Apex Legends Community Calls for Rework of Decimated Legend Due to Decreased Usage

Respawn is being urged by Apex Legends players to revamp a beloved character who has suffered significant nerfs in the past few seasons, causing dissatisfaction among the community.

In recent years, there have been significant changes to the roster of characters in Apex Legends. While Pathfinder, Wraith, and Bloodhound remain popular and highly utilized in the meta, other characters have not fared as well.

At one time, Valkyrie held the title of the most popular legend in the futuristic battle royale. Her ultimate ability, Skyward Dive, was highly sought after in the game as it enabled teams to swiftly rotate and also gather information on enemy whereabouts.

Despite once being a popular choice, the Winged Avenger’s ranking has significantly declined due to numerous nerfs. According to players such as WanderWut, she has been deemed “decimated”in recent seasons.

According to a user on Reddit, Respawn has significantly weakened her through nerfs and the addition of items that render her a useless choice for strategic teams. It is now necessary for Respawn to show her some appreciation, and it may be time for a rework.

One player suggested, “The jetpack should function the same way as seen in the trailers, that’s all there is to it. The current 10-second hover is unimpressive.”Another player chimed in, “Increasing the speed would make her overpowered, but it’s the only solution to improving her jetpack and making her stand out. Alternatively, she could have the ability to perform tricks similar to the banshees in Halo.”

Valkyrie diving with Bladed Descent trail in Apex LEgends

Valkyrie is barely used in Apex Legends now.

“According to another player, the rockets that she shoots during the few times I’ve used her seem ineffective. They believe that her Ultimate should provide better visibility, as it has a tighter spread compared to a bang ult, making it easier to dodge.”

“Another person suggested that she should get a new tactical, but that she doesn’t necessarily need it to be as flashy as stunning rockets. They thought that a smaller team movement ability would be a cool addition.”

According to ApexLegendStatus, Valkyrie’s low usage rate of 1.9% places her in the bottom 10 among all legends. This is comparable to the pick rates of Crypto and Gibraltar. These statistics further support the claims about Valkyrie’s declining popularity.

Only time will tell if Respawn will take into account players’ requests and make changes to Valkyrie, but it would certainly be appreciated.

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