are not a common enemy, the first Hellbrute you encounter will prove to be a formidable boss, much like the Carnifex.

Use the same strategies, but be cautious of their weapons. Utilize cover to take shots and periodically recharge your shield. You can also perform executions on the Rubric Marines that attack to assist in maintaining this strategy. We discovered that they were particularly vulnerable to Melter Bombs and rounds.

Chaos Sorcerers

chaos sorcerer
Focus Entertainment/Games Workshop

Thousand Sons sorcerers are full of Chaos power.

A typical Chaos sorcerer will use their teleportation abilities to move around the battlefield, casting a variety of spells at their target. They may either be standing on the ground or riding on a disk of Tzeentch, a demonic creature.

The key to defeating them is to be aware of when to dodge from a distance and parry when up close. By doing so, you will eventually cause them to become unbalanced, allowing you to finish them off with an execution.

By following this same strategy for all of the boss fights against the game’s main villain, you will not go wrong, including all of their different forms.

Here, you can also find information about the DLC and content map for Space Marine 2.

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