Although the name is not nice, people with “shitty looks” are really cute! Park Hyung Sik & Choi Woo Sik & SEVENTEEN HOSHI are all on the list

(Cover image source: NATE screenshot)

In addition to the common “faces”of cats, dogs, snakes, and hamsters, recently Korea also has “dog poop faces.”

Hmm… Although it’s not good to call others “shit-faced”(laughs), but after looking at the picture, you will find that they really look alike! “Doggy Poo”(Doggy Poo) is the protagonist of the fairy tale “Doggy Poo”(Doggy Poo) written by Kwon Jung-sang. In this fairy tale, “Doggy Poo”looks like this, three bars of brown. The body, listed from small to large, is the largest part of the head. The small eyebrows and eyes make the face look easy to bully, mixed with a little helplessness and ignorance. Compared with the “dog-like”face, the friendly and cute features are emphasized., the “shit look”has a bit more of a soft and easy temperament.

Today, let’s take a look at some celebrities with “shit looks.”

HOSHI has sexy fox eyes and a cute round face. When he stands on the stage, he is a domineering dance god that no one can match. In private, he is actually very soft and cute, especially when he is drunk, he is so good that people can’t help but want to masturbate. When he combed his hair (refer to “Although I Didn’t Prepare Any Food”), he had a “shit-like”temperament and looked completely harmless.

Park Guiying
is very popular recently. Park Guiying has refreshing and neat short hair below her ears. Her facial features are delicate and small, and her smile is pure and innocent. She is a light-faced beauty. Her beauty is completely non-aggressive and will remind people of her neighbor. girl.

Park Hyung-sik
Park Hyung-sik is also one of the representatives of “dog face”. In addition to the advantages of being kind and cute, some of Park Hyung-sik’s expressions look super innocent, which can immediately inspire the motherly love of female fans, and they immediately want to hold him in their arms and comfort him.

Choi Woo-sik
Choi Woo-sik and Park Hyung-sik are both representative stars with “dog faces”, but in fact, Choi Woo-sik also has a cute temperament. He looks like he is easy to bully. Who can stand his cute, soft and coquettish charm??

At first glance, VANNER Huicheng
thinks it looks like a soft bun that feels very comfortable when pinched, hahahahaha!

OH MY GIRL Seung Hee
‘s surprised look and “shit” can be called pasting and copying!!

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