Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian Episode 12: Heartfelt Closing Ceremony Speech Earns Alya Admiration

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12, titled Chin Up and Face Forward, premiered on September 18, 2024, on Tokyo MX and various channels across Japan. The episode showcased Alya’s mesmerizing speech during the closing ceremony, showcasing her determination to captivate the audience.

Alya’s clarity of thought and unwavering self-belief resonated with her peers, garnering more applause than Yuki Suou, who also gave a compelling address. Clearly, Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 served as a stunning finale, marking a pivotal moment for Alya as she confronted both the audience and her own inner self.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12: Final Rehearsal with Masachika for the Closing Ceremony

Alya rehearses her speech ahead of the closing ceremony (Image via Doga Kobo)
Alya rehearses her speech ahead of the closing ceremony (Image via Doga Kobo)

The episode begins with Alya rehearsing her speech in the auditorium, guided by Masachika Kuze. He acknowledges her hard work and believes that if she can replicate her performance during the closing ceremony, she will succeed.

Nevertheless, Alya appears to be slightly anxious, particularly because the closing ceremony will host a much larger crowd than the student congress. She contemplates how to engage the audience as effectively as Masachika does.

After joking that it’s all about experience, Masachika shares a technique to capture the audience’s attention, though the episode keeps this trick under wraps for the moment. The story then introduces Yuki Suou and Ayano Kimishima who arrive on the scene.

Masachika Kuze in Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 (Image via Doga Kobo)
Masachika Kuze in Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 (Image via Doga Kobo)

Yuki and Masachika engage in playful banter, setting the stage for the upcoming ceremony. Yuki questions Alya about her feelings upon confronting her true self. In response, Alya asserts that it’s natural to behave differently in various situations.

She expresses gratitude to Yuki for prompting her to reflect on her desire to become the student council president, promising to articulate her vision in her upcoming speech. Meanwhile, Masachika suggests Yuki better prepare to face the challenge she initiated.

Yuki Suou contemplates her decision (Image via Doga Kobo)
Yuki Suou contemplates her decision (Image via Doga Kobo)

The scene then shifts to Kenzaki, Maria, and Chisaki, who arrive and discuss how to determine the order of speeches for the closing ceremony. Masachika objects to the idea of deciding through rock-paper-scissors, and they ultimately opt for a coin toss. When Maria flips the coin, Yuki reflects on her strategy if she were to win. Interestingly, Alya loses the toss, giving Yuki the choice, and she opts to go first.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12: Yuki’s Speech and Vision Unveiled

Yuki Sou delivers her speech in Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 (Image via Doga Kobo)
Yuki Sou delivers her speech in Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 (Image via Doga Kobo)

The narrative transitions to the closing ceremony, where Kenzaki, Maria, and Chisaki deliver short and lighthearted speeches to set the stage for Yuki and Alya. When the announcer calls Yuki to the stage, she outlines her vision if elected as president.

Yuki Suou promises to foster an academic environment where students’ opinions hold weight. While she admits this is a somewhat clichéd idea, she highlights the empty suggestion box, emphasizing the reluctance of students to contribute, feeling it is futile.

Yuki is determined to change that sentiment, acknowledging the current president and the student council members’ busy schedules and their inability to address student feedback. She guarantees that numerous events will be organized, and students’ suggestions will be valued.

Ayano, as seen in the episode (Image via Doga Kobo)
Ayano, as seen in the episode (Image via Doga Kobo)

The episode then centers on Masachika, who contemplates that while Yuki has charisma, she lacks depth. Ayano follows Yuki at the podium, delivering a meticulously crafted yet safe speech to praise Yuki.

Masachika recognizes that Yuki and Ayano are attempting to undermine them but remains stoic. He gently reminds Alya about the event’s essence, encouraging her to convey her message clearly.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12: Alya’s Captivating Speech Impresses All

Alya, as seen on the stage (Image via Doga Kobo)
Alya, as seen on the stage (Image via Doga Kobo)

The narrative progresses as Alya takes the stage to deliver her speech. The crowd, still buzzing from Yuki and Ayano’s speeches, is caught off guard when Alya begins in Russian.

The audience falls silent, perplexed by her approach. Moments later, Alya shifts to Japanese, apologizing for defaulting to Russian due to her nerves.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 reveals that Alya’s choice to start in Russian was a tactic suggested by Masachika to break the crowd’s momentum. Successfully gaining their attention, Alya transitions into her main speech.

Alya begins her speech (Image via Doga Kobo)
Alya begins her speech (Image via Doga Kobo)

Alya introduces herself and explains her motivations for running for student council president. While acknowledging her lack of achievements and experience, she emphasizes her willingness to work harder than anyone else.

Alya expresses her commitment to bringing her visions to life, sharing her past setbacks that have taught her valuable lessons.

She recounts how she contributed to her class winning the best attraction award at last year’s middle school festival, highlighting her collaborative spirit. Recognizing her shortcomings in becoming an effective student council president, she promises to bridge that gap over time.

The audience claps after Alya's speech (Image via Doga Kobo)
The audience claps after Alya’s speech (Image via Doga Kobo)

If Alya feels unworthy of the presidency by the next elections, she vows to step down voluntarily, urging the audience to monitor her efforts as motivation towards becoming the leader they need.

Alya’s powerful address in Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12 leaves the audience in awe, leading to an eruption of applause. Masachika praises Alya’s achievements and takes the stage, beginning with a lighthearted joke before revealing the reasons for supporting her over Yuki.

Masachika Kuze asserts that the student council requires not only capability but also a person with magnetism to inspire others. He believes Alya’s heartfelt speech eliminated any doubts regarding her presidency.

Masachika Kuze to the crowd (Image via Doga Kobo)
Masachika Kuze to the crowd (Image via Doga Kobo)

Masachika articulates that he was captivated by Alya’s sincerity, which is why he chooses to support her ambitions. He also surprises everyone by announcing that if Alya wins the election, their competitors from the student congress, Nonoa and Taniyama, will collaborate with them in the council.

Yuki’s shock is evident, as she had not foreseen Masachika’s tactics. The audience’s applause for Alya and Masachika surpasses the applause given to Yuki and Ayano.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian episode 12: Yuki Acknowledges Defeat, and Alya and Masachika Share a Sweet Moment

Masachika and Alya (Image via Doga Kobo)
Masachika and Alya (Image via Doga Kobo)

The narrative then shifts to Taniyama, who congratulates Alya, acknowledging her efforts while promising assistance if she wins. Yuki begrudgingly concedes defeat, at least for this day.

After the closing ceremony, Alya and Masachika check their test results. Masachika lands in 33rd place, just shy of the top 30. He recalls the wager they made, where he is obliged to fulfill one request from Alya.

Alya accepts Masachika's proposal to see him on the summer break (Image via Doga Kobo)
Alya accepts Masachika’s proposal to see him on the summer break (Image via Doga Kobo)

In a twist, Alya reveals she never anticipated winning the bet. Masachika nervously asks if she’d feel comfortable calling him by his first name.

Alya willingly accepts and addresses him as Masachika, leading to a sweet yet awkward exchange. He then proposes a summer break meeting, to which Alya happily agrees.


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