In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, Surprise Trades are meant to be enjoyable. They enable you to send any desired Pokemon to a stranger and receive a random one in return. This could range from a valuable Shiny, a fresh Starter, or even a low-level Lechonk – it’s like a lucky draw.
Despite the concept being promising, fans of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet have been facing growing frustration in recent months due to an increase in “genned”Pokemon being received through Surprise Trades.
These are Pokemon that have been artificially created and modified with excessive stats, often given strange names. They are prohibited by Nintendo and can result in severe consequences if players are caught using them, particularly in sanctioned competitions.
A Pokemon player expressed their frustration to the online community, stating that they used to enjoy sending out unique Pokemon through Surprise Trade in hopes of brightening someone’s day. However, they are now disappointed by the overwhelming presence of hacked creatures in the game.
The Current State of Surprise Tr@des byu/GardenSquid1 inPokemonScarletViolet
In Scarlet & Violet, fellow players empathized with the struggles of the Surprise Trade feature. Many also expressed their own grievances, mentioning that they used to send out duplicate Shinies or low-level, fully evolved Starters from Pokemon Go, but now find it to be a less rewarding experience.
A Pokemon enthusiast once stated, “In the past, I would send out any duplicate Shinies I received, hoping to bring joy to a child. However, I have since stopped doing so due to this very same reason.”
During discussions, certain players proposed solutions to tackle this issue, one of which involved banning all names that ended in “.com”. It is plausible that we may witness this implemented, as other Pokemon titles such as Pokemon Go have been known to take into consideration recommendations from the community.
Another individual also expressed, “It would be a simple solution. Shadowban all the renamed website mons, so that the bots continue to trade but the mons go nowhere and are instantly deleted. Alternatively, they could just trade with themselves.”They then criticized the lack of effort put into finding a solution to the issue as being lazy.
A number of individuals shared that they didn’t keep any potentially suspicious or rare Shinies they received through Surprise Trade and instead released them back into the wild.
The use of Surprise Trades and other similar features can greatly enhance a game’s community. However, in this thread, Pokemon players have expressed a loss of motivation to use the feature due to the presence of genned Pokemon with unusual website names and unrealistic stats.
Despite the lack of official announcements, fans are probably hoping for an enhanced Surprise Trade system that includes measures to prevent the trading of illegally generated Pokemon. This could potentially be implemented in a future update or a future installment such as Pokemon Legends Z-A.
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