Apex Legends – Next Steps to Address Massive Cheating Problem

During an interview, the director of Apex Legends expressed their concern regarding the cheating crisis in the Battle Royale title, stating that it is a significant issue for both the players and themselves.

Despite continuous complaints from a vocal portion of its player base, Apex Legends has consistently faced the issue of cheaters and hackers. Even professional players have expressed frustration with encountering aimbots and wallhackers. However, in 2024, the problem reached its peak when a public security breach occurred during a professional Apex tournament.

During an interview with IGN, Apex Legends Game Director Steven Ferreira addressed the community’s concerns about the changes to the Battle Pass and acknowledged the game’s cheating problems, stating that the development team is actively working to find a solution.

Ferriera stated that Respawn faced widespread criticism from players for focusing on the Battle Pass instead of addressing the issue of Apex cheaters.

Apex Legends player with flatline looking at red box

Cheaters always seem to populate the top of the Apex Legends ranked ladder.

“According to him, these are the main topics that occupy our thoughts and efforts every day on Apex.”

Ferriera clarified that many of these projects require a significant amount of time to plan and execute. They present complex challenges that require careful consideration. These are not simple issues that can be solved with a quick fix. Instead, we strive to implement comprehensive solutions that enhance the overall experience.

According to the Game Director, the problem with Respawn’s handling of cheaters is their lack of communication about their efforts and progress.

“We have upcoming releases as well as long-term plans spanning multiple seasons in our roadmap, all of which are specifically addressing the concerns of the community. However, we have not yet discussed or acknowledged these efforts publicly.”The speaker stated.

In the upcoming season, Ferriera assured players that Respawn will provide increased communication and updates regarding cheaters and other significant issues with the game as the start of the season draws near.

Despite Ferriera’s promises, the players of Apex on Reddit were pleased to see the developers addressing the issue of cheating, but remain cautious.

“According to one Reddit user, this is a good beginning, but the community must continue to push for changes and enhancements in the game.”

The commencement of Season 22 is scheduled for August 6, 2024. As a result, players can anticipate receiving further information from Respawn on their strategy to combat cheaters and hackers before this date.

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