Apex Legends is making it much easier to find a weapon

Apex Legends is making it much easier to find a weapon

In the near future, Apex Legends will undergo a significant update to its Loot Bins in order to assist players in obtaining a weapon immediately upon starting a match.

The upcoming Upheaval update for Apex Legends will implement a modification that ensures every player without a weapon will find a guaranteed weapon in the first Loot Bin they open after dropping.

Ever since the game was released, players have been required to search the maps for a weapon at the start of each match. This often involves checking multiple Loot Bins before finally coming across one with a weapon.

This led to numerous premature deaths as players encountered unfortunate situations that left them defenseless when they were discovered by opponents.

The start of an Apex Legends match often felt like a complete toss-up, which could be extremely frustrating for players since it was beyond their control.

an image of Alter in Apex Legends Season 21 patch notes
Respawn Entertainment

This adjustment is being implemented to maintain the pace of the game. By guaranteeing a weapon in every person’s first Loot Bin, there will be a significant decrease in the time spent searching for a weapon and a decrease in frustration.

According to the developers, there is a possibility for Loot Bins to contain higher-quality weapons, in addition to the guaranteed low-tier weapons. However, the chances of finding weapons of a higher rarity are currently unspecified and may follow the standard spawn rate in the game.

The recent change in Apex Legends has been well-received by the community, with many players expressing their desire for this change since the game’s first year.

Numerous players argue that it will decrease the challenge of landing in heavily populated areas of the map and enable all players to engage in combat more quickly.

Despite the mechanic being tweaked in the future, there are still chances of encountering issues, such as a player opening a Loot Bin and their teammate taking the weapon instead.

At present, supporters of Apex Legends will simply have to be patient and see when this alteration will be introduced alongside Season 21 on May 7.

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