Apex Legends Community Reacts to Crypto’s Significant Buff in Season 22

Apex Legends players are becoming increasingly frustrated with the way Crypto is being utilized after his significant buff in Season 22. Many are perplexed by the discovery of enemies hiding in corners.

In recent years, there has been growing demand from Apex Legends players for Crypto to receive a revamp. While his drone holds great potential in the battle royale, it has also made him vulnerable and unable to take action.

Respawn has finally responded to the calls in Season 22. They have granted Crypto the ‘off the grid’ passive, which enables him to become invisible while controlling his drone.

This has resulted in several challenges for the community, as some argue that Crypto is already too flawed while others are annoyed by new players excessively using the cloak ability.

One player argued that any buff that promotes increased drone usage goes against the intended playstyle of Crypto, who is typically played as a recon character. Fans shared videos of their recent encounters with the legend to support this viewpoint.

Is this what has become of crypto players? byu/SnooCheesecakes2011 inapexlegends

One person noted that Crypto has a lot of untapped potential for offense, which is a relief because it means I don’t have to face him too often. However, they expressed frustration with the current situation, where other players are using him to hide in corners.

Some people are frustrated that he now holds more influence compared to someone like Mirage, who has been anticipating a buff and has inadvertently been weakened in the latest season.

One person posed the question, “Why is Crypto able to become completely invisible while Mirage cannot?”and suggested that there should be more indicators to signal when Crypto is attempting to conceal himself.

Despite Crypto’s increasing pick rate after the buff, he has not yet dominated the game. In the event that he does, a prompt nerf would be appropriate. However, for the time being, his disruptive abilities will continue to cause frustrations.

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